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必修三,Unit 1 Festivals around the world,1starve 2gain 3award,vi. It is a pity/a shame/no wonder/. that-clause ( 这两种句型的从句谓语动词常用虚拟语气;It is said/believed/reported/expected/known/.that-clause。,it looks as though/if,精练,根据中文提示,完成下列句子,(1)真奇怪,这么重要的会议,他居然缺席。 It was strange that _ _. (2)他竟然向我们撒谎,真是可耻。 It was a shame that_. (3)据报道,双方的会谈有进展。 It is reported that _ _.,he should have been absent from such an,important meeting,he should have lied to us,the talks between the two sides made,progress,运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之,Festivals are meant to celebrate important events and they,(1) _(发生) in different times of year.The Spring Festival is,the most important festival in China to celebrate the arrival of lunar,new year.(2) _( 是 的 时 候 ) the reunion of the family members.On the Spring Festival Eve, (3)_ ( 穿着) in beautiful new clothes, families (4)_ (团聚) and have a big meal.Children are (5)_( 期 盼 ) being given,money for good luck.In many places people like to (6)_,take place,It is the time for,dressed up,get together,looking forward to,set off,(燃放),lucky,fireworks (7) _(昼夜地) Dumplings, the most traditional food, often (8) _( 出 现 ) on the table.People wear new clothes and (9) _( 开 心 地 玩 耍 ) each other. Sometimes, they even (10)_(开玩笑;搞恶作剧) their,friends and relatives.,day and night,turn up,have fun with,play a trick on,听说考试“模仿朗读”必备应试技巧,1大声朗读,首先,在一场考试中,心理状态是非常重要的。在以往的 口语考试过程中,有部分考生由于缺乏自信,朗读时断断续续, 或者音量太低导致声音未能很好地录进电脑,因此分数不理想。 所以,在口语考试过程中,考生应该自信地大声朗读,这样才 可以保证好分数。,2模仿新单词发音,有些考生遇到新单词的时候会心里发慌,停顿下来,其实 大可不必如此。考生完全可以根据单词的发音规则读出新单词。 对于一些很长的专业名词,考生不用着急,把发音模仿出来即 可,一般情况下,考官不会太计较。,3注意节奏,最后,考生要注意朗读节奏。一方面,考生要在第一次看 视频的时候理解意群,留意什么意群可以连读,句子太长时应 做的适当停顿。如在句子“A true friend is someone who reaches for your hands and touches your heart.” 中,考生可以在 someone,与 who 之间停顿。另外,有些考生口语水平比较高,读的时候 读得很快,导致读完一个句子后画面还停留很久,这样也会造 成不必要的失分。因此,考生应该注意朗读的节奏,尽可能与 原声的朗读节奏一致,使文章的朗读显得紧凑、连贯。 总而言之,在平时跟读录音带、练习模拟套题的同时,注 意准确运用发音技巧,考试时大胆地大声朗读,这样就可以有 效地提高口语成绩了。,如何减少“汉语式英语”的错误,英语和汉语各有各的特点,学习时注重英汉语句结构的比,较,可以减少“汉语式英语”的错误。,1英语讲究句子结构,分句之间以及主从句之间常用连词 来表达相互关系,显得十分严谨。汉语则着重于“表意”,主 要靠语意上的逻辑关系将意思串连起来,显得简洁、凝练。,如:我们在房屋附近玩耍时,突然房子里着火了。 汉语式表达:,We were playing near the house.Suddenly the fire broke out in it.,英语式表达:,We were playing near the house when suddenly the fire broke,out in it.,2在语序上,英语句子的主要成分是主语、谓语和宾语, 跟汉语的主要成分基本上是一致的,主要区别在于:在英语句 子中,主谓一般是相互连接或尽量靠近;而在汉语句子中,主 语和谓语动词被其他成分隔开。如:,我昨天晚上在教室里和他们一块做实验。,I did the experiment with them in the classroom yesterday,evening.,由此可以看出,在英汉语中各个句子成分的位置有很大的 不同。一般来说,当一个句子同时包含时间、地点、方式状语 时,英语语序为:方式状语地点时间,而汉语正相反。,如:今天早上八点钟我正在家仔细地听新闻。 用汉语式英语表达:,I this morning at 8 oclock at home carefully was listening to,the news.,用英语式英语表达:,I was listening to the news carefully at home at 8 oclock this,morning.,3汉语使用被动语态较少,而英语在下列情况中通常使用,被动语态:,(1)不知道或没有必要或出于礼貌不愿说明动作的执行者; (2)强调动作的承受者; (3)为了上下文的衔接。,如:刚才有人在这里讲一些不该讲的话。 用汉语式英语表达:,Just now someone said some things here which he/she should,not have said.,用英语式英语表达:,Some things were said here just now which should not have,been said.,总之,细心比较英汉语句子的表达方式,模仿英语句子结,构练习,是学习地道英语的好方法。,
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