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长颈鹿高中英语作文 长颈鹿的高中英语作文 长颈鹿是一种生活在非洲的动物,长颈鹿是世界上现存最高的动物,身上有奇怪的花纹。下面是为大家精心的关于长颈鹿的高中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。 the giraffe is the tallest moden land anmail.it can be over 5.5 metres tall.its neek alone may be 1.9 metres long.yet the giraffe has only seven bone in is neck than in a tall giraffe. each bone in a giraffes neck is very long,wehille the bones in human neck are small.the makes the difference.a female iraffe gives birth to one baby at a time.the baby,called a calf,is about 1.9 metres tall at birth by the age of eight it is full grown. the giraffe eats mostly leaves.because is has a long neck,it can reach the leves high up on the trees. 长颈鹿是目前世界上的动物.它可以是超过5.5米的高度,它的脖子只有7个骨但是长度却达1.9米长.长颈鹿脖子的每根骨头都很长,在人体颈部 的骨头较小;使女性的一个婴儿出生在一个时间的宝宝,称为小牛,出生时身高约1.9米,到8岁时才长大成熟。 长颈鹿吃的大多是树叶,因为长颈鹿有一个长脖子,因此它可以吃很高的树木上的叶子。 On a warm spring day, our family went to the zoo. I am as excited as a clever little monkey! A: wow! What a lot of animals in the zoo! The heavy elephant, the majestic tiger, the clumsy black bear, the lively little monkey. One of my favorites is the tallest animal, the giraffe. The giraffe has a tiny speckle on its body. Its hair is as soft as cotton, and its body is as warm as a stove, especially its long neck, and it can eat a few meters high. The giraffe start came slowly, ing to the fence to beg for something to eat. I couldnt wait to get the sausage out of my bag and put out my hand to feed it. Its funny how giraffes eat. He rolled his food in his tongue, then he put it in his mouth, and he ate and licked his lips. When I fed it, the sausage dropped, it couldnt find it, the saliva was about one meter, and the tourists were making fun of it! Finally, I joined the giraffe and I stood on the edge and became a funny little man! 在一个春暖花开的日子里,我们一家人去动物园游玩。我像机灵的小猴子一样蹦蹦跳跳,兴奋极了! 哇!动物园的动物可真多呀!有笨重的大象,威风凛凛的大老虎,笨头笨脑的黑狗熊,活泼可爱的小猴其中我最喜欢的就是最高的动物长颈鹿啦! 长颈鹿的身上有小小的斑纹,它的毛像棉花一样柔软,身体像火炉一样温暖,尤其是它的脖子特别长,伸直都能吃到几米高的叶子呢! 长颈鹿走起路来慢腾腾的,不时走到栅栏边讨些东西吃。我迫不及待地从包里取出香肠,伸出手去给它喂食。长颈鹿吃东西真有趣。它用舌头卷食物,再送进嘴里,吃完了舔舔嘴,吃得真香。我喂它时,香肠掉了,它找不到,口水都流了大约一米,把游客们给逗乐了! 最后,我和长颈鹿合了影,我站在它边上就成了有趣的小矮人了! I to go to the changsha zoo last summer holiday, saw the long neck stretched out into the door of the giraffe. The head of a giraffe has two small Angle like lollipops, big mouth, all with the king of speed - the leopard pattern. Most notably or leopard of the long neck, it has a great python so long. Body is the same as the body with sika deer, four legs are long thin, like a walking on stilts acrobats. The giraffes personality is really odd. It is sometimes very proud, I took a full of green branch feed it, but it is a munity, determined to eat leaves above his head, and chewed and mouths are right; Form will show that big topaz. It is sometimes very naughty, an endless stream of visitors to watch it, numerous men and women, old and young. The giraffe saw visitors, sometimes bent it long neck after licking someones face, or in someones breathing. Look at the way he actively with people close to, I think its very peaceful. Listen to the narrator is introduced: the giraffe or national level 2 protected animal, before the giraffe is listed as protected animal, by playing on people, on the brink of extinction, finally in 1978 is listed as national second-class protected animal. I like the giraffe, from on it when I see it love at first sight, I am very short, especially admire it tall. Im short giraffe! 我去年暑假到长沙动物园去玩,一进门就看见那伸着长长脖子的长颈鹿。 长颈鹿的头上有两只棒棒糖似的小角,大大的嘴巴,全身披着“速度之王”豹子的花纹。最值得一提的还是它那条长长的豹脖子,足足有一条大蟒蛇那么长。身子跟梅花鹿的身体差不多,四条腿有细又长像一个踩高跷的杂技演员。 长颈鹿的性格实在有些古怪。它有时很高傲,我拿着一根长满绿叶的树枝喂它,可它却不理不睬,偏要吃高过自己头顶的树叶,而且细嚼慢咽,嘴巴一张一合时;嘴皮掀起来会露出那大大的黄玉牙。它有时又很顽皮,观看它的游人络绎不绝,男女老少多得数不清。长颈鹿看到游人,有时会弯下它那长长的脖子舔一下某人的脸,或者对着人呼吸。瞧他主动与人亲近的样子,我又觉得它很平和。 听解说员介绍:长颈鹿还是国家二级保护动物,在长颈鹿被列为保护动物之前,曾遭到人们打大肆虐杀,濒临灭绝,终于在1978年被列为国家二级保护动物。 我喜欢长颈鹿,从见到它时我就对它“一见钟情”,我很矮,特别羡慕它高高的个子。我爱长颈鹿! 长颈鹿的高中英语作文相关文章: 1.关于写动物的英语作文 2.长颈鹿的英文是什么 3.动物英语作文大全 4.关于身边的追梦人高一作文 5.关于英语有趣短文阅读 模板,内容仅供参考
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