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1 牛津英语 3A 试卷 一、根据字母的发音,圈出不合群的字母(10) ()1、 Aa Hh Gg () 2、Ff Cc Gg ()3、 Dd Jj Ee ()4、 Ll Mm Kk () 5、Uu Cc Qq 二、找出下列各组中不属于同一类的单词,将序号填在括号内(10) ( ) 1. A. pen B. ball pen C. dress ( ) 2. A. apple B. monkey C. orange ( ) 3 A. bus B. jacket C. coat ( ) 4. A. short B. tall C. cake ( ) 5. A. black B. egg C. yellow ( ) 6. A. man B. cinema C. supermarket ( ) 7. A. sister B. boy C. long ( ) 8. A. green B. bike C. red ( ) 9. A. watermelon B. fridge C. bed ( )10. A. milk B. fat C. tea 三、选择填空,将正确答案的序号填在括号中(10) ( )1. Kitty has _ egg . Aa Ban Cthe ( )2. Look ! _ insect has _ head and _ body . AAn / a / a BA / a / a Cthe / a / the ( )3. What s _ name ? Ayou B youre C your 2 ( )4. He _ a boy . I _ a girl . Ais / is Bam / am Cis / am ( )5. _ you my mother ? Yes , I _ . Aare / am BAre / am C are /are ( )6. My nose _ long . My ears _ big . Ais / is Bare / are Cis / are ( )7. _ the animals . ALook BLook at Clook at ( )8. What s this ? It s _ . Aa triangle Bblue Ca balloon . ( )9. What shape is this ? It s _ . Aa triangle Ba swing Cbrown ( )10. Fine the fruits . How many _ ? Aapple Ban apple Capples 四、判断下列中英文意思是否相符.若相符打,不相符打(20) ( ) 1. 晚上睡觉前和妈妈说:Go to school . ( ) 2. 李老师,这是我的母亲。Miss Li , this is my father. ( ) 3. 描述自己的个子不高时,说:Im tall. ( ) 4. 这是一张课桌。This is a table. ( ) 5. 下午好! Good morning. ( ) 6. 我们去长城吧。Lets go to the Great Wall . ( ) 7. 向别人介绍自己的父亲时说:This is his father. ( ) 8. 跟别人说再见时说:See you . ( ) 9. 要求帮助打开水龙头说:Close the door. ( ) 10. 看我的短裙。Look at my dress . 五、对号入座,请将II 中相应的序号填入I 栏的括号内。(10 ) 3 ( ) 1. Look at my new blouse. A. Not bad . ( ) 2, How are you ? B. Yes, please. ( ) 3. See you . C. All right. ( ) 4. A glass of orange juice ? D. It s pretty ! ( ) 5. Open the window, please E. See you. 六、排序( 10) 1.( )By car. 2.()Good morning. ( )Im from Shanghai. ()How are you? ( )My name is LiHong. ()Lets go to the park. ( ) My eyes are big. () Good morning. ()Fine,thank you. ( ) Great!Lets go. 七、写出下列字母的左邻右舍(10 ) _Ee_ _ Hh _ _ Ll _ _ Rr _ _ Zz_ 八、连词成句 (10) 1. is , my , it , classroom _. 2. is , he , my , father _. 3. to , point , sky , the _. 4. colour , what , is , banana , the 4 _? 5. are , we , friends , good _. 九、阅读短文,判断下面句子的意思是否与短文内容相符,用“”、 “”表示 (10) This is my school , It s big and beautiful , There are ( 有) two playgrounds in my school , You can see a red and white building( 红白大楼 ) . My classroom is in it . Look , that is a hall over there(那边 ) . We sing and dance in it . This is the library . It isnt big . But we can read many books in the library . I m happy in the school , I love my school . ( )1. My school has two playgrounds . ( )2. My classroom is in a red and white building . ( )3. The library is big . ( )4. We sing and dance on the playground . ( )5. There are(有) many books in the library .
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