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2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料模块二Unit 1知识讲练一、重点词汇重点词汇-puzzled【原句呈现】Boy missing, police puzzled【知识精讲】 puzzle n.难题,谜,令人费解的人或事 v.使困惑,茫然;puzzlement n.迷惘,困惑。puzzled adj.感到迷惑的,感到困惑的(指心理感受);puzzling令人迷惑的,令人困惑的(指事物所具有的特征)。注意:puzzled还可修饰look, expression, smile, voice等词。相关短语:be in a puzzle感到困惑,不知如何是好puzzle about/over冥思苦想,苦苦思索,仔细琢磨,为大伤脑筋puzzle sth. out琢磨出的答案to ones puzzlement使某人困惑的是【单句填空】The boy is _about the _crossword puzzle.The _look on her face suggested she was _about the _math problem.Theypuzzled _the question for quite a while.He was trying to puzzle _ why he had been brought to the house.To our _, the written record of our conversation doesnt correspondto what was actually said.【单句改错】Im in puzzle as to what to do next.Judging from his puzzling expression, he doesnt know anything about the secret plan.重点词汇-search【原句呈现】Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteenyearold boy who went missing three days ago in Dover, New Hampshire.【知识精讲】search v.& n.搜索,搜查,搜寻;相关短语:search sb.=搜某人(指搜身),search a place=搜某地方(在某地方搜),search for sb.=搜找某人(搜的目的是要找到某人),search a place for sb./sth.=为了找到某人/某物而搜寻某地:Police searched everyone present at scene of the crime.警察搜查了在场的貌似罪犯的每一个人的身。All night they searched for Jim.他们找了吉姆一整夜。I searched the whole room for the letter.我翻遍整个房间来找那封信。其他相关短语:in search of寻找,搜寻【单句填空】Hearing the news, we all went out in search _ the lost boy.=Hearing the news, we all went out to search _ the lost boy.She was _ all the shops _ her sons present.Hewas _ thestolenmoney, because people suspected it was he who stole it.【单句改错】Hesetoutinsearchforideasforstartingacompanyofhisown.She will go to the city in the search of her lost student.You have no right to search for him even if he has stolen your watch.Police are now searching a woman who is reported to be lost.重点词汇-3. witness【原句呈现】Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10:45 pm.【知识精讲】witness n.目击者,证人,证据 v. 目击,见证witness作动词用时特别注意其拟人化的用法:即用表示时间、地点等名词来作主语以增强句子的表现力。witness这样用时可以换成see。相关短语:a witness/witnesses to.的证人/证据call sb. to witness叫某人作证give/bear witness to见证/作证,作为的证据/证明【单句填空】Police have appealed for _ to the accident.These art works _ witness to the creativeness of the Chinese people. We are lucky to be among the generation of people who have _ and experienced the great social changes in our country.The last decade _ a rapid development of the Internet, bringing a lot of convenience to us human beings in our daily life.【单句改错】Ever since then, almost four decades has been witnessed the rise and fall of the Chinese team.One witness of the accident said that the driver appeared to be drunk.The empty cupboard was witness of his poverty.The success of the show bears witness of our good planning.重点词汇-4. occurred【原句呈现】Mr. Foster was working that night on his road construction job, and was not home when these events occurred.【知识精讲】occur不及物动词(没有被动语态):发生,出现,突然想到。相关短语和句型:occur in存在于,出现在sth. occurs to sb.某人突然想到某事It occurs to sb. to do sth.某人突然想到做某事It occurs to/strikes/hits sb.that.某人突然想起【单句填空】The idea _ him in a dream.It suddenly _ me _ I hadnt locked my door.Sugar _ naturally _ fruits such as pears, melons and grapes, as well as foods such as mushrooms, wine, and cheese.【单句改错】That plane crash was occurred only five minutes after the plane took off.Suddenly it occurred me that he might have left his camera in the taxi.重点词汇-5. case【原句呈现】When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists.【知识精讲】case n.案件,官司,具体情况,实例。相关短语和句型:in any case无论如何in no case绝不,决不in this/that case假如这样/那样的话in case ofn.以防/万一/防备in case(that从句):in case用作连词可引导条件状语从句(=如果,万一)和目的状语从句(=以防),也可直接用作状语(=以防万一):Dont forget to write down the telephone number in your notebook in case you forget it.不要忘了把电活号码写在你的笔记本上,以免你忘了。Ihavealsotakenoutalifeinsurancepolicyonhimjustincase.为防万一,我还给他买了一份人寿保险。as is/was often the case是常有的事/情形【单句填空】Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move _ she injured her neck.Youd better take an umbrella _ rain.=Youd better take an umbrella _ it rains.I dont see why I couldnt do it. In _ case, Im going to try.If a lawyer doesnt do his homework he will most likely lose the _.He was late for school, _ is often the case. _ no case can we forget our country.绝不You cant make noise in class, and _ that/this case youll be punished.【单句改错】Can I have your phone number in case of I
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