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,Module 3,题目:上个周末,你去哪里玩了?玩得高兴吗? 快给大家说一说吧。词数50 左右。,四步法介绍城市,第一步,抓关键词,确定时态。本文描述上周末发生的事情,是过去发生的事,所以全文用了一般过去时。,第二步,理清思路。本文描述了上周末发生的事情。先写和谁去了哪儿,怎么去的,再写看到的事物和对事物的描述以及干了什么等。,第三步,知识储备。 必备词汇:weekend( 周末),by bus( 乘公共汽车),cute( 可爱的) 必备句型:人+ go(适当形式)to + 地名( 某人去某处) ;人+ take(适当 形式)photos of + 某物/ 某人( 某人为 某物或某人拍照) 第四步,连词成句,连句成篇。,Last weekend,I went to the zoo with my mother. We went there by bus. I saw a little monkey. It was very cute. Then I saw a panda.,范文:,It was very big. I took photos of the monkey and the panda. My mother took a photo of me. ,上周末,我和妈妈去动物园了。我们乘公共汽车去那儿的。我看到了一只小猴子,它非常可爱。然后我看到了一只熊猫。它非常大。我给猴子和熊猫拍了照片。我妈妈给我拍了一张照片。,译文:,小练笔:,请根据下面的汉语提示写一篇50词左右的小作文。 我和爸爸、妈妈去年五一(May Day)开车去了济南,我们爬了千佛山(the Qianfo Mountain),参观了大明湖(the Daming Lake),拍了许多照片。我们玩得非常高兴。,I went to Jinan with my father and mother last May Day. We went there by car. We arrived there at nine oclock in the morning. Then we went to the Qianfo Mountain. There were lots of people,参考例文:,. We visited the Daming Lake in the afternoon. It was very beautiful. We took lots of photos. We had a good time!,
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