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1 / 4 高一英语分词专项练习 一、现在分词的结构形式: 一般式: _ 被动式: _ 完成式: _ _ 过去分词的结构形式:_ 否定式: _ 分词在句子中可充当表语、定语、状语、补语等。 二、功能 1.作定语 单个分词作定语一般放在被修饰名词之前,短语则放在后面。现在分词表示动作正在进行或表示一般 情况; He aimed at the running hare and shot it. The young man standing under the tree is our monitor. The hotel being built now beside the park was designed by a group of young men. 过去分词表示被动关系且动作已经完成。 The conference held last week is of great importance. 过去分词仅表被动。 Don t use words or phrases known only to people with specific knowledge. 过去分词仅表动作完成,不表被动。 the risen sun the fallen leaves 练习: The question _ now at the meeting is important. The question _ at yesterday s meeting was put forward by Tom. The question _ next time hasn t been decided yet. What s the language _ (speak) in Germany? They found a _ (die) old woman on the ground when _ (enter) the room. 2.作状语 分词作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、让步,相当于状语从句。分词作状语须遵循主语一致的原则,即分 词的逻辑主语和句子主语要一致。现在分词表示和主语主动的关心;过去分词表示被动关系。 (1) 时间状语 Having done his work quickly, he went home. Seeing from the hill, our town looks pretty. 2 / 4 (2) 原因状语 Being ill, he didn t go to work. Deeply moved by the story, he began to cry. (3) 条件状语 Having more time, I ll do it better. Given more time, we will do it better. (4) 让步状语 Working hard, he failed the final exam. Beaten by the enemy, he refused to let out the secret. (5) 伴随状语 He sat at the desk, reading a newspaper. She walked out of the house, followed by her little daughter. (6) 现在分词作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。 It has been raining heavily for four days, making a lot of crops flooded. Football is played in over 80 countries, making it a popular sport all over the world. 动词不定时作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。 He rushed to the street, only to find all shops closed. He lifted the stone, only to drop it to his own feet. 练习: 1._ (approve) the city, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. 2._ (see) from space, the earth looks like a blue ball. 3._ (walk) in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring. 4._ (study) English for many years, he can speak it fluently. 5._ (give) more time, we ll get the work _ (do) better. 4.作宾补 现在分词作宾补表示动作正在进行。感官动词see, watch, hear, observe, notice, feel, find等和 look at, listen to 等短语动词以及have, keep, get, leave, set, start, send等使役动词后与名词或代词构成复合宾 语。 When I came in, I found her cooking supper. You shouldn t get the horse running all the way. 过去分词作宾补 (1) 表示动作已经完成 I found the countryside changed a lot. (2) 表示被动 I want to get my hair cut tomorrow. (3) 作“ 感官、心理状态” 动词的宾补 We saw the thief caught by the police. 3 / 4 (4) 作使役动词的宾补 I want to have the work finished today. 练习: 1.She caught the student _(cheat) in exams. 2.He had his leg_ (break) in the match yesterday. 3.Just then he heard someone _ (call) for help. 4.The workers had the machine _ (run) all night long to finish the work on time. 5.The children were found _ (trap) in the cave. 6.I found a car _ (stick) in a pool by the side of the road. 5.独立主格 逻辑主语 + 分词,在句子中作状语。 Weather permitting, we ll go sightseeing. =_ , we ll go sightseeing. The guests having left, he began to take a short rest. =_, he began to take a short rest. All things considered, his paper is of value. =_, his paper is of value. 作伴随状语的独立结构常用with/without短语代替。 (1) She read the letter, with tears rolling down her cheeks. (2) Without any money left, he had no choice but to borrow some from his friends. (3) We will finish the task in time, with you to help us. (4) His father died, with him an orphan. (5) He used to sleep, with the door open. (6) He went out with no hat on. (7) The old man stood there, with a pipe in his mouth. The old man stood there, a pipe in his mouth. The old man stood there, pipe in mouth. with 的复合结构: _ _ _ _ with + n./ pron. + _ _ 4 / 4 _ 练习: 1._ the house on fire, he dialed 119. A. To see B. Seeing C. Having seen D. Being seen 2._ a post office, I stopped _ some stamps. A. Passed; buying B. Passing; to buy C. Having passed; buy D. Pass; to buy 3._ a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp. A. To solve B. Saving C. Saved D. Having saved 4.The result of the test was rather _. A. disappointed B. disappointing C. being disappointed D. disappoint 5._ how to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help. A. Not to know B. Not knowing C. Knowing not D. Not known 6.With winter _ on, it s time to buy warm clothes. 7._ the office, the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building. A. Having shown B. Showing C. Has shown D. Having been shown 8.He went from door to door, _ waste papers and magazines. A.
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