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(生物)高中英语阅读理解人与自然相处及答案 物竞 天择 ,适 者生 存, 物种 的起 源与 进化 经历 了自 然界 亿万 年的 沧海 桑田 。 而 在所 有已 知的 生命 体中 ,人 类 ,因 其无 限的 创造 力 ,无 疑是 最伟 大的 。他 们也 曾对 自然 充满 敬畏 之心 ,直到 科学 技术 为他 们掀 开了 自然 界的 神秘 面纱 。人类 开 始 改造 自然 ,向 自然 索取 ,以 滋养 其不 断扩 张的 人口 。这 是人 类的 福音 ,却 是自 然和 其他 物种 的灾 难。 阅读 题目 ,回 答问 题 (说明文,全文473 词。摘自ChinaDaily) One millionof the planets eightmillionspeciesare threatenedwith extinctionby humans,scientistswarnedon Mondayin whatis describedas the mostcomprehensiveassessmentof globalnatureloss ever. Theirlandmarkreportpaintsa pictureof a planetdamagedby an ever-growinghumanpopulation,whoseinsatiable(贪得无厌的) consumptionis destroyingthe naturalworld. The globalrate of speciesextinction“ isalreadytens to hundredsof times higherthanit has been,on average,overthe last 10 millionyears”, accordingto the IntergovernmentalScience-PolicyPlatformon Biodiversityand EcosystemServices(IPBES), a UN committee,whose reportwas writtenby 145 expertsfrom50 countries. Shrinkinghabitat,exploitationof naturalresources,climatechangeand pollutionare the maindriversof speciesloss and are threateningmore than40% of amphibians,33% of coralreefs and overa thirdof all marine mammalswithextinction,the IPBES reportsaid. “ The healthof ecosystemson whichwe and all otherspeciesdepend is deterioratingmorerapidlythanever,”said Sir RobertWatson,IPBES chair, addingthat“ transformativechange” is neededto save the planet. The reportcomessix monthsafterthe UN IntergovernmentalPanel on ClimateChange(IPCC) warnedthatthe worldhas less than12 years to avoidcatastrophiclevelsof globalwarming. Just as withclimatechange,humansare the mainculpritsofbiodiversity damage,changing75% of Earthsland and 66% of marine ecosystemssince pre-industrialtimes, accordingto the report. The reportemphasizesthe disastrousimpactof populationgrowthand risingdemand.It notesthatthe world s populationhas morethan doubled (from3.7 to 7.6 billion)in the last 50 years, and grossdomesticproductper personis fourtimeshigher. Morethana thirdof the worlds landand 75% of freshwatersuppliesare used for cropor livestockproduction,it noted. “ There is very littleof the planetleft thathas notbeensignificantly changedby us, ” SandraDiaz, co-authorof the reportand professorof ecologyat the Universityof C rdoba, toldCNN.“ We need to act as stewardsforlife on Earth.” Diaz said countriesin the GlobalNorthare particularlyto blamefor nature damagedue to their“ unsustainable” levelsof consumption,especially whenit comesto fishingand logging. Despitethe ominouspicture“ it is nottoo late to makea difference,but onlyif we startnowat everylevelfromlocalto global,” said Watson, addingthatthis wouldrequirean overhaulof economicsystemsand a shift in socialmindsets. 1. The“ picture” painted in thereportis. A. promisingB. attractiveC.misleadingD. depressing 2. Whatdoestheunderlinedword“ deteriorating” inParagraph5 probablymean? A. ImprovingB.DecreasingC. WorseningD. Working 3. Whatcan we inferfromDiaz sopinion? A. Fishingand farmingmakea big damagetonature. B. Populationgrowthresultsin lack of landandwater. C. Economicsystemshave beenmadea shiftglobally. D. Humans increasingconsumptionleadstonaturedamage. 4. Whatis theauthorspurposein writingthepassage? A. To showwaysof protectingspecies. B. Toexplainthe consequencesof globalwarming. C. Tointroducethe reportwrittenby IPBES. D. To urgepeopleto startto protectthe earth. 参考答案 D C D D 生词与长难句 1. insatiableadj.不知足的;无法满足的 insatiablecuriosity永不满足的好奇心 2. coralreef珊瑚礁 3. marinemammals海洋哺乳动物 4. The reportcomessixmonthsaftertheUN IntergovernmentalPanel on ClimateChange(IPCC)warnedthattheworldhas less than12 years to avoidcatastrophiclevelsof globalwarming. 句子主干: The reportcomes. 句子翻译: 联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会警告说世界只剩下不到12 年的时间 来避免灾难性的全球变暖,6个月后,该项报告就出台了。 5. ecosystemn. 生态系统 6. drasticadj.极端的;严厉的;猛烈的 drasticmeasures/changes严厉的措施;剧烈的变化 知识拓展 1. the IntergovernmentalScience-PolicyPlatformonBiodiversityand EcosystemServices(IPBES) 生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台 2. the UN IntergovernmentalPanel on ClimateChange(IPCC) 联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会
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