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四年级期末复习卷姓名 班级 学号 一、英汉互译。1.十四只鸡蛋 2. 一杯牛奶 3.看着我 4. 只有四十元钱 5.一些面条 6.make a fruit salad 7.our new home 8.your white cap 9. at the snack bar 10.how much 11. 十三只胖老虎 12. how many 13.看一看 14.当然可以 15.some stickers 16.What do you have? 17.play table tennis 18. I have many balls. 19.Lets play. 20.十九把扇子 21. these toy animals 22.有一个香蕉 23.给你。 24.这些瘦猴子 25.Do you like apples? 26.喜欢菠萝 27.许多葡萄 28.have a try 29.What about you? 30.三只篮球 31.踢足球 32.多少篮球 33 .溜冰溜得好 34.二十个芒果 35我们的橘子 36.that elephant 37.它们都是给我妹妹的。 38.他的眼睛 39.她的小耳朵 40.它的大鼻子 41.妈妈的嘴巴 42. 爸爸的短发 二、 按要求写单词。1.Lets(完全形式) 2.lovely(近义词) 3.Thank you.(同义词) 4do not(缩略形式) 5.cant完全形式 6. they are缩写形式 7.good近义词 8.box复数 9.big(反义词) 10.fat(反义词) 11.short(反义词) 12.snowman复数 13.he(物主代词) 14.her(主格) 15.we (物主代词) 16. I(宾格) 三、根据上下文及要求填词或填句子。(12分)1.你喜欢熊猫吗? Do you_ pandas ?2.你有一些苹果吗? Do you have _ apples?4.我有一些葡萄。I have grapes.5.你有多少玩具汽车? _ many toy cars do you_?6I can skate.(改为否定句) 7.Can you swim?(否定回答) 8.I can have a try.(改为一般疑问句) 9.I can play football(用Mike替换I) x k b 1.c o m 10.A:I can _basketball.Can you play_,too?B:No, I_.But I can play_.And I can play football very _.A:Can you teach me(教我)?B:_.11._(多少足球) can I have?12.Can you_(打篮球)?13._(看)this toy lion.Do you like it?14. (看) !This is our toy lion.15. Can you _(看)that zebra?16.We_.(不能做那个)17.What you like ? I a hamburger and a glass of milk .18. glasses do you have ? Six .19.当我们想问:“这些鞋多少钱?”可以说: 20. 当我们想问:“你要多少?”可以说: 21. is my pen ?Its on your desk.22. the rubbers? They are in the pencil box.23.How are you ? thirsty . 网24. it in your home ? No, it .25.别人问你What about a pie ?可是你并不饿,可以说: 26. A:I dont have a car.B:I dont have a car , .27. 你想告诉你的妹妹,她的玩具熊在卧室,你会说: 28. I have toy cars , but I dont have toy trains. Do you have toy cars ?(用some的适当形式填空) 29. 你想知道Wang Bing 是否喜欢猴子,你问: 30. 你想知道朋友是否想吃馅饼时,你问: 31. 你想知道Mike有几个苹果时,你会问: 32. 你想夸奖别人的东西漂亮时,你会说: 33. 你想看看别人的东西时,你会说: 34.看我们的水果色拉。 at fruit salad.35.我有一只可爱的玩具熊猫。I have a toy .36.你喜欢这匹马吗?Do you this ?37.营业员问还需要别的什么时,问: 38. Look at my toy_(car / cars). Its lovely.39._(Do / Are) you have stickers? No, I_ .(am not / dont)40.Look at this girl. hair is long. beautiful.41. a tall boy. But eyes are small.42.His mouth big, but his ears small.43. how much (is are) the shoes?(Its Theyre) 45 yuan.44. are you ? Fine, thank you .45. are my socks ?Theyre under your bed .46. I have one ? Yes , you can.47. would you like ? Id like an ice cream .48. is it ? Thirty yuan.
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