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1 Past and present 教学 目标 1. Learn to talk about studentspast and present 2. Learn the new words and phrases 教 学 重、难 点 1. Learn to talk about studentspast and present 2. Learn the new words and phrases 教学设计 Show leaning aims. T:Today we ll learn Uint 1 Past and present .Please look at our learning aims .(Then I read it slowly) T: Are you clear ? S: Yes. T: What time is it?T: Are you Step 3 :Show “Guide One ” to the students. Guide One (8) Please read and try to answer the following questions,then recite them within 2 minutes. Questions: 1. Where was Hobos food? 2. What did Eddie do? Why? 3. What does Hobo think of Eddie now? Have a match! Who can do it best? T:please read and answer the questions by yourselves.If you ask your deskmate or ask me. T:Understand? S:Yes. T:I ll give you 2 minutes .Please go. T: OK ,Now,any questions? Who can answer? (lets Ss read for the others) He She reads once.You read twice,Are you clear? 2 S:Yes. T:Please go. Then A,B 分组读 , 分角色朗读并表演对话。 。 T: Now I will give you 2 minutes to recite them. Have a match! Who can do it best? Time is up,Who can recite? Please check with your desknmates.(Then the teacher will check some students) Let s go on.Please look at “Guide Two ” . Step 4 Guide Two (9 ) Please make a new conversation with your partner within 3 minutes, then act it out . Have a match! Which group can do it best?(The teacher will show them an example) T:A re your clear ? S:Yes. T:3 minutes,please go.(3 minutes later) T:Time is up,volunteers?(Let some groups show their conversations) You are very wonderful.Lets go on .Please look at “Guide Three ” Step 5 :Show “Guide Three ” . Guide Three (3) 1.How do you usually go to school?(coach, double-decker, light rail) 2 How does your fathermother go to work? 3 If you want to travel this do it best? T:I ll give you 3 minutes,Please go .Let one student finish it on the blackboard. T: Then check the answers. Step 6 Show “Guide Four ” to the students. Guide Four Listen to the tape and finish the check within 3 minutes. Have a match! Who can do it best? T:Understand? 3 S:Yes. Check: 合上书,让同学完成下面的小短文,巩固、加深对话内容的理解。 Hobo p some food in t there any m . So the past, but now t want to p with any more. 板书设计 Uint 1 Past and present (Comic Strip and welcome to the unit ) 作业布置 短语互译: 1. 过去常常做某事 used to do sth 2. 习惯做某事 beget used to doing sth 3. 被用来做某事 be used to do sth 4. 对某人友好 be kind to sb 5. 和某人分享某物 share sth with sb 课后反思
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