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360 Degrees Brand Cascade June 30th- July1st Shanghai,Do You Feel That You Are.你是否觉得你是.,In the right industry? 在一个正确的行业工作? With the right agency? 在一个正确的公司工作? At the right time? 在正确的时间?,360 Degree Branding is a terrific opportunity for our brands, our clients its birth, growth, health and market value 肩负品牌所有责任的人,包括品牌的诞生、成长、健康和市场价值,Within every brand there is 每个品牌后面 都有一个,产 品,不是每个产品 都可以成为品牌,Product 产品,Tangible: you can touch it, feel it, see it实际的:你可以触摸得到、感受得到、看得到 Has physical attributes: styles, models, features, price有物理的特性:样式、模型、外表、价格 Has the right features to meet customer expectations of performance and value有可以满足消费者要求的正确特性 But this is not sufficient 但这还不够.,Brand 品牌,The total experience of a product:一个产品的所有体验 Personality 个性 Trust信赖 Reliability可靠性 Confidence信心 A friend 朋友 Status 地位 Shared experiences 经验的分享,Brand 品牌,A Brand is a product which has earned a place in customers lives 品牌是在消费者生活中占得一席之地的产品 through perception, experience, beliefs, feelings 通过认知、体验、信任、感受 . until a relationship is built .直到关系的建立 It is the sum of how customers feel about a product 它是消费者如何感受一个产品的总和,A Brand is a complex symbol. It is the intangible sum of a products attributes, its name, packaging, and price, its history, reputation, and the way its advertised. A Brand is also defined by consumers impressions of the people who use it, as well as their own experience” David Ogilvy : 1955,What the Brand-Customer Relationship Is Like品牌-消费者关系是怎样的,Brand Audit 品牌检验,Brand Print 品牌写真,This is the established core of current Brand Stewardship 这是目前品牌管家的核心,Brand Audit品牌检验,Identifies the intangible feelings, impressions, connections, opinions, memories the customer associates with the brand确定消费者与品牌之间的无形的感受、印象、联系、观念、记忆等 where we are in the hearts of the brands customers在品牌消费者的心中,我们在哪里? Is informed by research among customers; but filled in by ourselves信息通过调研来自消费者,但有我们自己填写 Projective techniques elicit deeper associations投射技术得出深层的联系 Gathers insights that draw us into the heart of the customer-brand relationship : the brands DNA, which is expressed as the BrandPrint收集消费者洞察让我们进入消费者-品牌关系的核心:品牌DNA,它通过品牌写真来表述,Revised Brand Audit Questions修正后的品牌检验问题,Thinking about the specific things that trigger this brands identity in your mind想象一下哪些可以让你辨认出这个品牌的一些特定的事务 When you hear the brands name, what immediately springs to mind?当你听到这个牌子的名字,那些东西会立刻出现在你的脑海中? What else?还有呢? visuals or images?视觉和形象? packaging or product elements?包装和产品元素? bits of communication?传播的片断? signs or symbols?标志和符号? other brand lore?其他有关品牌的部分? What kind of people do you associate with the brand, and how do you feel about them?哪种类型的人会让你与这个品牌联系起来?你对这些人的感觉如何?,Thinking about the feelings and emotions the brand evokes in you 想象一下这个品牌给你带来的感受和情绪 What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with using this brand?当你和这个品牌有联系时,你体验到那些特别的感受和情绪? What personal memories, experiences or associations does this brand bring to mind?这个品牌让你回忆起哪些个人的记忆、体验或联想? What does this brand do for you in your life that other brands dont?这个品牌在你的生活中做了哪些其他品牌无法做的事情? what unique contribution does it make?它带来哪些独特的地方? what special perspective does it give you about using the category?它带给你哪些有关试用这个类别产品的特殊的观感?,Now stepping out of the role of the brands user, and considering all the implications of these insights 现在走出品牌使用者的角色, 考虑所有这些消费者洞察的启示 What do these insights suggest or signal about the brand?这些消费者洞察暗示了这个品牌的哪些方面? What is the mood of the brand? 这个品牌的情绪是怎样的? How do the feelings and emotions this brand evokes differ from those its leading competitor evokes?这个品牌引起的感受和情绪与其它主要竞争品牌带来的有哪些不同的方面?,Brand Audit Helps Us Define the Unique Relationship Between the Customer and the Brand品牌检验帮助我们确定消费者与品牌之间的独特关系,The brands DNA expressed in a written 书面表达的品牌DNA,BrandPrint 品牌写真,When You Write a Brandprint You Will Almost Certainly Start With Have Too Many Words当你开始写品牌写真时,你开始几乎一定会从运用很多词句进行描述,Chivas Regal: Thailand,Chiivas is the night. A palet of flickering neon and blinking car lights. The blast of raw music as you swing through the doors of a crowded friendly pub. Chivas is never wanting the night to end. Because Chivas is camaradie. A clutch of true friends forever. The subtle splash of Chivas over ice underlining a burst of uninhibited laughter. The stuff our fondest memories are made of. And Chivas is irrevocably right. it imparts an elitist spirit to the people who drink it The whisky preferred by contenporary, affluent young men. . . which women are only too happy to share,When Looking at and Evaluating BrandPrints当你细看及评估品牌写真时,Remember Neil Frenchs story of the brilliant carver of wooden elephants记住Neil French 关于伟大的木象雕刻匠的故事 His secret for making perfect elephants was to cut away everything that was not elephant它创造完美大象的秘诀是,去掉所有不是大象的部分,Examples of Shorter BrandPrints精悍的品牌写真-例如,Jaguar Original Impulse The Economist Bank of China American Express,Jaguar (USA),The difference between Jaguar and other cars runs deeper than sheet metal and engineering: Its about soul, passion and origin
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