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升三年级英语学生面试题库Topic1:1.How do you do?2.Welcome to the XDF school.3.What is your English name?4.How are you?5.Nice to meet you!Topic2:1.Where are you from?2.Do you live in Taiyuan?3.Can you use ipad?4.Is your hair long?5.Whatsyour favorite color?Topic3:1.Whatdoes your father do?2.Howmany people are there in your family?3.Whocooks meals at your home?4.Doesshe like peas?5.Haveyou got two brothers?Topic4:1.Do youoften speak English?2.Where isyour school?3.How do you usually go to school?4.Doyoulike reading?5.Do youlike your English teacher?Topic5:1.Howmany friends do you have?2.Whois your best friend?3.Howold is Rain?4.Areyou good students?5.Do youlike to make friends?Topic6:1.Do youlike the weather in your hometown?2.Howsthe weather today?3.Howdo you feel the weather?4.Whatsthe weather like?5.Itlooks like rain.Topic7:1.Arethese tomatoes?2.Whatwould you like?3.Wouldyou like some meat?4.Doeshe like mangoes?5.Howmuch is the banana?Topic8:1.Howmany cows are there?2.Whatare they doing?3.Letsgo to the zoo.4.Whatdoes a dolphin eat?5.Arethose butterflies?Topic9:1.Whatcolor do you like?2.What color is it?3.Doyou like the indigo?4.Whatcolor is the apple?5.Can youtell me some colors?Topic10:1.Canyou count1 to 20?2.What isyour mothers telephone number?3.How many ears do you have?4.How many days are there in a week?5.Whattime is it now?
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