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小学五年级英语练习题(一) 一: (1)听录音,选单词 ( )1.A:thin B.sing ( )2.A:play B.plate ( )3.A:tall B.wall ( )2.A:hair B.here ( )5.A:food B.fruit ( )5.A:their B.there ( )7.A:old B.hold. ( )8.A:happy B.baby ( )9.A:quite B.quite ( )10.A:funny B.fun (2)听句子,选单词 ( ) 1.A: know B.no C.not ( ) 2.A: he B.his C.him ( ) 3.A: teach B.teacher C.teacher ( ) 4.A: Mr. B.Miss. C.Ms ( ) 5.A: real B.really C.very ( ) 6.A: she B.shy C.shine ( )7.A:friend B. fine C. friendly ( )8.A:pray B.player C.play ( )9.A:makes B.made C.make ( )10.A:had B.has C.have 二:听录音,选图片 1:Whats Mike s math teacher like? 2:Who is Janes mother? A B A B 3:Who is Miss Zhang?4:How much is the dress? 18yuan 80yuan A B A B 5:What does the woman want to try ? 6:What time is it ? 7:30 7:13 A B A B 7:what s the weather like?8:What is the girl looking for ? A B A B 9:Whatis his P .E. teacher like? 10:Whats his grandpa like? A B A B 三:听录音,选最合适的答句 ( )1.A:It s 7:00 B. It s time for class ( )2.A:She is tall B. She is a teacher ( )3.A:Yes ,she is kind B. Yes ,and she isbeautiful ,too ( )4.A:Sorry B. Really? ( )5.A:Yes ,he is tall and strong B. No,he is tall and strong ( )6.A:Yes ,she is my mother B. No,she is my sister ( )7.A:Yes , I like B. No,I don t ( ) 8.A: It s on the first floor B. They are on the second floor ( )9.A:She is my baby sister B. He isMr. Jones ( )10.A:It is sunny B. She is tall and thin、 四:听录音,填单词 1: Who s that woman ?She is _Green , our new _teacher。 2:Whats your _like? She is _ 3:Is your science teacher_?No ,she is_. 4:John is a_boy.Yes, and he is_. 5:Is Tom_?Yes,but he is very_ 五:听短文,判断对错,对的写T,错的写 F ( )1:My English teacher is Miss Xu 。 ( )2:My English teacher is shy and hard-working。 ( )3:My English teacher is Martin. ( )4:He likes wearing blue pants. ( )5:We don t like him. 六:阅读对话,选句子,将字母写在横线上 Sarah:Look at this picture.1:_ Jonn:It is my Robot. Sarah:_ John:Yes ,but sometimes 3:_ ,too It makes me finish my homework。 Sarah:_ John:Yes ,it is very helpful at home 。 Sarah:Wow!_ John:Yes ,I do.It is my good friend ._ Sarah:Sure. 七:阅读短文,判断对错,对的写T,错的写 F 七:阅读短文,判断对错,对的写T,错的写 F My name is Jia Ming.I am in Zhujiang Primary School in Guangzhou.I am in Class One,Grade Four( 四年级 1 班).I have a good Friend.His name is Ben.He often wears a blue shirt.He is an English boy.He and I are in the same class(同一个班 ).We often study and play games together.I go to school at 7:30 and go home at about 5 in the afternoon.Its 7:30.Its time to go to school.I must go now. ( )1: Jia Ming is a pupil. A:What is it? B:Do you like it? C:it is clever D:it is very strict E:Is it hard-working F:It looks very kind G:Do you want to make friend with it? ( )2:Jia Ming lives in Guangzhou. ( )3:Ben is an American girl. ( )4:Ben is in Class One,Grade Four. ( )5:Ben goes to school at 8 oclock. 八:选词填空 Mr.Wang_be our English teacher.He is _years old.He likes_shirt with blue jeans. He is a very kind _.He is very_-working,too.His class is so much_.He can_English very well .I like funny_.I_him so much.Because he is my _.I am so happy. 九:根据答句写问句 1: Son: Mom,time for school now?_? Mom:It s 7:15 now.Lets go! 2:Jack:I have a new teacher. Mike:_? Jack:He is tall and thin. 3:Mary:Come and look at my picture. John:OK!_? Mary:He is my maths teacher Mr.Ma. 4:Oliver: Look at your mother._? Robin:Yes,she is hard-working. man hard 40 white know father fun speak teachers will 5:Wu Yifan:Your school is beautiful._? Tina:Look,the library is next to the art room. 十:看图写作文 _ 小学五年级英语练习题(二) 一: (1)听录音,选单词 ( )1.A:feet B.feel ( )2.A:tea B.see ( )3.A:read B.red ( )2.A:meet B.meal ( )5.A:eat B.ill ( )5.A:beef B.bee ( )7.A:bread B.read ( )8.A:seat B.sea ( )9.A:shy B.my ( )10.A:repeat B.seat (2)听句子,选单词 ( ) 1.A: picture B.teacher C. pictures ( ) 2.A: find B.fun C.funny ( ) 3.A: teach B.teacher C.teachers ( ) 4.A: Mr. B.Miss. C.Ms ( ) 5.A: real B.really C.very ( ) 6.A: she B.shy C.shine ( )7.A: friend B. fine C. friendly ( ) 8.A:pray B.player C.play ( ) 9.A: makes B.made C.make ( ) 10.A: had B.has C.have 二:听录音,选图片 1:What s that? 2:What does Mike have on Thursday? A B A B 3:What does grandpa often 4: Whats Amys head teacher like? do on the weekend? A B A B 5: What does the woman want to try? 6: What does Sarah often do ? A B A B 7: What does Mike often do? 8: What time is it now? 7:50 7:15 A B A B 9: What does John have on Wednesday? 10: What does Mike do? A B A B 三:听录音,选最合适的答句 ( )1.A: Yes, he is my father B. Yes,Miss Yang is my mother ( )2.A:He is a teacher B. He is my teacher ( )3.A:She is a shy girl B. She is my sister ( ) 4.A: I have a new book B. I have
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