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.,1,Guess It is in the most southern part of China. In winter it is the hottest spot for tourists, especially for the northern people. Where is it?,.,2,Palm 棕榈树,.,3,Sea 大海,.,4,Chinas Statue Liberty 中国的自由女神,.,5,Right. Its Hainan province, famous for its rich travelling resources.,Now lets enjoy a movie about Hainan, a fantastic southern place.,.,6,Beautiful Hainan美 在 海 南,.,7,Unit 8 Transmission & Distribution Systems输配电系统,New Words & Expressions transmission 输电 distribution 配电 layout 布局 take place 发生 (问题:哪个单词的意思也是”发生“?) consumption 消耗(思考:“消费者”怎么说呢?) figure图形(思考:跟“图”相关的有哪些英语词?),.,8,New Words & Expressions词汇和短语,diagram 图表 substation 变电站 step-up 向上的(问题:”向下的“或”降低的“怎么说?) transmission line输电线(请回忆“线”的英文单词有哪些?) gravity 重力,.,9,Introduction about the Final-term Exam英语期末考试介绍,30% for the Usual(10%+20%) 平时占30%。其中考勤占10分,课堂表现占20分(如是否认真听讲、是否积极回答问题、是否踊跃参加课堂上的活动等) 70% for the Final-term Exam 期末考试题型及各题所占分值介绍,详见下页。,.,10,Subject Types & Its Proportion考试题型及所占分值介绍,一、单项选择题(1*5=5) 二、多项选择题(3* 5=15) 三、情景交际题(4* 5=20) 四、每日一句(4*5=20) 五、汉译英(1*20=20) 六、英译汉(1*10=10) 七、缩写题(1*10=10),.,11,Everyday Saying每日谚语,Opportunity is always prepared for the right one! 机会总是偏向于有准备的头脑!,
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