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欢乐美语文本( 全) 欢乐美语 Program 1 Happy Birthday 生日快乐 Program 2 A Great Idea 好主意 Program 3 Music Under the Stars 露天音乐会 Program 4 Two for the Road 结伴同行 Program 5 Driving Lessons 驾驶课 Program 6 Power of the Press 报纸显神通 Program 7 A Country Fair 集市探奇 Program 8 Write for the Job 求职信 Program 9 A Woolly Adventure 顾客至上 Program 10 The Heart of Country Music 乡村音乐胜地 Program 11 After-school Activities 课余活动 Program 13 Take Me Out to the Ball Game 棒赛记趣 Program 14 New Orleans: A Mix of Cultures 文化熔炉 Program 15 A House Call 出诊记 Program 16 Washington,D、C, the Nations Captial 首府之行 Program 17 A Picinc Indoors 室内野餐 Program 18 Go West, Young Man 西部览胜 Program 19 Just Like the Old Days 旧梦重温 Program 20 The Spirit of the West 西部风情 Program 21 A Computer Does the Job 电脑助诊 Program 22 The Ways of the Navojos 印第安民俗 Program 23 Music! Music! Music! 音乐启蒙 Program 24 A Newspaper Deadline 初试锋芒 Program 25 A Day on the Farm 农场一日 Program 26 A Surprise Party 惊喜派对 Program 27 Moving In 近邻胜远亲 Program 28 Just the Two of us 您我度今宵 Program 29 I didnt Mean To 无心之失 Program 30 A Song From Long Ago 旧曲难忘 Program 31 Recycling 废品回收 Program 32 A Getaway Vacation 如愿以偿 Program 33 Its a Deal 一言为定 Program 34 The Great Northwest 西北奇观 Program 35 Ethnic Food 风味菜肴 Program 36 Riverdale Day 小镇公益日 Program 37 On the Nature Trail 走向大自然 1 Happy Birthday生日快乐 INTRODUCTION TO ACT I Welcome to TUNING IN THE U、 S、 A、 Today of the Stewart family、 The Stewarts 欢乐美语文本( 全) are having a birthday party for Richard, one of the three Stewart children、 Today is Richard s thirtieth birthday 、RICHARD S MOTHER Ellen, his wife Marilyn, and his brother Robbie are all there、 His grandfather is there, too、 There is a cake 、 There is singing、 And there are presents, including an unusual present from Richard s grandfather、 ACT I The family sings “ Happy Birthday” to Richard、 Richard: Thanks, everyday、 Robbie: Hey, I m hungry, Richard, Let s cut the cake、 Richard: Hold on a minute, Robbie、 Maybe we should wait for Dad to get home、 What do you think, Mom? Ellen: Oh, Richard、 You know your father、 He may stay late at the hospital、 Richard: Ah, the life of a busy doctor、 Robbie: Go ahead、 Cut the cake、 Ellen: Sure, Richard、 We can save a piece for Dad、 Grandpa: So, Richard, how does it feel to be thirty years old? Some of us can t remember! Richard: I ll be honest, Grandpa 、 Being thirty feels the same as twenty-nine、 He laughs、 Well, maybe better! Grandpa: Listen to an old-timer、 It gets better and better! Ellen: Your grandfather is right、 It does get better、 Look, you have an exciting photography project ahead、 Richard: And I have Marilyn, my beautiful wife、 Marilyn: Ah-ha-ha! Phillip: He enters、 Hello、 I m home 、 All: Hi, Dad、 Philip: Am I in time? Richard: Yes、 Ellen: Just in time、 Philip: Hi, Ellen、 They kiss、 Ellen: Perfect timing, Philip、 We re cutting this beautiful chocolate cake、 Philip: Sorry I m late, Richard、 There was a lot to do at the hospital、 Richard: Oh, come on, Dad, We re just glad you made it 、 Philip: Of course I made it、 A son only turns thirty years old once、 Hey! That is a beautiful cake、 Richard: Here you go, Dad、 A big piece、 Philip: Mmm、 He laughs、 This tastes great、 Wow! Who made this? Richard: The wife of the birthday boy、 Philip: Mmmm、 、 Marilyn 、 Marilyn: Thanks you, Philip、 Grandpa: I think it s time to give Richard his birthday presents、 May I begin? Ellen: Of course、 Philip: Sure、 欢乐美语文本( 全) Grandpa: Richard, soon you will be traveling around America、 You ll have lots of time alone、 And I think you will love this、 He gives Richard a birthday present、 Richard: A harmonica? Thanks, Grandpa、 But I don t really know how to play the harmonica、 Grandpa: No? Well, let me show you、 INTRODUCTION TO ACT II This time on TUNING IN THE U、S、A、, we join the Stewart family again at Richard s thirtieth birthday party 、 In our last story, Grandpa Stewart gave Richard the gift of a harmonica、 And as this story begins, Grandpa is teaching Richard to play it、 During the party, another member of the family calls from Chicago 、 And after the phone call, Richard s wife Marilyn gives him another special present、 ACT II Grandpa plays “ Happy Birthday” on the harmonica、 Richard: That sounds great, Grandpa、 May I try? Grandpa: Of course you can try it, Richard、 It s your harmonica 、 Marilyn: Go ahead, honey、 Give it a try、 Grandpa: Yes、 Ellen: Go on、 Richard: He clears his throat、 Here it goes 、 He tries to play” Happy Birthday” on the harmonica Ellen joins in on the piano、 They laugh、 Thanks for the help on the piano, Mon! I need time to practice、 Robbie: Lots of time, I d say、 Ellen: All right, Robbie、 He ll soon learn to play well、 We Stewarts have a good ear for music、 And , Richard, you will have a lot of practice time on the road、 Richard: If you say so, Mom、 You re the music teacher、 Grandpa: Where are you going on your trip, Richard? Do you know yet? Richard: Not exactly
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