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IP RoutingWhat does it mean to have fast or autonomous switching “enabled” and “disabled” on the same interface?在同一个接口上快速或自主切换“启用”和“停用”是什么意思?How is the load shared between two parallel lines of equal capacity when these lines are configured for load balancing?当两个并行线路配置负载平衡时,并行线路之间的负载如何共享?What does route summarization mean?路由汇聚是什么意思?When does a Cisco router generate a source quench?思科路由器什么时候产生來源抑制?When does a Cisco router initiate a routing request out its interfaces?思科路由器什么时候从其接口发起路由请求?What is the difference between the ip defaultgateway, ip defaultnetwork, and ip route commands?IP默认路由,IP默认网络和IP路径命令有什么区别?How do I use the ip helperaddress command to forward Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) frames?如何使用IP helper-address命令转发Bootstrap协议(BOOTP)帧?Would it be possible to configure a router for a Ethernet and a serial subnet?可以为255.255.254.0以太网和255.255.252.0串行子网设定路由器吗?Does IGRP/RIPv1 support variable subnetting?IGRP / RIPv1是否支持可变长度子网划分?Can an interface have more than one ip accessgroup statement in its configuration?接口在其设置中可以有多个IP Access-group声明吗?Can I configure two interfaces in the same subnet (t0 = and t1可以在同一子网中设置两个接口(t0 =和t1 =吗?Is it possible to have duplicate ip addresses for two serial interfaces that belong to the same router?属于同一路由器的两个串行接口是否可以拥有重复的IP地址?Is there a performance advantage when using the IP access list keyword established on an extended ACL?使用扩展ACL上建立的IP访问列表关键字是否具有性能优势?What is Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF)? Can a default route be used to perform a uRPF check?什么是单播逆向转发(uRPF)?可以使用默认路由0.0.0.0/0执行uRPF检查吗?Who does loadbalancing when there are multiple links to a destination,Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF), or the routing protocol?当多个链路到达目的地时,Cisco Express Forwarding(CEF)还是路由协议进行负载平衡?What are the maximum number of secondary IP addesses that can be configured on a router interface?在路由器接口上, 最多可以配置多少个的辅助IP地址?Can a VLAN interface and a tunnel interface have the same IP address?VLAN接口和隧道接口可否具有相同的IP地址?What is Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)?什么是虚拟路由转发(VRF)?How do I connect two different ISPs and route different traffic to different ISPs?如何连接两个不同的ISP并将流量发送到不同的ISP?What is the difference between the two methods to create static routes?创建静态路由的两种方法有什么区别?What is the purpose of ports 2228 and 56506?端口2228和56506的用途是什么?How do you limit the number of sessions when a customer accesses the network?如何限制客户访问网络时的Session数目?What does the term threshold and timeout in IP SLA operation mean?IP SLA操作中阈值和超时是什么意思?What is Network Descriptor Block (NDB)?什么是网络描述符块(NDB)?What is the difference between pointtopoint subinterfaces and multipoint subinterfaces?点对点子接口和多点子接口之间有什么区别?
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