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财务分析英文简历模板一份出色的英文简历,是向外企求职的关键之一。下面为大家提供财务分析英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!财务分析英文简历模板(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxxNo.67, Lane123 Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, 200070XXX.comObjective: Financial AnalystSUMMARYBachelor of Commerce, Finance and Economics (Spring 2009); with future plans to pursue MBATwo years experience at TDCT as part-time assistant to Financial Adviser; completed CSCDirected Commerce Society Finance events, established Investment Club on campusAdvanced proficiency in modeling gained through course projects and assignmentsEDUCATIONJune 2014Bachelor of Commerce, Finance and EconomicsUniversity of Toronto MississaugaGPA: 3.82014Canadian Securities Course (Honours)RELEVANT EXPERIENCE2012 - PresentAssistant to Financial AdviserTD Canada Trust (part-time)Reviews client files to evaluate alignment of investments with profile; identifies required action for Financial Advisor; drafted three proposals which were acceptedCommended for ability to maintain customer focus while meeting deadlines2012 - PresentVice-President of FinanceUTM Undergraduate Commerce SocietyAnalyzed needs, negotiated sponsorships and presented at five special events featuring industry speakersIncreased level of Finance student participation by more than 20%Jan 12 - Mar 12Valuation Project, UTM Finance CourseAnalyzed fictitious, publicly traded company; valued securities and intangible assets; recommended opportunities that would structure capital so as to maximize value. Showcased recommendations in advanced PowerPoint presentationAwarded A+, including special recognition for efficient teamworkNov 11 - Dec 11Marketing Assignment, UTM Finance CourseAnalyzed distribution alternatives, including detailed market-share study. Required advanced proficiency in modeling using ExcelAwarded A+2010 - 2011Charter memberUTM Investment ClubResearched other student clubs and collaborated with business professor to draft charter. Researches market sectors and presents appropriate investment recommendations at club meetingsAverage annual rate of return on portfolio: 14%想要自我能力表达更完整 应该关注哪些内容的叙述?有没有影响力比较大的内容作为依仗进行个人简历制作,可起到的影响也并非仅是增进简历价值那么简单,由众多求职者比较专注对待的求职几率等问题来看。能借助一些信息化提升自我能力的简历,往往可发挥出更高效的运用效果。A、简历的强力助手哪些内容可以称之为简历中的强力助手呢?这里我们可以对简历的学历,专业优势进行观察,在表现出足够的优势后,哪些并不着重简历创作问题的人,皆可通过这些内容的表达来使简历更具吸引力。事实上,能够促进简历价值的因素并非仅仅只是这些而已,之所以它可以展现出备受推崇的一面,最主要的原因来源于这般创作可发挥的空间比较宽广,所以它才能够更适宜人们采用。B、自我能力的表达方向要知道话不投机半句多慎言也需在简历中表现出来。能否完美且充分的将自我能力表达出来,也是近些年来职场中比较关注的简历书写问题,因招聘企业在列举了诸多要求后,他们最希望见到的便是能够满足需求能力的人才。故而表达能力的方向选择问题,才应该被我们借鉴使用。一份价值比较高,且影响力充足的简历,不仅仅只是依靠着各式各样的优势进行彰显,它还非常讲求一种自我能力表达问题。当一份简历拥有了足够的影响力后,即便求职者想要就职的企业单位在竞争力上比较强,但他们依旧可以通过这般方式获得满意工作,即便达不到这一效果,但几率也会大幅增长。
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