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2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料模块三Unit 3 知识讲练一、重点词汇重点词汇-1.found【原句呈现】The city was founded in the 8th century BC.【知识精讲】found vt.兴建,创建,建立foundation n.创建, 设立, 基础founder n.创始人, 创立者found的过去式和过去分词都是founded,而find的过去式和过去分词都是found。相关短语:found . . . on/upon . . .建设在基础上 be founded on/upon . . .根据创作/建设,以根据【单句填空】Alice_ in a book that the city she lives in was_ one hundred years ago. What Albert Einstein left behind is the most profound ideas that form the_(found)of modem physics today.Fortune China released a ranking of business leaders in 2020, Jack Ma, _(found)of Alibaba, topping the list with outstanding leadership.The arguments are founded_ facts and compel conviction. 【单句改错】The university that founded in the town last year was designed by his father.It was too late when he founded he had homework to do.Later, he founded out his own company.重点词汇-2.flee (fled, fled)【原句呈现】It turns out that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city, their bodies nearly completely broke down and disappeared, leaving empty spaces in the ash.【知识精讲】flee+地点 逃离某地flee to+地点 逃到某地flee (from) sth. = escape from从逃离 flee away逃离【单句填空】I like to swim in the river to flee_ the extreme heat in summer. Hearing the dog barking fiercely,_ fled the thief.The Crapes of Wrath is a well-known novel about a family of farmers who flee_ California for what they hope will be a better life. 【单句改错】You should not flee out responsibility.Fled into the mountains, the robbers had little to eat and lived a hard life. 重点词汇-3. ruin【原句呈现】A scholar from the local cultural institute, Professor Zhang, told us that around the year 1900 the European explorer Sven Hedin discovered the ruins of the Loulan Kingdom.本单元还有一句中与ruin有关的destroy:Its hard to imagine how this peaceful volcano destroyed the whole city.【知识精讲】相关短语:(be)in ruins 成为废墟,破败不堪 come/go to ruin 毁灭,灭亡,落空bring .to ruin使毁灭,使落空 fall into ruin灭亡,荒芜ruin oneself自取灭亡 ruin ones health/fame毁坏某人的健康/名誉damage, destroy, harm, injure, ruin, wound等词的区别(参看模块一Unit 2重点词汇-5. harm);【单句填空】The story of Whitney Houston is a good example of how drugs and bad relationships can_ even the most talented stars.At this rate, the forest will be completely_ within the next 30 years.It is no wonder that the building isin _ now; it caught so big a fire last night.The accident caused some_ to my car, but its nothing serious. 【单句改错】What shocked us was that almost everything was in ruin.Right after he was rescued by the soldiers from the ruin, he saluted and smiled to them. 重点词汇-4. explode【原句呈现】Then, on 24 August, the mountain exploded, .【知识精讲】explode vi.爆炸explosion n.爆炸(声),爆发explosive adj.易爆炸的,爆炸性的unexploded adj.未爆炸的相关短语:explode with因(愤怒等)而发作 explode into爆发出 explode into laughter哄然大笑【单句填空】People around the world are becoming more and more concerned about the population _(explode).Shoppers fled the street in panic after two bombs_ in central London.The soldier picked up the_(explode)bomb and threw it away into the safety of the forest. He suddenly exploded into_ and then stopped again suddenly. 【单句改错】The audience exploded laughter while listening to the cross talk.At the end of last year, a gas explotion happened in a coal mine in Chifeng Inner Mongolia, killing at least 30 people, some of whom were local people. 重点词汇-5. complain【原句呈现】One complained that the room was not clean and that it was not very comfortable either.【知识精讲】complain vi.抱怨complaint n.抱怨,埋怨,投诉,控告相关短语:complain about抱怨,投诉 complain of诉说(病痛等)complain (to sb.) (about/at sth.)向某人投诉,向抱怨,向诉苦make a complaint (about.)投诉【单句填空】If you have been badly treated in a bank, make a _(complain)to the manager, either personally or over the phone.Not only did hecomplain _the food in the restaurant, he also refused to pay for it.I sincerely suggest that you try to do your best to finish this project, unless you dont care about the _(complain)from all directions.【单句改错】Im writing to make complaint about the book you sent to me.Tom complained his parents about the difficult exam.重点词汇-6. doubt【原句呈现】When asked how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Greats influence.【知识精讲】doubt v.怀疑undoubted adj.毫无疑问的,确实的undoubtedly无疑地,毋庸置疑地doubtful(ly)怀疑的(地)相关句型和短语:no doubt 毫无疑问,无疑,确定have no/little/some doubt.对没有/有一些怀疑beyond all doubt无疑地,确定地,肯定地 without(a)doubt无疑地;确定地;肯定地There is no doubt about/of.毫无疑问 There
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