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Unit 6,Section B Period 2 (2a 3b),Review,by mistake in the end potato chips a cook called George Crum,错误地;无意中 最后;终于 薯片 一个名叫乔治克拉姆的厨师,1. My classmate took my dictionary _ (错误地). 2. A man discovered this place _ (偶然地). 3. A girl _ (掉进) the Iuuuu 7u 77777788lake and began to sink. 4. _ (最后) Mike and Peter became good friends. 5. He _ (下决心) to work hard this term.,by mistake,by accident,fell into,In the end,has made a decision,Can you list any sports that played in China?,Do you like sports?,What sport do you often play?,Free Talk,What are the sports that are usually played indoors (户内)?,What are the sports that are played outdoors (户外)?,Ping-pong, bowling, yoga, basketball and so on.,Running, football, tennis ball, diving, sailboarding and so on.,How much do you know about basketball?,a professional basketball organization in America? NBA = National Basketball Association,BASKETBALL,equipment,ball,basket,backboard,court,hoop,net,器材,It is used for playing.,shooting the ball in,guiding the ball into the basket,common sense 常识,wooden floor,BASKETBALL,THE GAME,5 players,divide into two teams,get a ball into the basket,play indoors or outdoors,on a wooden floor,aim,team,where,time,common sense 常识,four parts 10 minutes (12),players,国际篮球赛事,每场比赛分两个半时共4节,每节10分钟。加时赛为5分钟。 在第一节和第二节、第三节和第四节之间休息两分钟。两半时之间休息15分钟. NBA每场比赛分两个半时共4节,每节12分钟。加时赛为5分钟。 在第一节和第二节、第三节和第四节之间休息130秒。两半时之间休息15分钟。在第4节和加时赛之间和任何加时赛之间休息100秒。 在第一节、第二节和第三节的最后一分钟期间,投篮成功后应停止比赛计时钟。在第四节和加时赛的最后两分钟期间,投篮成功后应停止比赛计时钟。,Do You Know When Basketball Was Invented?,What do you think you will learn from the article?,What is the main idea of each paragraph?,Para.1 Introduction to basketball (history) Para.2 How basketball was invented ( development) Para.3 The popularity of basketball today (popularity), played on a hard _ _ teams get _ into other teams _, invented by _ first game on _ became Olympic event in _ in the year _ most famous games: _ popular games in China: _,James Naismith,floor,2c Complete the mind map with the information in the passage.,Game,Development,Popularity, played by _ people over _ countries,two,the ball,basket,Dec.21, 1891,Burlin,1936,NBA,CBA,More than 100 million,200,scanning,Para.1,Why do people enjoy playing basketball?,For fun and exercise.,1. Who invented basketball?,2. Why did he think of inventing this game?,James Naismith.,He was asked to think of a game that could be played inside in the winter.,2d.,3. When was the first basketball game played in history?,4. When did basketball become an Olympic event?,It is believed it was on December 21, 1891.,In 1936.,6. What do young people think of the famous basketball players?,5. What are the professional basketball groups in America and China?,NBA and CBA.,They look up to them and these stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams.,1. for fun为了好玩 She wrote for fun for many years before starting to write seriously for a living. 在她开始正正经经地为谋生而写作之前,许多年她以写作自娱。 I am not saying itfor fun. 我说这话并不是在开玩笑。,Language Points,have fun 玩得高兴,过得快活 I had great fun playing cards with them. 我和他们玩纸牌非常有趣。 make fun of开玩笑 People make fun of her because she wears such a strange hat. 人们取笑她,因为她戴了一顶那么怪的帽子。,知识链接,2. It is believed that 意为“人们认为”,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句,相当于相当于People believe that 。 It is believed that health is above wealth. 人们都相信健康重于财富。 类似的句型还有: It is said that (据说) It is supposed that (据猜测) It is reported that (据报道),Its said that his son will go abroad next month. People say that his son will go abroad next month. 据说,他儿子下个月要出国。,It is _ that some of the Australians are suffering from water flood while some people in Europe are suffering from snowstorm. A. report B. reporting C. reported D. reports 【点拨】选 C。It is reported that 意为“据报道”。故选C。,3. divided the men in his class into two teams and divide v. 分开,分散,The riverdividesand forms two streams. 河流在这儿分开,形成两条小河。 Please dont let such a small matterdivideus. 请不要让这样的小事使我们不和。 divide into 把分成 Dividethe cake into equal parts. 把蛋糕分成等份。,1) 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 A year _ (divide) into twelve different star signs in some Western countries. 2) 【2011山东济宁】单词拼写与运用 The class is too large; well have to d_ it into eight groups.,is divided,divided,4. , they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket. stop from doing 意思是“阻止某人做某事” I tried to stop my father from smoking, but failed. 我想阻止我爸抽烟,但没成功。 Nothing can stop us from doing that. 没有什么能阻止我们那样做。,(2008重庆中考) DuringtheSpringFestival,theheavysnow stoppedmanypeoplefrom_back home. A.go B.goes C.went D.going 【解析】stopsb.fromdoingsth.表示“阻止某人做某事”。,D,stop doing sth.是“停止做某事”,v-ing形式是stop的宾语,指停止正在进行的事。 The two girls stopped talking when they saw me. 那两个女孩一见到我就停止了讲话。 stop to do sth.是“停下来去做某事”,动词不定式作目的状语。 The two girls stopped to talk to me when they saw me. 这两个女孩一看到我就停下来和我讲我。,知识链接,5. , with many young people dream
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