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高一英语阅读理解50篇(付详解)中考英语阅读理解“老”字趣谈每个国家都有各自的文化习惯,而这种文化上的差异往往会引起一定的误会,不过只要熟悉对方的风俗习惯做到入乡随俗,一切就OK啦! When my family moved to America in 2010 from a small village in Guangdong, China, we brought not only our luggage, but also our village rules, customs and culture. One of the rules is that young people should always respect(尊敬) elders. Unluckily, this rule led to my very first embarrassment in the United States. I had a part-time job as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. One time, when I was serving food to a middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly. I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly. As soon as I said that, her face showed great displeasure. My manager, who happened to hear what I said, took me aside and gave me a long lecture about how sensitive(敏感) Americans are and how they dislike the description “old”. I then walked back to the table and apologized to the wife. After the couple heard my reason, they understood that the problem was caused by cultural differences, so they laughed and were no longer angry. In my village in China, people are proud of being old. Not so many people live to be seventy or eighty, and people who reach such an age have the most knowledge and experience. Young people always respect older people because they know they can learn from their rich experience. However, in the United States, people think “growing old” is a problem since “old” shows that a person is going to retire or that the body is not working well. Here many people try to keep themselves away from growing old by doing exercises or jogging, and women put on makeup, hoping to look young. When I told the couple in the restaurant that I respect the elderly, they got angry because this caused them to feel they had failed to stay young. I had told them something they didnt want to hear. After that, I changed the way I had been with older people. It is not that I dont respect them any more; I still respect them, but now I dont show my feelings through words. By Jack根据以上短文内容,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。1. Jack brought the couple their food very fast because _. A. the manager asked him to do so B. he respected the elderlyC. the couple wanted him to do so D. he wanted more pay2. When Jack called the couple “elderly”, they became _. A. nervous B. satisfied C. unhappy D. excited3. In Jacks hometown, _. A. people dislike being called “old” B. people are proud of being oldC. many people reach the age of seventy or eighty D. the elderly are the first to get food in restaurants4. After this experience, Jack _. A. lost his job in the restaurant B. made friends with the coupleC. no longer respected the elderly D. changed his way with older people5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The more Jack explained, the angrier the couple got. B. Jack wanted to show his feelings through words after his experience. C. The manager went back to the table and apologized to the couple. D. From this experience, Jack learned more about American culture. 【答案及解析】1. 选B。根据第2段中的I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly可知答案。2. 选C。根据第2段中的As soon as I said that, her face showed great displeasure可知他们听到Jack称他们为老者时,一点也不高兴。3. 选B。根据第3段中的In my village in China, people are proud of being old可知答案。4. 选D。根据最后一段中的After that, I changed the way I had with older people可知答案。5. 选D。根据第2段最后一句After the couple heard my reason, they understood that the problem was caused by cultural differences, so they laughed and were no longer angry可知A选项不对;根据文章最后一句but now I dont show my feelings through words可知B选项不对;根据第2段中的I then waked back to the table and apologized to the wife 可知C 选项也不对,故正确答案为D。中考英语阅读理解Jean的网友QQ聊天对我们来说并不陌生,但是该不该完全相信网友呢?我们究竟该以怎样的心态对待网络呢?让我们来看看本文主人公与网友的奇遇吧! Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has everything that money can buy. Well, almost everything. The problem is that the people in Jeans family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite lonely. So Jean spends a lot of time on her QQ. She likes being anonymous(匿名), talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she keeps in touch with quite often. Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a common(共同的) interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot their time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself: He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good f
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