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精通版三年级上册,Unit 5 What colour is it?,Lesson 29,Lead-in,What colour are they?,What colour are they?,What colour is it?,New words,pink,粉色,orange,橙色,grey,灰色,Just talk,Lets draw a kite.,OK!,All right.,Colour it pink, orange and grey.,Great!,Lets fly it.,Play roles,Lets draw a flower.,OK.,Colour it green, red and pink.,All right.,Great!,Lets give it to our teacher.,Language points,All right. 好的。 all right表示赞同对方的意见,意为“行;好的”。All right还可用在be动词之后,表示健康状况,想当于fine或well,意为“身体好”。,【例句】咱们玩一玩。 Lets play. 好的。 All right. 你好吗? How are you? 我很好。 Im all right.,Just learn,pink,粉色,orange,橙色,grey,灰色,Lets sing,Colour song Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue. I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow now.,
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