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.,1,美语语调,陈述句降调: A 陈述句一般用降调,声音从一个中等的水平开始,然后在句子重音这个点上声音抬高,力度加大,最后渐渐降落 B 如果重音不在最后一个音节上,声音则直接落下来,.,2,Examples A:,The lamp is on the dsk. Theyre in the lving room. The books are on the chir. Ann is writing a ltter. The baby is on the flor. The child is plying A cat is in the bx. The dog is sleping.,.,3,Examples A:,I like my wrk. I am a tacher. Failure is the mother of succss. Repetition is the mother of stdy. It will do you god. It will add to your happness. This book will prove to be of great hlp. That one is uselss.,.,4,美语语调,祈使句的语调与陈述句相同,一般也用降调 注:please一词出现在句尾的时候一般不需要重读,但放在句首则要重读,.,5,Example B:,Lets g to school. Cme in, please. Gt out of the room. Dont lok around the road. Mnd your own business. Plase open the window. Clse the door. Lsten to me carefully.,.,6,Example B:,Gve me the key to the door. Tll me the truth. Dont shut at me. Dont d that again. Dont sk so many questions. Dont lse your heart. Dont gve up your ideal. Dont g to that kind of place.,.,7,美语语调,特殊疑问句一般也用降调以疑问代词who, whose, what, which和疑问副词when, where how, how much, how long开头的特殊疑问句,句末一般用降调,极少数情况下为了强调改用升调,.,8,Examples:,Wheres my bok? Wheres my ntebook? Whos that mn? Whos that wman? Whats her nme? Whats her tlephone number? When did you cme? When are you laving? How is your wfe? How is your hsband?,.,9,Examples:,When did you cme? How long will you sty? Where is your sn? Where is your dughter? Who is that mn? Who is that wman? How do you like the bok? How does he like the pcture? What clor is the pen?,.,10,句子练习:,注意语调,标出重音: 1. I dont understand. 2. Whats your name? 3. Please repeat the question. 4. Where do you live? 5. The lesson is on page six. 6. What do you do?,.,11,句子练习,7. Im an accountant. 8. She works in a hospital. 9. My brothers an airline pilot. 10. Wheres your sister? 11. Im not a student. 12. Shes at work.,.,12,Little poem,There was an old woman, And nothing she had. And so this old woman, Was said to be mad, Shed nothing to eat, Shed nothing to wear,.,13,Little poem,Shed nothing to lose, Shed nothing to fear, Shed nothing to ask, And nothing to leave, And when she did die, Nobody grieved.,.,14,美语语调,升调: 很多同学升调读的不好听,不够婉转,甚至发音古怪,其根本原因是没将重音读准,句子的升调应该从句子重音这个点上把调拔起来,而不是随意一升,或从后面的单词升起来 一般疑问句要用yes or no来回答,一般用升调 小技巧:朗读声调可以将手扬起来,.,15,句子练习,Do you know Scofield? Does he speak English? Is the baby sleping? Did you study French? Is the cat playing with a bll? Did you live in Frnce? Are the boys aslep? Can you spak English? Do you knw Mr. Brown? Can I have a tlk with you?,.,16,句子练习,Do you know her? Do they live in New York? Are you a student? Is she a professor? Can you hear me? Are they watching TV? Have they finished the work? Would you like to have a cup of coffee? Can you see the picture on the wall? Shall we start off now?,.,17,句子练习,Is that your wfe ? Is that your sn ? Is he a stdent? Is his name Bb? Is that your cr? Is he T-bag? Is it lte ? Is it imprtant ?,.,18,对话练习,George: Are you free for lunch, bro? Bob: Im planning to eat at my desk this noon, George. Ive got a lot of work to do. George: Joan from Electronic Futures is coming over. Bob: Is that the new account you were talking about?,.,19,对话练习,George: Well, not yet, but were hoping to get it. It would be good for you to meet her. Bob: Yeah, I agree. Im joining you. What time? George: Oh, thats great. One oclock in my office.,.,20,美语语调,陈述句和特殊疑问句也能用升调, 一般情况下为降调,当用升调时,往往表示惊讶或存疑 有时我们会直接简略的用升调重复关键词表示疑问,或直接what? Thats your sister. The flower is beautiful . She was born in China. He has been to London. You didnt see her . You are talking about your homework .,.,21,陈述句的升调,Hes a graduate. He didnt answer . You gave her money . Youre working in the house at that time. We werent invited . You know her . Thats your bike . She can help me with some cooking . This book is thick.,.,22,语气小对话,1. a. My sisters coming tomorrow. b. Your sister? I didnt know you had a sister. 2. a. I failed the math exam. b. You failed it? I dont believe it. Youre so good in math. 3. a. It is raining outside. b. Raining? It was sunny when I came back a moment ago. 4. a. More than 300 people died of this illness. b. More than 300 hundred? I hadnt thought this illness was so serious.,.,23,语气小对话,5. a. The coat costs me 1,200 dollars. b. 1,200dollars? I think it is too expensive. 6. a. I want you to meet my mother. b. Your mother? I cant believe it. She looks like your sister. 7. a. I knew your father. b. You knew my father? Yes. He and my father were friends. 8. a. Ive just come back from Mr. Browns funeral. b. Mr. Brown is dead? I saw him doing exercises just a week ago./I thought he has been dead for 2 years,.,24,长对话练习,A: Honey, I have something important to say. B: Something important? A: Yes. I have just booked two tickets. B: Tickets? What tickets? A: Two air tickets. B: Air tickets? A: Yes. We will fly to Paris the day after tomorrow. B: We? The day after tomorrow? What a
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