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Unit1 单元测评卷听力部分一、听录音,选出你听到的句子。() 1. A. What subjects do you study?B. What are your favourite subjects?() 2.A. Do you have any new subjects?B. Do you study Art and Science?() 3.A. We also study Science and IT.B. We have PE on Mondays and Thursdays.() 4.A. When do you study Science?B. When does Bill play basketball?() 5.A. My favourite subject is Computer Studies.B. My new subject is Social Studies.二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。A. difficult B. timetable C. French E. American F. computer G. socialD. science1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字标出听到的先后顺序。() When do you study Science?) Do you have Art?) We study Chinese, English, and Maths.) What subjects do you study?) Yes, we do. We have Art on Thursdays.笔试部分一、选出对应的英文。() 1.美国人A. AmericanB. French() 2.困难的A. differentB. difficult() 3.课程表A. table tennisB. timetable() 4.社会科学课A. Home ScienceB. Social Studies() 5. 计算机课A. Computer StudiesB. IT二、给下列问句选出合适的答语。A. He studies Science on Tuesdays.B. Great! Let s go.C. Yes, we have PE on Mondays and Thursdays.D. No, it s easy.E. We usually play basketball on Wednesdays.(1) Is Chinese difficult?(2) Do you have PE?(3) Do you often play basketball?(4) Do you want to play basketball now?(5) When does Bill study Science?三、选择正确的单词填空。SciencedifficultsubjectstimetableTuesdays(1) What _ do you study?(2) Is Chinese _?(3) We also study _ and IT.(4) We have Art on _.(5) I have a very interesting _ this year.四、单项选择。() 1. _ American basketball team is visiting our school.A. AB. An() 2.Do you study _ at school?A. scienceB. Science() 3.We study Music, _.A. tooB. also() 4.It was great _ meet you and your friends in China.A. toB. for() 5.What subjects do you study _ school?A. onB. at五、看图填空。1. We have Science on _.2. Do you have PE on _?3. We usually play football on _.4. We have_ on Tuesdays.5. My favourite _ is Computer Studies.参考答案听力材料一、l. What are your favourite subjects?2. Do you study Art and Science?3. We also study Science and IT.4. When does Bill play basketball?5. My favourite subject is Computer Studies.二、1. American2. French3. timetable4. difficult5. computer三、l. What subjects do you study?2. We study Chinese, English, and Maths.3. Do you have Art?4. Yes, we do. We have Art on Thursdays.5. When do you study Science?听力答案一、1-5 BBABA二、1-5 ECBAF三、5 3 2 1 4笔试答案一、1-4 ABBBA二、(1)-(5) DCEBA三、(1) subjects(2) difficult(3) Science(4) Tuesdays (5) timetable四、1-5 BBAAB五、1. Thursdays2. Wednesdays 3. Mondays4. Science5. subject
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