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中国人民大学 硕士学位论文 基于流程的库存管理要素对库存管理水准和财务绩效影响的实 证研究 姓名:孙东 申请学位级别:硕士 专业: 指导教师: 20060501 1 摘 要 供应链管理领域,库存职能一直是极其重要的战略职能。库存可以保持生 产、供货的连续性,提高服务水平,消除产品需求不确定性给企业带来的风险。 然而,库存在为企业带来利益的同时,也为企业带来了沉重的库存成本负担。 因此,研究库存管理方式对企业库存管理水准的影响,对企业库存管理水准的 改进乃至企业整体财务绩效的提高有重要的意义。 库存管理策略是库存管理方法的原则和指导方针,库存管理策略直接关系 到企业库存绩效的提高。David J Closs 在总结前人研究的基础上,将库存管理 策略归为三类要素: 检查周期 (Inventory Control) , 反应式库存管理 (Reactive Inventory Management)和库存计划(Inventory Planning) 。然而这三类要素 究竟如何影响企业的库存绩效乃至财务绩效;中国企业在引进国外先进库存管 理方法的同时,库存绩效是否真正得到了提高,什么库存管理要素影响了中国 企业使用库存管理方法的水平,依然缺乏进一步的研究。 本文运用实证方法研究了中国市场环境下库存管理策略的要素对库存绩效 乃至财务绩效的影响。第 1 章是有关研究的背景、目的意义以及研究方法的介 绍。本文研究的中心是通过研究企业库存管理策略的各管理要素与库存管理水 准和财务绩效之间的关系,来探究中国企业现实的库存管理水平。以针对中国 各行业的企业物流问卷采集的数据为基础,借助 SPSS 统计软件进行因子分析、 通径分析,检验研究假设,揭示库存管理策略各要素对企业库存管理水准的影 响,进而研究库存管理策略与财务绩效之间的关系,这对我国企业基于企业流 程运用库存管理策略提高库存管理水平有一定的借鉴意义。 第 2 章对企业的库存管理策略各要素进行了详细的文献综述。库存控制要 素中着重介绍了控制方法对库存管理的意义,以及连续性检查和阶段性检查两 大类不同的研究方法;反应方法中介绍了采用拉动式库存给企业库存绩效带来 的提高;库存计划中介绍了国外学者对库存计划实施效果的研究以及 DRP 这种 被现代企业广为使用的库存计划方法;从消除需求的不确定性和减少库存的角 度回顾了合作库存计划的意义以及几种常用的合作库存计划方法。 根据上面的文献回顾和理论分析,我们可以看出,库存管理策略对库存管 2 理水准有显著的影响,而库存管理水准又直接影响了企业的财务绩效。在此基 础上,第 3 章提出了本研究的假设和模型: 模型 1: H1a:库存控制方法完善与库存管理水准呈正相关关系。 H1b:反应方法的完善与库存管理水准呈正相关关系。 H1c:库存计划的完善与库存管理水准呈正相关关系。 模型 2: H2a:企业库存管理水准与企业财务绩效呈正相关关系。 H2b:反应方法的完善与企业财务绩效呈正相关关系。 H2c:库存计划的完善与企业财务绩效呈正相关关系。 本文运用因子分析和通径分析等统计方法,对研究模型进行逐步多元回归 验证。其中,模型中的指标均来自于此前相关文献的研究结论,检验的结论基 本证实了库存管理策略对库存管理水准的假设,假设 H1a 和 H1b 得到了证实, 而假设 H1c 是不显著的。同时模型 2 中企业库存管理水准对企业财务绩效的影 响得到了证实,库存计划对企业财务绩效的影响却得到了相反的结果。 在此基础上,本文经过分析得出结论:不同的库存管理要素对中国企业库 存管理水准存在不同影响,即库存控制方法和反应方法对库存管理水准有显著 的正向影响;库存计划对库存管理水准的提高没有显著影响;库存管理水准、 反应方法对企业的财务绩效的提高有正向影响,以及库存计划对财务绩效会产 生负面作用。从而揭示了当今中国企业在库存管理领域存在的不足、与国外企 业存在的差距,以及应当如何有效运用库存管理策略来提高企业的库存管理水 准,进而提高企业的财务绩效。 关键词:库存管理策略, 库存控制, 反应方法, 库存计划, 库存管理 水准,企业财务绩效 3 Abstract Inventory management is having been one of the strategic functions in firms in the supply chain management field. Inventory could keep the production and the delivering operating continuously; buffer the risk from demand uncertainty. However, inventory could also bring the burden of inventory cost while preserving many benefits. It would be of great importance for firms improvement to study on the impact of inventory management on firms performance. Inventory policy is the principle of inventory management methods, which relate to the inventory performance. David J Closs has proposed that three components are included in the inventory policy: Inventory Control, Reactive Inventory management, Inventory Planning. But how these components impact inventory performance, even financial benefits; which components influent the inventory management level of Chinese enterprise remained to be explored. An empirical study is offered to explore the impact of the inventory policy on inventory performance with five main chapters. Chapter One introduces the research background of the paper, the objectives and meaning of the research, and the methodology. Through exploring the relationship between inventory policy and inventory performance, combined with previous empirical studies on the linkage between inventory policy and financial benefits, the thesis aims to investigate how the inventory policy affect financial performance. The research is designed to use empirical test by the use of factor analysis and analysis of data collected from domestic major enterprise. The results of the hypotheses testing were valued to reveal how different inventory policy affects the inventory performance and financial benefits, with the aim to give some supportive advice four our domestic enterprise to improve financial performance by implementing appropriate inventory policy. Chapter Two, the study on inventory policy and inventory performance is thoroughly reviewed. Firstly, we elaborate on the position of inventory management and the two inventory control methods: Periodic Review and Continuous Review. 4 And then, we move on to the impact of pull inventory system on inventory performance. Next, we introduce the famous inventory planning method which is usually ignored by Chinese enterprise. Finally, we list some collaborative inventory planning methods which are used to buffer demand uncertainty through information sharing. From the review above, we can draw the following conclusions: inventory policy has affected inventory performance significantly, and the inventory performance impacted the financial benefits directly. Therefore, our hypotheses and models are listed below in Chapter Three: Model 1: H1a: Inventory Control has a positive impact on Inventory Performance. H1b: Reactive Methods have a positive impact on Inventory Performance. H1c: Inventory Planning have a positive impcct on Inventory Performance. Model 2: H2a: Inventory Performance will be positively related to Financial Performance. H2b: Reactive Methods will be positively related to Finacianl Performance H2c: Inventory Planning will be positively related to Finacianl Performance T
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