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Unit4 Hobbies教学内容 :Story time &P38 think and write & P45 think and write教学目 :(一)知 目 (1)能初步掌握理解story time, 并能做到流 朗 。(2)初步掌握会 中出 的四会 sing, dance, be good at, read stories, a lot of和句型 I likedoing He/She likes doing Whatyou/theydo like doing? What does he/she like doing?(3)初步理解 like+V-ing 的形式。(二)能力目 (1)能运用所学句型 好。(2)培养学生用英 交 的能力。(三)情感目 (1)初步了解几种 好,通 好激 学生学 英 的 趣。(2)引 学生参与活 ,相互合作交流,培养学生的合作意 。教学重点(1)掌握四会 sing, dance, be good at, read stories, a lot of和句型 I like doing He/ She likesdoing What do you/they like doing? What does he/she like doing?(2)初步理解 like+V-ing 的形式。(3)初步掌握理解story time, 并能做到流 朗 。教学 点(1)初步理解主 第三人称 数 的 化形式。教学准 1.教 准 : PPT, 卡和 片,板 。2.学生准 :听 2 遍 Story time 音。教学方法直 教学法情境教学法教学 程Step1. Warm upFree talkT: I like parrots, what do you like?T: What can the rabbits do?Lead inS: I like rabbits.S: They can run.T: Do you like yellow?S: Yes, I do.T: Do you like eating bananas? S: Yes, I do.T: I like eating bananas too. Eating is one of my hobbies. 教授 hobby, 复数形式 hobbies. 揭 : Unit4 Hobbies Step2 Presentation1. T: I have another hobby. I do it on Saturdays and Sundays , I need my eyes to do it , you can see some movie stars in it , and you can see some special shots and terrible shots , of course , sometimes there are some heroes in it , guess , what is my hobby 课?件(展示 片 )Ss:T: My hobby is watch films.(引 学生学 : watch films )T: Do you like watching films?. (看 画 )T: Who is the man in the film ? Ss:T:From the film, do you know what does he like doing?(引 学生学 : like doing sth)2. Try to sayHe / She likes. They like .3. T: I like watching films , Yao Ming likes playing basketball , He likes singing ,She likes dancing, we have afferent hobbies.T: We are talking about our hobbies, and I know someone is talking about hobbies too, who is he?(播放 文 画 )T: Do you know, who is talking about hobbies? Whose hobbies is he talking about? Ss:.4. Lets have a look one by one, about Mike. What does he like doing?( ,学生回答 板 )Does he play basketball well ?Does he play football well?Look at “good at”(引 学生学 be good at)Mike is not good at football, but here is a boy , he is good at football , who is he?Read the text part2 with your team members , and then answer the question.What does Liu Tao like doing?(引 学生学 also)5. Read the text part3&4 fast and silently ,and underline some key words and phrases. (引 学生学 a lot of 和 both)6. Read the text.7. Retell the story. Step 3 Practice Think and write. Step 4 SummaryT: Different people have different hobbies , hobbies can make our life colorful , if you like drawing ,maybe one day ,you can draw on the rocks , if you like sports, maybe one day ,you can win more gold medals for our country , if you like dancing, maybe one day, you can dance in the biggest stage , if you like playing the piano , maybe one day , you like Langlang , give concerts all of the world.T:Life will be beautiful with hobbies.( 情感教育)1. Use the sentences we learned, introduce your hobbies or your friendshobbies.2. Read story time fluently and beautifully板 I like He /She likesUnit4Hobbiessingingdancingreadingplaying the piano
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