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. . . . 毕 业 论 文论文题目:数控车床零件加工及工艺设计 题 目: 数控车床零件加工及工艺设计班 级: 专 业: 学生: 指导教师: 日 期: 目 录摘要.1一、 数控机床简介.2二、 数控激光的概念.3三、 数控机床的特点 .3四、 数控车削加工 .4五、 数控车床加工程序编制 .5六、 数控车床的组成和基本原理 .5七、 数控车床安全操作规.6八、 数控车床坐标的确定 .6九、 运动方向的规定 .7十、 轴类零件的编程与加工.7十一、 简单套类零件的编程与加工.13十二、 简单的盘类零件的编程与加工.18结束语.25参考文献. 25 . . . 数控车床零件加工及工艺设计摘 要在车床上,利用工件的旋转运动和刀具的直线运动或曲线运动来改变毛坯的形状和尺寸,把它加工成符合图纸的要求。 车削加工是在车床上利用工件相对于刀具旋转对工件进行切削加工的方法。车削加工的切削能主要由工件而不是刀具提供。车削是最基本、最常见的切削加工方法,在生产中占有十分重要的地位。车削适于加工回转表面,大部分具有回转表面的工件都可以用车削方法加工,如外圆柱面、外圆锥面、端面、沟槽、螺纹和回转成形面等,所用刀具主要是车刀。在各类金属切削机床中,车床是应用最广泛的一类,约占机床总数的50%。车床既可用车刀对工件进行车削加工,又可用钻头、铰刀、丝锥和滚花刀进行钻孔、铰孔、攻螺纹和滚花等操作。按工艺特点、布局形式和结构特性等的不同,车床可以分为卧式车床、落地车床、立式车床、转塔车床以及仿形车床等,其部分为卧式车床。数控车削加工是现代制造技术的典型代表,在制造业的各个领域如航天、汽车、模具、精密机械、家用电器等各个行业有着日益广泛的应用,已成为这些行业不可或缺的加工手段。为了子数控机床上加工出合格的零件,首先需根据零件图纸的精度和计算要求等,分析确定零件的工艺过程、工艺参数等容,用规定的数控编程代码和格式编制出合适的数控加工程序。编程必须注意具体的数控系统或机床,应该严格按机床编程手册中的规定进行程序编制。但从数控加工容的本质上讲,各数控系统的各项指令都是应实际加工工艺要求而设定的。 由于本人才疏学浅,缺乏知识和经验,在设计过程中难免出现不当之处,望各位给予指正并提出宝贵意见。关键词: 车削加工 刀具 零件的工艺过程 工艺参数 程序编制 On the lathe, use the rotation of the workpiece and tool of line or curve movement to change the shape and size of rough, meet the requirements of drawings processing it into. Turning on a lathe is used the workpiece relative to the method of cutting tool rotation on the workpiece. Cutting is mainly composed of workpiece in turning rather than the tool provided. Turning is the most basic and most common method of cutting, occupies a very important place in production. Turn Rotary surface suitable for cutting, most with turning method for Rotary surface of workpieces can be processed, such as inner and outer cylinder and inner and outer taper, surfacing, Groove, screw and Rotary forming surface, the tool is mainly used tools. In all kinds of metal-cutting machine tools, lathe is the most widely used category, per cent of the total number of machine tools 50%. Turning the lathe tool available on the workpiece, and drills, reamers, taps and knurling cutter drilling, reaming, tapping and rolling flower, and so on. Technical features, layout, forms and structure characteristics of different lathes can be divided into horizontal lathe, face lathe, vertical lathes, Turret Lathes, and contouring lathe, horizontal lathe with most of them. CNC turning process is typical of modern manufacturing technology, in all areas of manufacturing industries such as aerospace, automotive, molds, precision machinery, household appliances, increasing use of a variety of industries, has become an integral part of these industries processing means. To CNC processing qualified parts, first as well as their precision and calculations required under part drawings, analysis of technological parameters of part of the process, content, NC programming code and format provided a suitable CNC machining program. Programming must pay attention to specific or machine tool numerical control system, should be conducted in strict accordance with the provisions of machine tool programming manual programming. But in essence of NC content, the numerical control system of the instruction set is the actual process requirements. Since I have little talent and learning, lack of knowledge and experience of inevitable irregularities during the design process, hope you give correct me and all of your comments.Key words: turning process parameters of technological process of the tool part programming一数控机床的简介数控机床是一种用电子计算机和专用电子计算装置控制的高效自动化机床。主要分为立式和卧式两种。立式机床装夹零件方便,但切屑排除较慢;卧式装夹零件不是非常方便,但排屑性能好,散热很高。数控铣床分三坐标和多坐标两种。三坐标机床(X、Y、 Z)任意两轴都可以联动,主要用于加工平面曲线的轮廓和开敞曲面的行切。多坐标机床是在三坐标机床的基础上,通过增加数控分度头或者回转工作台,成为4坐标或者5坐标机床(甚至多坐标机床)。多坐标机床主要用于曲面轮廓或者由于零件需要必须摆角加工的零件,如法向钻孔,摆角行切等。摆角形式4坐标的主要为A或B;5坐标机床主要为AB,AC,BC,可根据零件要求选用。摆角大小由加工的零件决定。数控机床从组成来看,主要分为以下两方面: 1.机床本身技术参数(1) 作台工:零件加工工作平台,尺寸大小应根据加工零件的大小进行选用。(2) T形槽:工作台上的T形槽主要用于零件的装夹,其中T形槽的槽数、槽宽、相互间距,需要根据加工工件的特点进行规定。(3) 主轴:主轴形式,主轴孔形式等,(4) 进给围:机床X Y Z三个方向的可移动距离(行程),移动速度的大小;摆角(A B C)的摆动围,摆动的速度(5) 主轴的旋转:主轴的转速,主轴的功率,伺服电机的转矩等2数控系统 数控系统是数控机床的核心。现代数控系统通常是一台带有专门系统软件的专用微型计算机。它由输入装置、控制运算器和输出装置等构成,它接受控制介质上的数字化信息,通过控制软件和逻辑电路进行编译、运算和逻辑处理后,输出各种信号和指令控制机床的各个部分,进行规定、有序的动作。 作为用户,在考虑数控系统的时候,最关心的是系统的可靠性、可能和优越的性价比,因此应该考虑以下几
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