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Unit 11 Scientific achievementLanguage points.1constitution 1)宪法the Constitution of the United States / the American Constitution2) 体格,体质He has a weak constitution3) 构造,构成the constitution of starch ( 淀粉的构成 )2achievement (U) 取得,完成( C)成就,成绩( V) achievedevelopmentgovernmentmovementequipmentvt 完成达到(目的),得到1) By hard working we can achieve anything.2) We have achieved success in developing the product.3Mankind人类manmade (adj)Manly有男子气概的;刚强的4in store(for sb./sth.):coming in the future;about to happene.g.There is a surprise in store for you.I can see trouble in store.5Likely1) be likely to do sth很可能(发生某种情况)Our team is likely to win the game.2) it is likely that +从句It is likely that we llgo on a picnic in the forest tomorrow.辨析: likely, possible 与 probableLikely 常用词,指“从表面现象看很有可能”Possible 指“由于有适当的条件和方法, 某事可能发生或做到” ,强调“客观上有可能” ,但“实际希望很小” 。Probable 语气比 possible 强,指“有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物,带有大概,很可能的意思”Likely 之后常跟不定式(be likely to do sth ) 而 possible 与 probable 之后通常不跟不定式;Likely 的主语可以是人,而possible 与 probable 的主语不能是人。6Set up1) 建立,成立Set up home第 1页共 4页Edison set up a chemical lab of his own at the age of ten.2) 树立起来Lets set up the tent first.3) 使(自己或他人)从事某职业(as)He has set himself up as a bookseller.他开始经营书籍。Set about doing sth着手做set out to do sthSet an exampleSet fire to 点火;放火Set off 出发,动身Set foot in (on)登上;涉足;访问set foot in/on sth.:enter or visit(a place);arrivee.g.Dontever set foot in this house again!Who was the first man to set foot on the moon.7Privateadj 私人的;私立的;不公开的Private propertyPrivate schoola private door便门in private在私下,秘密地in public公开地8Grasp vt1) 抓住Grasp sb by the arm2) (= understand ) 掌握, 领会 Grasp sbsmeaning3) n (常用单数 ) 紧握;把握;理解;理解力Beyond sbsgrasp 力量达不到Grasp all, lose all.样样都要,全数失掉。Within sb s grasp力量达得到9Master n硕士;(男)主人;能手;雇主;大师Mistress n 女主人Masterless adj 无主的Mastermind n非常聪明的人Masterkey n 万能钥匙Masterpiece(masterwork) n杰作The master of the house家长Master and man 雇主与雇工A master in literature文学大师Master of Arts (MA)文学硕士Master of Science (MS) 理学硕士Bachelor 学士doctor博士Vt 掌握;精通;控制;统治Master a foreign languageMan can master nature.第 2页共 4页10.perfect adj理想的;完美的; 的;完全的;( 的)完成的His reading is perfect.He is a perfect stranger to us.The perfect tenseVt 使完美They worked hard to perfect their dance.Practice makes perfect熟能生巧Be perfect in English精通英 11 arrangeVt安排,筹划;整理,布置1) We have arranged a party.2) He arranged the books on the shelf.Narrangement(C pl)安排;准 工作( U, C)整理;排列;布置12. have an effect on 生影响Take effect 开始生效;开始 行 In effect = in fact 上13.rely on / upon : depend on 依 ,依靠;信 ,信任 We should rely on our own efforts.我 自力更生。You may rely on it that she won tbe late.你可以放心,她不会 到的。14 make it clear ( that )表明, 清楚e.g. She made it clear that she objected to the proposal.She made clear her objections.15 Failure (v fail) 失 (U),失 的人或事(C)Failure is the mother of success.He is a failure as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.他不是一个成功的 家,但是个成功的美 老 。16 come to life:back to normal state,esp. of mind 醒 来,恢复生气,活 起来After three hours saving,the injured man came to life.When I mentioned our plans for a trip abroad, the kids came back to life at once.17. markN 痕迹;符号;商 ;分数;特征An ink markA question markFull marksMake a mark作 Vt 做 ;留痕迹于;表明;批分数, 成 A dirt road marked with footprints留有脚印的泥路be marked with 着; (人、 物等身上)具有第 3页共 4页Her face is marked with sadness.她面露悲哀。mark examination papers.18. outstanding1) 杰出的,突出的( stand out )一名杰出的学生an outstanding student2) 未完 的;未清的;未付的Outstanding debts未付清的欠款19 Breakthroughn重大突破,突 ;突破性的 ,成就A military breakthrough 事突破A scientific breakthrough科学成就20 enableen-使 +able 能的enrich enlargestrengthenstrength( 力量 )+ en (使 )vt 加 ,增 vi 变强they strengthened the city wall.the wind strengthened.Deep-deepenSharpsharpenWide-widen21. organ n 器官; 琴;机构,机关The eyes are the organ of sight.State organsA government organAdj organic 有机物的;有机体的Norganism (C)生物,有机体,有机 Vtorganize组织Norganization 体,机构, 22. put forward 提出(建 、意 ) ;推荐,提名He put forward a better plan.We put her forward as chairman of the committee.23. aim (sth) at sth/doing sth (把 )瞄准;目的在于;企 He aimed his gun at the target.Those girls worked out every morning, aiming at losing weight.第 4页共 4页
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