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. . . $3.536冷却机电控系统作 者 姓 名 专 业 指导教师 摘 要冷却机是水泥厂常用的主要设备之一。它的位置是在水泥原料煅烧的设备水泥窑之后,用于将从窑中送出的已煅烧完毕的水泥熟料疏松并使之冷却,而后送往水泥厂的另一重要设备水泥磨中将水泥熟料研磨为散装水泥成品。水泥生料煅烧后,必须经过熟料急冷系统冷却机的处理。熟料的冷却除了有利于运输及后续的加工研磨外,也能提高水泥的品质。若缓慢冷却,熟料的一切成分均结成晶体,会影响水泥的抗压强度以及可研磨性。熟料的急速冷却同时也能提高水泥对于化学侵蚀的抵抗力(如硫酸钠及硫酸镁等化学侵蚀)。本系统中冷却机的机械装置是一个长36的筒体,圆筒直径为3.5,带有通风制冷的装置。正常工作时,筒体倾斜地高速旋转,同时还能往复地上下运行(小型冷却机不带挡轮液压站,只有旋转功能)。在旋转的过程中靠筒体的机械装置将煅烧后的大块熟料松散成小块,并通风散热将温度降下来,使原料冷却。关键词:冷却机;继电器;液压 PRINCIPLES OF HYDRAULIC PRESSURE A Frenchman named Pascal discovered that a pressure applied to any part of a confined fluid transmits to every other part with no loss. The pressure acts with equal force on all equal areas of the confining walls and perpendicular to the walls. Remember when you are talking about the hydraulic machine, you are talking about the way a liquid acts in a closed system of pipes and cylinders. The action of a liquid under such conditions is somewhat different from its behavior in open containers or in lakes, rivers, or oceans. You also should keep in mind that you cannot compress most liquids into a smaller space. Liquids dont “give” the way air does when you apply pressure, nor do liquids expand when you remove pressure. Punch a hole in a tube of toothpaste. If you push down at any point on the tube, the toothpaste comes out of the hole. Your force has transmitted from one place to another through the toothpaste, which is a thick, liquid fluid. Figure 10-5 shows what would happen if you punched four holes in the tube. If you were to press on the tube at one point, the toothpaste would come out of all four holes. You have illustrated a basic principle of hydraulic machines. That is, a force applied on a liquid transmits equally in every direction to all parts of the container. We use this principle in the operation of four-wheel hydraulic automobile brakes. Figure 10-6 is a simplified drawing of this brake system. You push down on the brake pedal and force the piston in the master cylinder against the fluid in that cylinder. This push sets up a pressure on the fluid as your finger did on the toothpaste in the tube. The pressure on the fluid in the master cylinder transmits through the lines to the brake cylinders in each wheel. This fluid under pressure Figure 10-6.-Hydraulic brakes. Figure 10-7.-Liquid transmits force. pushes against the pistons in each of the brake cylindersand forces the brake shoes out against the drums目 录摘 要2 第一章 工艺概况 1.1冷却机工艺简介1.1.1冷却机与电气系统有关的装置1.1.2冷却机的技术参数1.1.3电气控制目标1.2总体设计方案1.2.1操作方式1.2.2连锁信号1.2.3电控系统设计任务分类1.3主电机和辅助电机的控制1.3.1主电机的控制与调速1.3.2辅助电机的控制1.4挡轮液压站的控制1.5主减速机润滑站的控制1.5.1油泵电机的控制1.5.2油压控制1.5.3油温控制第二章 电气元件的选择2.1.1低压断路器的选择2.1.2交流接触器的选择2.1.3中间继电器的选择2.1.4时间继电器的选择2.1.5热继电器的选择2.1.6转换开关的选择2.1.7信号灯的选择2.1.8控制按钮的选择2.1.9刀开关的选择2.2.1控制变压器的选择2.2.2接线端子的选择2.2.3电流互感器和电流表的选择2.2.4其他元件的选择第三章 控制柜布置与柜体设计3.1.1接触器、继电器的布置3.1.2低压断路器的布置3.1.3刀开关和电流互感器的布置3.1.4接线端子的布置3.1.5电流表、滑差电机控制器的布置3.1.6指示灯的布置3.1.7按钮的布置3.1.8蜂鸣器的布置3.1.9其他元件的布置3.2.1铭牌的布置3.2.2柜体设计的布置第四章 电控系统的安装与调试方法4.1.1电控装置的安装4.1.2现场调试致参考文献第一章 工 艺 概 括1.1冷却机工艺简介1.1.1冷却机与电气系统有关的装置有: 主电机用于驱动筒体高速旋转的设备。 辅助电机用于检修时驱动筒体慢速旋转的设备(有时称为慢驱)。 主减速润滑站用于减速机齿轮的润滑,保证减速机正常运行。 挡轮液压站靠液压的力量推动冷却机筒体上行下行上行下行往复运行,冷却机上、下行的转换靠上、下限行程开关控制。1.1.2 冷却机的技术参数冷却机技术参数如下: 主电机为滑差电机(电磁调速异步电动机),功率为132kW,额定转速为990r/min,电压为330V,调速比101。 辅助电机参数:型号为Y180L6的笼型异步电动机,功率为15 kW,转速为970 r/min,电压为380V。制动器型号为YWZ525315/2512.5。 主减速器润滑站型号为TE525。含如下元件: 油泵电机:Y112M6B8,2台,2.2kW,AC380V,50Hz。 电加热器:SRY2220/2,3件,AC220V,2kW。 液位控制器:VQK02,1件,AC220V:200A,DC24V:0.5A。 电接点温度计:WTZ228,2件,AC2438V,10A。 温度控制器:YWK50C,1件AC380V:3A,DC220V:2.5A,阻性负载,温度设定围5060。 电磁水阀:ZCS25P,1件,AC220V,650mA。 压力控制器:YWK50C,3件,AC380V:3A,DC220V:25A,阻
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