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高二英语 Unit19 The Merchant of Venice知识点总复习教案Section I 前准 、听力、口 1. Deny your father, and refuse your name 否 你的父 ,拒 你的名字。(p.65Warming up ) deny (denied, denying)(1) vt.否 ,不承 Can you deny the truth of his statement?你能否 他的声明的真 性 ? He denied telling methat he had told me.他否 告 我。注意: deny 后跟 名 或跟 从句作 。(2) vt.不 ;不准I was denied the chance of going to college.不 我上大学的机会。(3) vt. (正式 ) 抛弃;背弃He has denied his country and his principles!他背弃了他的国家和他的原 1 refuse (refused, refusing)(1) vt.拒 ;不接受;不肯He asked her to marry him, but she refused (to marryhim).他向她求婚,但是她拒 了。She refused his offer.她不接受他的求婚。(2) refuse 可跟 不定式构成refuse +to do;也可用于被 构。She refused togo home.她不回家。 They were refused admittance.他 被拒 入内。(3) vi.拒 He cant refuse if you ask politely.你如果礼貌地 求,他是不会拒 的。注意: refuse只接不定式, 不接 名 , 不接不定式的复合 构,也不接 从句,如:不 , He refusedme to go (going)there.而 : He didntallowme to go there或 He refused to let me go.他不 我去那儿。辨析: refuse与 rejectrefuse和 reject都有“拒 ”的意思,有 可以通用, 有 用法又不同。 refuse强调坚定地拒 ,后可接 不定式。reject 当前拒 方的 求、提 的情况,一般后面不接 不定式。 如:He refusedto speak at the meeting.他拒 在会上 言。 He rejectedmy request.他当面拒 了我的要求。Section II阅读2. As far as I know 据我所知(p. 67 Useful expressions) as far as的用法和意思 as far as或 so far as,此 意 “据”“就尽”,常与 know, see 等 用。如: As far as they know, the room is empty.据他 所知,房 是空的。Sofar as I can judge, she is quite efficient.据我判断,她的工作效率是相当高的。There aye no mistakesas faras I can see.在我看来没什么 。So faras I know,their work is far from satisfactory.据我所知,他 的工作并不令人 意。【注】 似的用法 有:as far as sb. / sth. is concerned,意思是“就某人某事而言”“ 某人某事来 ”。如:As far as I am concerned, its all nonsense.在我看来, 全是一派胡言。This has been a difficultperiodas faras the countryseconomy is concerned.就我国 而言,最近是其困 期。【注】也可以用as faras sth.goes。如:so faras contentgoes, itis allright.就内容而言, 不 。Itsa perfectlygood law as faras itgoes, but itdoesntdeal with the real problems 法就其本身而言非常不 ,但是它未解决 。【注】 as faras 的原意是“到达”“一直到”。如:The floodwaterscame as far第1页共13页as the roof.洪水一直漫到屋 。They didnt go as far as we.他 走得不如我 。3. The way I would go about it 我要做 件事的方法(p. 67 Useful expressions) go about的用法(1)go about 此 意 “从事于”“ 行”。如:You are not goingaboutitthe rightway. 你的做法不 。Peterhas no idea how to go about findinga betterjob. 彼得不知道怎 才能找到更好的工作。Bobby is going about his homework veryseriously tonight.博比今天晚上在非常 真地做功 。How will you go aboutbuilding the bird home?你打算怎 着手建 舍?(2)go about 可作“流 ”解 ,此 about 是副 ,后面不需要跟 。如:Thereare a lot 0f colds going about now.目前感冒 染很 害。A story is going aboutthat there will be another party on the 15th of August.据 八月十五日要 行另一次聚会。 The rumor is going about that John and Mary are getting married.谣传 翰和 要 婚了。(3) go about 有“到 走走”之意, 此 about 也是副 ,相当于 around 。如: Peopleare going about more now that the weathers better.因 天气 些了,人 外出增多了。 Is it dangerous to go about bareheaded when its mining?下雨的 候光着 到 走有危 ? Mother is much better, thank you, shes able to go about a bitmore. 你,母 好多了,她已能更多地走 了。4. Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. 恕 Antonio吧, Shylock. (p. 67 Reading第二行)have mercy on sb. 恕某人 mercy n.仁慈、怜 、 恕She has mercy on littleanimals.她怜 小 物。Theyshowed little mercy to their enemies.他 人毫不仁慈。(1) 一意思也可以用 show mercy to sb. 或 give mercy to sb. 表示。如: Have mercyon me. 了我吧 ! They showed mercy to the defeated enemy.他 恕了被打 的 人。 In Iraq, the American soldiers had no mercy on the prisoners of war.在伊拉克,美 士兵 俘毫无怜 之意。The judge showed mercy to him.法官 恕了他。(2) mercy也可作可数名 , 意 “幸运的事”“ 得感激的事”。如:What amercy he escaped the fire!他从火里逃生, 真是幸运。 He is thankfulforsmallmercies.他 小恩小惠也很感激。It was a mercy that she wasnt seriously injured. 天 地,她没有受重 。注意 :表示被 意 可以 :We were given no mercy.我 没有得到 恕。No mercywas shown to the prisoners. 囚犯毫不 恕。 想 : ( 复) mercies (同 ) charity, grace拓展 : at he mercy of任由 布,在掌握之中; have mercy on upon sb.sth.= show mercy to sb./ sth. 表示同情; 有怜 之心; withoutmercy 毫不留情地5. I ve promised to take my pound of flesh.我 一定要拿走我的那一磅肉。(p. 67Reading第三行 ) promise(1) vt.答 ,允 定I dont remember I ever promised that.我不 得我答 件事。(2) vt. promise + to + v. (原型 ) I never promised to obey her commands.我从未第2页共13页答 要服从她的命令。(3) vt. promise + n. / pron. + n. / pron. She promised me a gift for my birthday.她答 送我一件生日礼物。(4) vt. promise + that从句 He promised that he would come.他答 来。(5) n. 言、 定 Give me your promise that youll never do that again.答 我你永 不要再干那种事。 想: promise n. 言、 定、 示 ;
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