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,CNCF CloudEvents无服务器互操作平台介绍,Cloud Events: A Step Towards Serverless Interop,CloudEvents: History,CNCF Technical Oversight Committee initiated Serverless WG (mid-2017) Whitepaper Overview of technology State of ecosystem Recommendations for possible CNCF next steps Landscape CloudEvents Project started Dec 2017 CNCF Sandbox project approved May 2018,What are Events?,An occurrence is the capture of a statement of fact during the operation of a software system An event is a data record expressing an,occurrence and its context,An action is executed, when it is notified,about the occurrence by receiving the,event The occurrence is decoupled from the action,Occurrence,Action,Event,CloudEvents: Why?,Problem We live in a multi-cloud and multi-service world Events within a cloud are well known but going across clouds need more standardization on the messages Use cases How do you transit events between clouds and services? Be able to route events efficiently without knowing the actual payload Well known format for transmitting metadata about events,CloudEvents: Goals,Interoperability : Facilitate integrations across platforms First step towards portability and interop of functions How? Define minimal common metadata across events Leave the event business logic format & processing to the application No sensitive data within the CloudEvents metadata Define mapping for popular serializations and transports,CloudEvents: Overview,Specification - minimal/consistent metadata ID Source SpecVersion Type DataContentEncoding of the payload DataContentType of the payload Schema URL of the payload Subject Time Transport bindings - how to serialize in JSON, HTTP, MQTT, Just enough to help route to the consuming business processing logic,CloudEvents: Example,HTTP - Structured POST /event HTTP/1.0 Host: Content-Type: application/cloudevents+json specversion: 0.3, type: com.bigco.newItem, source: id: 610b6dd4-c85d-417b-b58f-3771e532, datacontenttype: application/json, data: action: newItem, itemID: 93 ,HTTP - Binary POST /event HTTP/1.0 Host: Content-Type: application/json ce-specversion: 0.3 ce-type: com.bigco.newItem ce-source: ce-id: 610b6dd4-c85d-417b-b58f-3771e532 action: newItem, itemID: 93 ,CloudEvents: New in v0.3,V0.3 - released June 13, 2019 New attribute: subject contenttype is renamed datacontenttype New extensions dataref (claim check pattern) Batching Is handled by transports Added specification for batching with HTTP+JSON,CloudEvents: Deliverables,CloudEvents Specification define the metadata Serialization Rules Specifications JSON event format AMQP event format Protobuf event format Transport Bindings Specifications HTTP binary and structured MQTT, AMQP, NATS, Web-hooks Pointers to proprietary transport bindings Primer SDKs Go-lang, Javascript, Python, Java, C-Sharp, Ruby Extensions,CloudEvents: Status,Releases v0.3 - Released on June 13, 2019 Dont let the version number fool you. Its more like v0.9 Hoping for v1.0 within weeks/month(s) Will be asking for CNCF incubator status soon Adoption Microsoft, S, SAP and others have support Knative - basis for eventing infrastructure Transport/data agnostic filtering Other BIG cloud providers have plans After v1.0 Shift focus back to Serverless WG / Workflow / other possible areas of interop,CloudEvents: Demo Time!,Demo: ACRIS Semantic Model,“The Semantic Model, coupled with the CloudEvents format, can support interoperable, event-driven systems that can re-act intelligently to real-time state changes such as an aircraft landing or fulfilled order. With the use of event brokers, edge-to-cloud computing and AI, these events can be detected faster and analyzed in greater detail.” Segun Alayande Heathrow Airport,CloudEvents: Airport Coffee,Thank You!,Serverless WG : CloudEvents : https:/cloudevents.io/ Org : Spec repo : SDKs : Weekly calls (Thursdays at 12pm ET),
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