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PEP五年级上册,Unit 6 In a nature park,Part B Lets try & Lets talk,Sing a song,Free talk,Whats in the park?,Miss White and the children are in the nature park.,A:There is a in the park. There are Is there a ? B:Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,A:What does Zoom say? B:Hes hungry. A:Is there a restaurant beside the lake? B:No, there isnt.,Zip has some food. Where can they find a place to share the food? Where are the tables?,Where are the tables? Can you guess?,Lets try,Where are the tables?,The tables are beside the _.,在旁边,river lake hill,lake,river,hill,Are the table beside the river/lake/hill?,Lets try,Where are the tables? Listen and fill in the blank.,The tables are beside the _.,lake,river lake hill,Check the answers,Miss White: Are you hungry, children? Children: Yes, Miss White. Are there any tables? Miss White: Yes. There are some tables beside the lake. Children: Lets have lunch there, please. Miss White: OK!,Read after the recording.,Miss White: Are you hungry, children? Children: Yes, Miss White. Are there any tables? Miss White: Yes. There are some tables beside the lake. Children: Lets have lunch there, please. Miss White: OK!,Look and predict, Who are they? Where are they? Whats in the picture? Is there a lake? Is there a restaurant? ,What do Miss White and Zhang Peng see? Are there any ducks? No, they arent.,arent = are not,build + ing = building,Watch and answer,Q1: Are there any buildings? Q2: Are there any animals? What are they?,No, there arent.,Yes, there are. They are ducks and rabbits.,rabbit,兔;野兔,Zhang Peng: The nature park is so quiet! Miss White: Yes, Zhang Peng. There arent many people. Zhang Peng: Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?,Read and act.,Miss White: No, there arent. Zhang Peng: Are there any animals? Miss White: Yes, there are. There are ducks and rabbits.,Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.,Practice the dialogue in groups and then act it out.,Ask and answer,Are there? Yes, there are./ No, there arent.,A: Are there any buildings? B: No, there arent. A: Are there any animals? B: Yes, there are. A: Are there any ducks? B: Yes, there are. ,A: Are there any trees? B: Yes, there are. A: Are there any animals? B: Yes, there are. A: Are there any ducks? B: No, there arent. ,Tick a picture and find your “friend”.,Tick one picture randomized(随机的).,Find out your “friend”.,Chen Jie: Are there any lakes in the park? Oliver: No, there arent. Chen Jie: Sorry. Youre not my friend.,Chen Jie: Are there any lakes in the park? Mike: Yes, there are. Chen Jie: How many? Mike: Two. Chen Jie: Youre my “friend”!,Practice in pairs and act it out.,Find the differences,A: In my park, theres a lake. Is there a lake in your park? B: Yes, there is. A: Are there any buildings? B: No, there arent. ,Make a model.,Each group has two different pictures. Try to find out the differences by asking and answering questions. The group who finish it fastest is the winner.,Work in groups and show.,Blackboard design,Unit 6 In a nature park,Are there any people /animals / (tall) buildings (in )?,Yes, there are./,No, there arent.,arent=are not,
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