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On the farm 教学设计 教学课题: 译林版牛津小学英语 6A 第五单元 PartA (Listen ,readand say) 教材分析: 本课是江苏译林版牛津英语6A Unit5的中第一教时的内容,这是学生初次 接触过去时,只要求学生能在教学过程中,掌握其时态结构和过去分词的构成, 并能对自己在过去做的一些事情进行描述。由于之前已经学过一般现在时, 所以 在制定教学步骤的过程中, 通过和一般现在时进行比照, 来掌握一般过去式的结 构。 教学方法: 我将采用情景法、游戏教学法、直观演示法、交际法等教学方法,以学生为 主体,以过去式话题为核心,以语言功能为主线,以任务型活动为媒介,从学生 的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,使学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与、 合作与交流的方式实现任务目标,使课堂活起来, 让学生动起来, 从而达成上述 的知识与技能目标。 教学目标: 1 能正确的听、说、读、写词汇holiday, last, early, meet, before能 正确的听,说,读词汇fun, National Day, a film, wonderful 2 能正确的听、说、读句型hat (else) did you do?We/I 3 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型Did you like the film? It was a funny cartoon. We all liked it very much. Were there any fruit trees on the farm? There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. 4 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 5 能运用本课所学语言谈论过去所做的事情。 教学重点: 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 教学难点: 能比较流畅的朗读对话, 并能在掌握对话的基础上运用本课所学语言谈论过 去所做的事情。 课前准备: 1教具准备 a.单词,句型卡片。 b.练习题纸。(每人一张) c.设计并制作多媒体教学课件,准备多媒体教学的设施。 2板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 5 On the farm 教学过程: Step 1 Greeting and warming-up 1. T-Ss greet.( 师生问好 ,活跃课堂 ,拉近师生距离 ) 2. T: Look at this man, whats his job? Ss: He is a farmer. T: His name is Macdonald. He has a beautiful farm. Before class, lets listen to a song, its about Macdonald and his farm. Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Teach: National Day ,holiday, last T: What day/date is it today? 出示 CAI 指名回答 These seven days is this week. (CAI 出示 this week) These seven days was last week.( CAI 出示 last week) T: What date was it? 指名回答 T: Yes. It was the first of October. And it was the National Day. (CAI 出示 National Day 领读) When National Day comes ,we usually have a long holiday . I had a wonderful holiday. 2 .T: Do you want to know what I did this National Day holiday? You can ask me what did you do? 指名几个学生提问, 可提醒学生看黑板上早已贴好的句子。 再次要求学生一起提问,师回答。 3.活动: washed clothes, played computer games, watched a funny cartoon, went to my fathers farm. 幻灯片呈现,让学生了解老师的活动 T:OK, boys and girls. Do you want to go to the farm? Ss: Yes. CAI 出示农场里人们干活的场景 T:OK,here we are. Now were on the farm. What can we do on the farm?Can you guess? 指名回答 CAI 出示 S1:Milk cows. T:Great. I cant milk cows. Can you teach me? 示意学生动作。 教师边动作边带领学生朗读milk cows 同时出示词组贴到黑板上 T:What can we do? 指名学生回答 S2: T:Good. Collect eggs. (CAI 出示)师带领学生边做动作读词组。同时出示 词组贴到黑板上 T:What else can we do? 指名回答 S3: T:Right. Water flowers. 带领学生读短语。 T:What else can we water? Its big and green. Ss:Water trees. T: Good. 出示词组water trees 带领学生朗读,并将词组贴到黑板上。 T:What else can we water? Its on the ground. 指名回答 Ss: Water grass. 看 CAI, T :What are these? Theyre carrots. 领读 carrot 出示单词图片pull up carrots T: Lets pull up carrots.师带领学生做动作读词组,并将词组贴到黑板上。 T:What else can we do ? S4: T: Boys and girls, lets pick oranges. Boys ,youre tall and strong, please stand up and pick oranges. 师带领男学生们做动作读词组,并将词组贴到黑板上。 出示一篮子橘子。 T:What are these? Ss :Theyre oranges. T: Do you want to taste my oranges? 问几组学生, Do you want to taste my oranges? 给学生分发橘子 出示taste oranges 单词图片Lets learn how to read it.带领学生读 /ei/, /ei/,taste. Step 3 Listen, read and say 1 .T: Helen was on the farm last week. What did she do last week? Lets ask her together, OK? CAI 出示问题, 引导学生提问, What did you do last week? CAI 出示答案。 T: What did she do last week? Ss: She visited a farm . T: Yes, Helen visited a farm with her family on Monday and Tuesday. Do you want to visit a farm? 出示词组visit a farm 领读数遍,并将词组贴到黑板上。 T:Helen visited a farm. Here ed is pronounced /id/, 领读 visited,将 ed 贴到黑 板上 visit 后面。 2. T:What did Helen do on Monday? Who can ask? CAI出示,指名学生提问。 T: What did Helen do on Monday? 引导学生一起回答, She watered trees. 拿 出 ed/d/,领读短语数遍。并将后缀贴到黑板原词组后面。 T: What else did Helen do? Let me ask her. 师问 What else did you do on Monday, Helen?,please listen ! CAI出示答案。 3. T: What else did she do? Together answer. Ss: She pulled up carrots. 师出示 ed/d/,领读单词,并将后缀贴到原来单词后 面。 T: Helen visited a farm on Monday. She pulled up carrots and watered trees. 贴 图 Mon. How about Tuesday? Can you ask her? Boys have a try. 要求男生齐问。CAI 出示答案。 4. T: What did she do on Tuesday? Ss: She milked cows. 出示 ed/t/ 领读该词组,并将ed贴到原单词后面。 5. T: What else did she do on Tuesday? Ss: She collected eggs. T: Here ed is pronounced /t/,/d/ or/id/?Which one? 引导学生一起复述, Helen visited a farm. On Monday she watered trees and pulled up carrots. T: How about Tuesday? Ss: he milked cows and collected eggs. 6. T: Helen did a lot of things on a farm. What else did she do on the farm? Lets watch the cartoon. 出示 CAI,T: What else did Helen do on the farm? 再次出示 CAI,提醒学生看 屏幕。 Ss: She picked oranges. 师拿出 ed, T: Who can add ed for us? 指名, stick for us. 领读 picked oranges T: She picked oranges and tasted them.师做动作表明品尝。 Which one?指名回 答。 Here ed is pronounced /id/ ,who can add for us? 指名加后缀。 7. T:Were there any fruits on the farm? Ss:Yes. T: Were there any apple/pear/banana trees on the farm? 学生齐答。 引导学生齐说Ss: There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. T: Nancy wants to go to the farm. So I think the farm is wonderful.(出示 wonderful 一词,领读 ) 8. T: Helen did a lot of things on the farm. She had a
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