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1 常州地区七年级下学期期中英语试卷精选汇编 完成句子 新北区 82. 我家距离市中心10 英里。 My home _. 83. 春天来了,处处鸟语花香。 Spring is coming and we can _ here and there. 84. 你准备好和我分享你的故事了吗? _ me? 85. 我恐怕他们不会准备这次会议。 _ this meeting. 86. 你的英语老师是个怎样的人? _? 87. 我家邻居总是能帮助我解决各种问题。 My neighbour _. 82. My home is 10 miles away from the center of the city. 83. Spring is coming and we can smell (the) flowers and hear (the) birds sing here and there. 84. Are you ready to share your story with me? 85. I m afraid that they won t prepare for this meeting. 86. What s your English teacher like ? 87. My neighbour always helps me with all kinds of problems. 北郊中学 82 孩子们正期待着带领交换生们去参观学校的俱乐部。 Children _the exchange students_ 83.我希望他们有天会帮助老人买一些东西。 I hope_ 84 汤姆打算叫人检查一下这台洗衣机吗? _Tom_ 85.他认为这台电脑没有问题。 He_ 2 86.沿着这条马路真,你会看见北郊中学的北面是一家超市 _,and_a supermarket_Beijiao Middle school 86.周末和我们一去划船好吗? How about_ 82. The children are looking forward to taking the exchange students to the school club. 83. I hope they will help the old people buy something in a day. 84. Is Tom going to ask someone to fix the washing machine? 85. He thinks there is no problem with this computer. 86. Walk along the road, and youll see a supermarket on the north side of Beijiao Middle school. 常州市 74. 出国旅行将花费他们一个半月的时间。 It will take them _. 75. 他们直到筋疲力尽了才停下来休息。 They _. 76. 学生们最终设法按时完成了所有的家作。 The students _ finally. 77. 顺便问一下,你爸爸去香港出差了吗? By the way, _? 78. 我们习惯于在网上写电子邮件保持联系。 We _on the Internet. 79. 这个小镇自二十世纪初以来就因它的自然美景而闻名。 The small town _. 74. It will take them one and a half months / one month and a half to travel abroad. 75. They didn t stop to rest/have a rest until they we re tired out. 76. The stude nts managed to finish all the homework on time finally. 77. By the way, has your father gone to Hong Kong on business? 78. We are used to keeping in touch(with each other) by writing emails on the Internet. 79. The small town has been famous for its natural beauty since the early twentieth century. 正衡中学天宁分校 82. 社区有个技师在与我们分享他的一技之长。 3 An _in our community. 83.你愿意邀请她参加你的聚会吗? Would you like _? 84. 明天那些游客要花多长时间游玩那个小镇? How long _ the small town tomorrow? 85. 每个孩子都期盼着饲养一只可爱的小宠物。 Every child _a lovely pet. 86. 记得为下周的野餐准备大量的食物和饮料。 _the picnic next week. 87. 我正在叫他给你回电话。 I _. 82. An engineer is sharing his skills with us in our community. 83. Would you like to invite her to your party? 84. How long will it take the visitors to visit / will the visitors spend visiting the small town tomorrow? 85. Every child is lookingforward to raising a lovely pet. 86. Remember to prepare plenty of food and drinks for the picnic next week. 87. I am asking him to call you back. 第二十五中学 72. 当地人会告诉游客在哪为家人购买礼物。 The local people will tell the visitors . 73. 每天早上妈妈要花半个小时开车送我们去上学。 It takes mum every morning. 74. 他希望他的父母住在一个有花园的房子里。 He hopes his parents . 75. 妈妈,我可以邀请我的朋友们和我一起分享这些新鲜的水果吗? Mum, Can I with me? 76. 一直走,在第二个转弯处向右转。 Go straight on, . 77. 他正和他的朋友计划后天去他家乡的旅行。 He with his friends the trip . 72. where to buy presents for their family 4 73. half an hour to drive us to school 74. will live in a house with a garden 75. invite my friends to share the fresh fruit 76. and turn right at the second turning 77. is planning ; to his hometown the day after tomorrow 溧阳上黄初级中学 72. 我的家乡常州占地面积1600 多平方英里。 My hometown Changzhou has _. 答案: an area of over 1,600 square miles 解析:考察可数名词及其单复数,基数词。面积 1600 多平方英里an area of over 1600 square miles,故答案是an area of over 1,600 square miles。 73. 那个年轻的技师乐意修理那台坏了的洗衣机吗? Is the young _
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