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2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料模块一Unit 3知识讲练一、重点词汇重点词汇-1. figure【原句呈现】Most young women want a slim figure these days, especially here in Canada.【知识精讲】figure名词:外形,体形,体态,风姿,人物,人影,数字;动词:认为,以为,计算;相关短语:figure in算进, 包括进figure on指望(=depend on/rely on);计划,预料,预想figure up计算,把加起来(=add up)figure out想出,计算出(=work out),理解,弄明白,领会【单句填空】Ifyoullfigure _exactlyhowmuchIoweyou,Illpayyourightaway.Wedidnotfigure _havingsomanypeopleatthepicnic.Wefigured _ thetravelexpensesbutforgotthecostofmeals.The description was pretty vague, so the police couldnt figure _the portrait of the criminal.Linda has attendedtoher mother for so long that she figures _almost every gesture of her mothers.For many days I have been trying to figure _what it is that makes Jack so annoyed.【单句改错】I need to figure about what Chinese authors American middle school students are interested in and what books written by them they have read.重点词汇-2. damage【原句呈现】My mother is right: dont damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.【知识精讲】damage, destroy, harm, injure, ruin, wound等词的区别(参看模块一Unit 2重点词汇-5. harm);相关短语:do/cause damage to sb./sth.对人或物造成损害damage ones health损害某人的健康damage ones good name毁坏某人的名声cause/do damage to .使受到损害suffer damage (from .) 受到(的)损害【单句填空】Recently, however, scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can _damage to the land, thus making it less fertile.I didnt know it could do terrible _to your heart and lungs.Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _his leg.“If you go on stealing, you will _you bright future, young man!” said the judge.【单句改错】Scientists have been finding that long-term use of chemical fertilizers can do great damages to the land and even more dangerous, to peoples health.The accident caused some damage with my car, but its nothing serious.重点词汇-3. prefer【原句呈现】Instead, I prefer to exercise at home, and it seems that I am always going on a diet.【知识精讲】prefer的固定搭配和句型: prefer(not)to do sth.更(不)愿意做prefersb.(not)to do sth. 宁愿某人(不)做prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事prefer sth.to sth.喜欢而不喜欢宁愿做而不愿做的四种表达形式:prefer doing sth. to doing sth.prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.would do sth. rather do sth.would rather do sth. Than do sth.preference的相关短语:have a preference for对偏爱give preference to给优先权in preference to优先于【单句填空】Compared with domestic education, which has long been criticized, Chinese parents obviously _ to send their children abroad.Lets go there by taxi.Its not far from here. I prefer _(walk)rather than _(take)a taxi.What would you rather do, take a walk or swim?I _ taking a walk _ swimming.A survey shows that American teenagers have a _ for Inter-gram and Twitter rather than Face For sustainable development, the government has decided to give _ to those energy-conserving and environment-friendly businesses in many aspects.Many Chinese use WeChat for both one-on-one and group communication _ preference _ international phone when traveling overseas.【单句改错】Walking is my preferring exercise, which I think is a good choice.I prefer go out with friends rather than watch TV at home.To be honest, I would prefer not talk about the unpleasant matter again.Some people use hand-written letters in preference with typing because theyre more personal and represent your sincerity.He prefers to stay at home rather than watching movies outside.I prefer to going in July because Ill have to prepare myself for the new school term in August.I prefer writing a term paper than taking an examination.The young lady preferred dressing up to being noticed by other guests at the party.重点词汇-4. effect/affect【原句呈现】However, they have side effects, which will damage your health.After your taking this kind of pill for some time, his hair might fall out or he might have health problems, some of which may even affect his liver or heart.【知识精讲】effect通常作名词,有“结果,效果,作用,影响”等意思,其形容词为effective,副词为effectively;affect通常作及物动词,有“影响,感动,感染”等意思;相关短语:have an/no effect on对有(没有)影响carry/bring sth. into effect实施,实行,使生效come into effect/take effect=be carried/brought into effect(法律、规则、制度、任命等)生效,实施in effect实际上,在实施中,有效side effect副作用be affected by受的影响;被感动【单句填空】Computersystemsthroughoutthecountryare being _byaseriesofmysteriousprograms, knownasvirusesThe drug did not _ his health; in fact it seemed to have no _ at all._,itcontributestothesustainabledevelopmentofoureconomy.Too much smoking and drinking _ him greatly, which meant bad living habits had an _ on his health.Sleeplessness is someti
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