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选修八 Unit 2基础回顾.单句语法填空(导学号02516340)1The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, to stay (stay) out after 11 pm.2He has a strong objection to smoking (smoke) in public places, especially with females present.3Why bother going/to go (go) abroad to study, when there are so many good universities at home?4Our strength is from many sources, but most of all, we owe our success to the creativity of our people.5Struck (strike) by strong snowstorms, the area faced severe water and electricity shortage.6The best way to undertake big projects is to force (force) them into your schedule.7I have a sweet tooth and cant resist eating (eat) chocolate and ice cream.8Do you know any differences (differ) between British English and American English?9Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, of which obtaining (obtain) water is not the least.10We had our furniture moved to the new house when the decoration (decorate) of the house is finished.单句改错(每句一错)(导学号02516341)1You can go swimming in condition that you dont go too far from the river bank.inon2Some rules should be made to forbid students of smoking.offrom3It suddenly struck to me that we ought to make a new plan.去掉第一个to或struckoccurred4No one knows exact how the earth began as it happened so long ago.exactexactly5Owe to a lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.OweOwing.佳句写作(导学号02516342)1这张桌子的问题是放在我们屋里太大了。(The problem of .is that.)答案:The problem of the desk is that its too big for our room.2我们决不会推迟这个计划的执行。(on no condition放在句首)答案:On no condition will we put off carrying out the plan.3据报道,在那个国家很多工人在罢工。(be on strike)答案:It is reported that many workers are on strike in that country.4那对孪生兄弟在性格方面互不相同。(differ)答案:The twins differ from each other in character.5我反对别人那样跟我说话。(object to)答案:I object to being spoken to like that.技能提升.阅读理解(导学号02516343)(2018唐山模拟)A new method of delivering data, which uses the visible spectrum (光谱) rather than radio waves, has been tested in a working office.Lifi can deliver Internet access 100 times faster than traditional Wifi, offering speeds of up to 1 Gbps (gigabit per second). It requires a light source, such as a standard LED bulb, an Internet connection and a photo detector.It was tested this week using a Lifienabled light bulb to transmit data at the speed of 1 Gbps. Laboratory tests have shown theoretical speeds of up to 224 Gpbs. When tested in an office, it allowed workers to access the Internet and in an industrial space,where it provided a smart lighting solution. Chief executive Deepak Solanki said that the technology could reach consumers “within three or four years”The term Lifi was first coined by Prof. Haas, who demonstrated the technology at a Ted conference in 2011. His talk, which has now been watched nearly two million times, showed an LED lamp streaming video. Prof. Haas described a future when billions of light bulbs could become wireless hot spots.One of the big advantages of Lifi is the fact that, unlike Wifi, it does not interfere with other radio signals, so could be used on aircraft and in other places where interference is an issue.However, the technology also has its drawbacksmost notably the fact that it cannot be used outdoors in direct sunlight, because that would interfere with its signal. Neither can the technology travel through walls so initial use is likely to be limited to some places.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。本文主要是向读者介绍了一种被称作Lifi的新的传播数据的方式。1Which of the following will be the best title of this passage?AThe drawbacks of traditional WifiBThe advantages of LifiCLifi 100 times faster than WifiDLifi and Wifi解析:C主旨大意题。通读全文内容可判断出,本文主要介绍了一种被称作Lifi的新的传播数据的方式,它的传播速度比Wifi快一百倍。故选C。2Which of the following statements is TRUE?ATraditional Wifi can reach speeds of up to 1 Gbps.BThe new technology has been put into use by consumers.CDeepak Solanki showed the new technology at a conference in 2011.DLifi cant be used without a light source, an Internet connection or a photo detector.解析:D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“It requires a light source,such as a standard LED bulb,an Internet connection and a photo detector.”可知,D项所述内容正确。故选D。3This passage may be _.Aa piece of newsBa science fictionCa fashion magazineDa product brochure解析:A推理判断题。根据本文内容可判断。本文主要是向读者介绍了一种被称作Lifi的新的传播数据的方式。由此可推断出,本文最有可能是一则新闻。.阅读填句(七选五)(导学号02516344)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2018安徽合肥第二次质量检测)Everybody knows the importance of drinking enough water. As we all know,drinking water benefits your skin,muscles and organs._1_The major reason for that is related to human biological needs. When youre a baby,youre 75 percent water. Then,as the years get higher,you get drier. _2_ It helps you lose weight, according to a study from the University of Birmingham.The re
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