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.,1,看美剧 学英语,.,2,The tv is broadcasted in the form of season One season usually has 2030 episode It is broadcasted one episode a week The Emmy awards美国电视剧艾美奖 which is usually held in Sept. marked the opening of the new broadcasting season from Sept. to April (the following year) The US TV series is broadcasting while shooting. The prime time黄金时间 of TV series is 20:0023:00 from Monday to Saturday and 19:0023:00 on Sunday Huge investment eg. It take 1300000 dollars to produce one episode of the ER,.,3,The soap opera usually broadcast in the daytime. When it come to the festivals and big events like Christmas and Olympic games , the series will go off air for weeks even months. Emmy Awards is the highest award in the U.S. television industry. audience ratings is very important . When a series have a low audience rating , the series will be cut (砍). On the contrary, it will get renewal for the next season. Eg. PB is cut after season 4.,.,4,美剧是美国电视剧集的简称。一部美国电视剧一般25集左右,一个星期播出一集。美国商业电视以每年9月中旬至第二年4月下旬为一个播出季,新季以美国电视艺术与科学协会主办的“艾美奖”颁奖典礼为序幕。艾米奖是美剧中的最高奖项。美国的电视剧是边拍边播的,周一到周六电视剧播出的黄金时间是晚上8点到10点,周日是7点到11点。肥皂剧一般在早上播出。当盛大的节日来临时,他们会停播几周甚至几个月。收视率是非常重要的。当一系列收视率低,该系列将被削减(砍)。相反,它会更新为下一个季节。如。PB四季后切。,.,5,第一级:TV-Y All Children,第二级 TV-Y7 Directed to Older Children 适合7岁以上儿童观看,第三级 TV-Y7-FV Directed to Older Children-Fantasy Violence FV(Fantasy Violence)幻想暴力,第四级 TV-G General Audience 普通观众,第五级 TV-PG Parental Guidance Suggested 父母指导,.,6,第六级 TV-14 Parents Strongly Cautioned 父母强烈警告,第七级TV-MA Mature Audience Only 成人节目,Now lets see those symbols in the TV,DSLV: V - violence 暴力S - sexual situations 有关性的场面L - coarse or crude indecent language 粗鲁粗俗的下流的语言D - suggestive dialogue (usually means talk about sex) 暗示性的对话(通常谈论性方面),.,7,News 新闻 Talk show 脱口秀 Soap Opera :肥皂剧drama: 正剧 Classic show 经典剧 eg.growing pains 成长的烦恼 reality show 真人秀 eg.American idol 美国偶像 Comedy show 喜剧 eg.TBBT 生活大爆炸 Medical show 医疗剧 eg.GA House ER crime show 犯罪剧 eg.CSI NCSI LTM bones CM Teen show 青少年节目 eg. GG OC Sci-fi show 科幻剧 eg.LOST hero Historical show 历史剧 eg.The Tudors War show 战争剧 eg.the pacific太平洋战争 Legal show 律政剧 eg. Suits Sitcom (Situation Comedy) 情景喜剧 HM F6 HIMYM 人人都爱雷蒙德 人人都很克里斯 Made-for-Tv Movie 电视电影 Spinoff 衍生剧,.,8,.,哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS) 哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS),美国三大广播电视公司之一,主打的都是些罪案剧,包括CSI犯罪心理老爸老妈浪漫史、生活大爆。,Columbia broadcasting company (CBS), one of the three major radio and television company, main is all some crime drama, including the “CSI” “criminal minds ” “How I Met Your Mother” , the big bang theory, etc,哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS) 哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS),美国三大广播电视公司之一,主打的都是些罪案剧,包括CSI犯罪心理老爸老妈浪漫史、生活大爆炸等。,.,9,全国广播公司(NBC) 全国广播公司(NBC)三巨头之一,美国第一个全国性广播网,主要剧目 有老友记法律与秩序白宫风云超能英雄等。,The national broadcasting company (NBC) The national broadcasting company (NBC) is one of the three major radio and television company, the first national radio network, main repertoire friends law & order the west wing heroes and so on.,.,10,美国广播公司(ABC) 美国广播公司(ABC),三巨头之一,其实算是从NBC中分离出来的,主要剧目有绝望的主妇迷失波士顿法律(Boston Legal)与星共舞(Dancing With The Stars)实习医生格蕾(Greys Anatomy)丑女贝蒂(Ugly Betty)等。,American broadcasting company (ABC) American broadcasting company (ABC), one of The big three, actually is separated from NBC, major drama desperate housewives Boston Legal lost (Boston Legal) Dancing With The Stars (money have The Stars) Greys Anatomy (Grey s Anatomy) Ugly Betty (Ugly Betty), etc.,.,11,福克斯广播公司(FOX) 福克斯广播公司(FOX),排名第4,主要剧目有识骨寻踪(BONES)24小时(24 Hours)、X档案(X files)、豪斯医生(House M.D)、危机边缘(FRINGE)、越狱(Prison Break) 以及别对我撒谎(Lie to me)。,FOX broadcasting company (FOX) FOX broadcasting company (FOX), the fourth, main repertoire BONES (bare-bones) 24 (24 Hours), the x-files (X files), the House (House m.), FRINGE (FRINGE), Prison Break (Prison Break) and dont Lie to me, Lie to me).,.,12,哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网(CW) 哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网(CW),邪恶力量美眉校探超人前传绯闻女孩(Gossip Girl)吸血鬼日记尼基塔(NIKITA)。,Columbia and Warner Brothers joint network,.,13,家庭电视广播网(HBO=Home Box Office) 是时代华纳下属的付费电视网,出过一些质量很高的剧集,包括07年艾美奖上,获全胜的黑道家族,还有欲望都市真爱如血罗马兄弟连血战太平洋等。,.,14,Lost (Lost) is an American TV series, tell from Sydney to Los Angeles airlines flight 815 on a south Pacific Ocean after the crash on a mysterious tropical island survivors of life and experience. The story from the professional doctor, Jack, aircraft crashed on an island of the Pacific Ocean, 48 passengers survived. Without good health, Jack can only use the most simple way to enliven dying people one by one. In the process of struggle for survival, Jack became a hero. However, even if the heroes have skeleton in my closet.,三大美剧之一:迷失(Lost),.,15,迷失(Lost)是一部美国电视连续剧,讲述从澳大利亚悉尼飞往美国洛杉矶的海洋航空公司815航班在一个南太平洋一个神秘热带小岛上坠毁后生还者的生活和经历的事。故事从一位职业医生Jack的视角展开,客机坠落在太平洋的一个孤岛上,48名乘客侥幸生还。得不到好的医疗,Jack只能用最简陋的办法将奄奄一息的人们一个个救活。在为生存而抗争的过程中,Jack成了英雄。然而,即使英雄也会有不可告人的秘密。,.,16,.,17,.,18,三大美剧之二:越狱(Prison Break),越狱是由福克斯公司出品的,桑福德-布克斯塔弗导演的美国电视连续剧,该剧由温特沃思米勒和多米尼克珀塞尔等人主演,共4季,于2005年8月起上映,讲述的是一个关于拯救的故事。,.,19,.,20,.,21,三大美剧之三:犯罪现场调查CSI(CSI: Crime Scene Investigation),It Is a popular American criminal TV series by Atlantis Alliance (the Alliance Atlantis) and the Columbi
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