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.,1,动词(一),动词分类、动词词组与词义辨析,语法讲解(八),.,2,课标考点,1.掌握系动词be, look, smell, get, become, turn, keep等的基本用法。 2.掌握助动词do, have, shall, will的基本用法。,.,3,一、 动词概述,动词是表示动作或状态的词,动词也是英语中唯一可以作谓语的词。在英语中,动词变化多姿,有动词原形、第三人称单数形式、过去式、过去分词、现在分词等多种形式。句子的各种时态和语态都是通过动词表示出来的。谓语动词在句子中还要注意主谓搭配一致。,.,4,二、动词分类,1.实义动词(又称行为动词) 是表示动作或状态的动词,有自己的实在的意义。 实义 及物动词 vt. 动词 非及物动词 vi. 实义 延续性动词 动词 非延续性动词,.,5,2.系动词(又称连系动词) link-v 连接主语和表语的动词成为系 动词。主要用于表明主语的身份、 类别、特征、状态等。后面可跟名 词,形容词,副词,介词短语等做其表语。 常用的系动词有be (am, is, are, was, were), look, seem(似乎), appear(显得), feel, become, get(变得), sound, smell, taste, turn, grow, keep.,.,6,E.g.: I am a teacher. 我是一名老师。 系动词+名词 My pen is on the table.我的钢笔在桌子上。 系动词+介词短语 He felt very happy. 他感到很高兴。 系动词+形容词 It was getting dark. 天开始黑了下来。 系动词+动词-ing,.,7,3.助动词(aux. v),助动词本身没有实在意义,不能单独作谓语,必须和实义动词一起使用。 (1)帮助构成疑问句或否定句句式 的助动词:do, does, did,以及他 们的否定形式。 E.g. He doesnt speak Chinese. 他不说汉语。 I dont like fish. 我不喜欢吃鱼。 Do you have a drive licence? 你有驾驶执照吗?,.,8,(2)帮助构成时态的助动词。be, have, shall, will等。 E.g. I am watching TV. 我正在看电视。 I have never seen him. 我从来没见过他。 He will come to visit you. 他要来看你。 (3)助动词可以帮助构成强调句型。 e.g. Do come here! 一定要来这里。 She is the prettiest girl that I ever did see. 她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。,.,9,动词词组与词义辨析,一、动词词组,.,10,常见易混动词用法辨析,1.arrive reach get to 到达 arrive vi. 到达小地方用at,到达大地方用in e.g. She arrived in Beijing yesterday. We arrived at the small town on time. get to 口语化 e.g. Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest post office? reach vt. 后面直接跟表示地点的名词。 e.g. When does the train reach Guangzhou?,.,11,2.borrow lend 借 borrow 借进来,后面常与from连用 e.g. I borrow this book from Jane. 我从简那借到这本书。 lend 借出,后面常与to 连用 e.g. Would you lend your book to me? 你能把你的书借给我吗?,.,12,3. find find out look for find “找到,发现”,强调结果。 e.g. I cant find my glasses. 我找不到我的眼镜。 find out “弄清楚,查明”,多指通过观察、探 索而发现原因事实等。 e.g. Go and find out when the last train leaves. 去弄清楚末班车什么时候开。 look for是“寻找”的意思,强调动作或过程。 e.g. I am looking for a right boy for the play. 我正在寻找一个合适的男孩演这部戏。,.,13,4. hearlisten 听 hear vt. 指“听见,听到” ,强调听的结果 listen vi. 指“听”, 常用短语listen to e.g. He listened carefully, but heard nothing. 他仔细听,但是什么也没听到。 5.hope wish 希望 hope 的用法:直接加不定式 (动作执行者与 主语一致时) 加宾语从句 wish 多指不太可能实现的愿望,后面多用虚拟语气。,.,14,e.g. I hope you will be a chemist. 我希望你成为化学家。 I wish I were as tall as Yaoming. 我希望我能长的像姚明那么高 注意:wish sb. to do sth. 而hope不可以这样用。 作简略回答时,hope后可只加so 或not,而wish则不可。 e.g. I hope so. 希望如此。,.,15,6.look see watch 看 look vi.“看,望”,强调动作,后接宾语需加at e.g. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板 see vt. “看见,看到”,强调结果。 e.g. I looked round but saw nothing. 我转过头看了一下,但什么也没看到。 watch vt. “观看,注视” 强调内容。 e.g. We watch TV only on Saturday evening. 只有在星期六晚上我们才看电视。,.,16,7.spend cost pay take 花费 spend 主语是人 sb. spend(s) on sth. /(in) doing sth. e.g. He spent five yuan on the book. =He spent five yuan (in) buying the book. cost 主语是物 cost sb. some money (time) e.g. The book cost him five yuan.,.,17,pay 主语是人 sb. pay for e.g. He paid five yuan for the book. take 主语是物 It takes sb. some money (time) to do sth. e.g. It took him five yuan to buy the book.,.,18,8.say speak talk tell 说 say “说” ,强调内容 e.g. Did you say anything about it? 对这事你说什么了吗? speak vi. “说话,讲演”,强调动作 vt. 后接语言,truth等词 e.g. She speaks good English. 她的英语讲得很好。 The baby is learning to speak. 这个婴儿在学习说话了。,.,19,talk 指“两人以上的谈话”,可与to, with, about 连用. e.g. Lets talk about it now. 咱们现在就谈谈这事吧。 I talked to/with Mary yesterday. 我昨天和玛丽谈了谈。 tell “告诉” tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某件事情 e.g. I will tell you about it later. 这事我以后告诉你。,.,20,9. take carry get bring 拿 take “带走,拿走”,表示从说话者所在地把人或物带走,表示单程,与bring 相反 e.g. We will take the students to the Great Wall next week. carry “携带” e.g. Each student carries a bag. 每个学生都带着书包。,.,21,get ,相当于fetch ,“取来”,从某处到另外的地方把某人或物弄来。表示往返 e.g. Go and get a doctor . 去给他找个医生来。 bring “拿来,带来”,表示单程。 e.g. Dont forget to bring your homework to school. 别忘了把作业带到学校来。,.,22,10.win beat 赢得,win 后跟宾语多为game, match, prize, race等词 e.g. Which team won the game? 哪一队赢 了比赛?,beat 后跟宾语为人。即beat sb. e.g. We beat them at football. 足球比赛我们赢了他们。,.,23,Exercise,.,24,1.How long may I this book? No more than two weeks. A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. had 解析:borrow 与lend 都是非延续性动词,因此不能与“for +时间段”连用。要表示借书多久,应用延续性动词keep,所以答案为B。,B,.,25,2.This TV set was made China. A. on B. in C. of D. by 解析:China是地名,因此用 be made in ,表示在生产。由此可知选B。 3. Those visitors our city last week. A. arrived B. reached to C. reached D. got in 解析:arrive跟地名时要加介词in、at,get 后应加to,reach 是及物动词,因此后面不加介词。选C。,B,C,.,26,4.He must his book with him when he comes here tomorrow. A. get B. carry C. take D. bring 解析:take 指带走,bring指带来,get指取来,carry 没有方向性。由句意可知选D。 5.Cotton soft. A. felt B. feels C. is feeling D. is felt 解析:本句为系表结构,此时常用主动结构表示被动意义,应选B.,B,D,.,27,6.You must at six tomorrow morning. A. wake up me B. to wake me up C. to wake up me D. wake me up 解析:must 后应接动词原形。wake up 是由“动词+副词”构成的词 组,后接宾格me 时, me应放在动词与副词之间, 故答案为D,D,.,28,7.Sorry, I do it again. A. dont B. wont C. didnt D. havent 解析:本句意思为“我不再这样干了”,说明的是从现在起不再这样干了,应该
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