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福师英汉互译在线作业二-0002试卷总分:100 得分:100 加微信:aopon007一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.Howcanwefinishtheworkinthe_ofanyotherhelpers?A.eraB.hasteC.spareD.absence答案:D2.Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _your advice.A.followB.had followedC.would followD.have followed答案:B3.How I wish I could bring_my children in an environment close to nature!A.aboutB.inC.outD.up答案:D4.The telephone _, but by the time I got indoors, it stopped.A.had rungB.was ringingC.ringsD.has rung答案:B5.Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could _English .A.practise to speakB.practising speakingC.practise speakingD.to practise speaking答案:B6.Wemaybeableto_youinsomewayifyoucannotfinishyourworkontimeA.resistB.insistC.assistD.disease答案:C7.They said he was _holding public office, so they decided to deprive him of his post.A.irrelevant toB.unaware ofC.inconsiderate ofD.incapable of答案:D8.If a baby bird stays_for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult.A.livingB.livelyC.aliveD.live答案:C9.They did find that _appears in a dream has far greater influence on mood than _occurs in the dream.A.the person . the thingB.who . whatC.who . thatD.the person who . which答案:B10.IntheUnitedStates,theforeignpolicyisdecidedbythe_government,notbyeachstate.A.federalB.figureC.scientificD.service答案:A11.Hecheckedcarefullyto_thepossibleerrorsinhisdesign.A.eliminateB.exceedC.enlargeD.vibrate答案:A12._you are conscious of it or not, you are using his influence in your own favor.A.WhetherB.IfC.ForD.Against答案:A13.The score was 80 to 78_the guest team.A.in favor ofB.in way ofC.in spite ofD.in view of答案:A14.When the fever eventually_, he is likely to feel tired and weak for a while.A.dies downB.dies outC.losesD.leaves答案:A15.Because there are only two competitors_, it is almost inevitable that one will receive a majority.A.in the runningB.for the runningC.in the runD.for the run答案:A16.Hewenttothedancelastnightbutcouldntfinda_becauseofhisstrangeclothes.A.pondB.saddleC.partnerD.salad答案:C17.It isnt easy to be inspired in that spontaneous way for long periods_.A.at a stretchB.for a stretchC.in a stretchD.on a stretch答案:A18.Ill come , _ I dont expect to enjoy myself.A.ifB.sinceC.asD.though答案:D19.Usually, they have been _by foreign businessmen, diplomats or Britons returning from abroad.A.brought overB.turned overC.taken overD.come over答案:A20.Withthe_ofMary,allthegirlstudentsareeagertogototheparty.A.exhibitionB.exceptionC.exceptD.reception答案:B21._a result _your bad work, I am forced to dismiss you.A.For . toB.Due to . withC.As . ofD.Because of . of答案:C22.More than one teacher _told him it is important that he learn English well if he _abroad.A.had,will goB.has,wants to goC.has,want to goD.have,shall go答案:B23.The reason for his being late is _his bicycle went wrong on the way.A.becauseB.thatC.whyD.for which答案:B24.IwishIcould_yousomehowforyourkindness.A.strawB.issueC.rewardD.own答案:C25.Wecannottrusthimanymorebecauseheoften_hisduty.A.owesB.spoilsC.desertsD.neglects答案:D26.Very few people could understand his lecture because the subject was very _.A.faintB.obscureC.gloomyD.indefinite答案:B27.Withthehelpofthegovernment,alargenumberofpeople_afterthefloodin1991.A.survivedB.suspendedC.sufferedD.subfected答案:A28.The book _is not available at the library.A.at questionB.on questionC.in questionD.for question答案:C29._had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang once more.A.As soon asB.No soonerC.HardlyD.Scarcely答案:B30.You _in such a hurry just now. Look, there is plenty of time left.A.dont have to do itB.neednt have done itC.wouldnt do itD.mustnt have done it答案:B31.We are in a difficult position in _we have nobody properly qualified for this work.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.where答案:B32.In some places women are expected to earn money _ men work at home and raise their children.A.butB.whileC.becauseD.though答案:B33.We had an anxious couple of weeks _ for the results of the experiment.A.waitB.to be waitingC.waitedD.waiting答案:D34.Jackis_ofstealingthebooksfromthelibrary.A.accusedB.witnessedC.strainedD.found答案:A35.Lots of dependent babies are _a liability than numbers of the inactive aged.A.more asB.more toC.more ofD.better of答案:C36.She would have
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