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2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料模块三Unit 3 综合检测一、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AUNESCO Announces New World Heritage SitesThe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, meets each year to choose the latest additions to its World Heritage list. The World Heritage Committee chooses sites based on historical and cultural importance, as well as their beauty. Here are some recent additions:Babylon (Iraq)The ancient city of Babylon is closely connected with one of the seven wonders of the ancient world the Hanging Gardens. Now, the area is gaining World Heritage Site status. The city on the Euphrates River is about 85 kilometers south of Baghdad. The 4,300-year-old Babylon is where dynasties have risen and fallen since the earliest days of settled human civilization.Paraty and Ilha Grande (Brazil)The historic coastal town of Paraty and the island Ilha Grande are already popular places for visitors to Brazirs Rio de Janeiro state. Now, they make up a newly named UNESCO site. Paraty was the final stop along the Gold Route, along which gold was shipped to Europe in the 1600s. The area is also home to a huge number of animals, some of which are threatened.Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City (China)The ruins of Liangzhu represent an early state with a collective belief system based on rice growing, dating from 3300 to 2300 BCE. The site is made up of four areas along the Yangtze River Basin. The ruins, UNESCO says, are an “outstanding example of early urban civilization”. They include an ancient water system and social divisions represented in different kinds of burials.Writing-on-Stone (Canada)Canadas Writing-on-Stone monument, known also as Aisinaipi, has a large number of protected rock paintings and rock carvings. Some of them are 2,000 years old. The markings were left by Blackfoot Native Americans, who live in parts of Western Canada and the far northern United States. The Blackfoot people consider the area to be holy.1. Why does the World Heritage Committee meet annually?A. To assess potential sites.B. To choose world wonders.C. To recommend cultural cities.D. To study various social systems.2. What do we know about Paraty?A. It witnessed gold transport.B. It lay in the south of Baghdad.C. It developed based on rice growing.D. It was once famous for rock paintings.3. Which country will you visit if you want to learn about early urban civilization?A. Iraq.B. Brazil.C. China.D. Canada.BHoward Carter Finds King Tuts TombHoward Carter was only 17 years old when he first went to Egypt in 1891. His father was quite successful as a portrait painter in England. Howard had a great deal of artistic talent, but he did not want to become a portrait painter like his father. He wanted adventure. With his fathers help, he got a job with an archaeologist who was on his way to Egypt. This was an exciting opportunity for young Howard Carter.In Egypt, Howard Carter worked as an artist for some of the best Egyptologists(埃及古物学者)of his time. An Egyptologist is an archaeologist whose focus is learning about ancient Egypt. It was not long before Howard Carter was quite well known among Egyptologists, not only as an artist but also for his knowledge about ancient Egypt and archaeology.Howard Carter wanted to hunt for King Tuts tomb, but that took men and money. Howard Carter finally got lucky. Lord Carnarvon was a very rich man. Lord Carnarvon allowed Howard Carter to hire 50 men to help him search for Tuts tomb.In November 1922, by the light of a candle, Howard Carter cut a hole in a secret door. Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter carefully looked through the hole. What they saw through the peephole(窥视孔)was amazing! They could not believe their eyes! The room was filled with treasurescouches shaped like animals, jeweled chests, vases, statues, and even chariots(二轮战车), all glittering with gold. It took months to move the treasures they found in the first room alone before they could open the doors in that room that led to other rooms! In other rooms, they found the chair King Tut had used as a small child.The tomb was an incredible discovery, not only for its monetary value but also for its history. Historians learned so much about the people who lived over 3,000 years ago, about their culture and beliefs and daily life, from the objects found in King Tuts tomb. Howard Carter became world famous.4. What was Howard Carter interested in when he was young?A. Becoming a portrait painter.B. Taking adventures.C. Finding valuable jewelry.D. Becoming a famous man.5. What made Howard Carter famous in Egypt?A. His father being a successful portrait painter.B. His gift for art and his rich knowledge about archaeology.C. Lord Carnarvons speaking highly of his adventure.D. A large amount of gold found by him in Tuts tomb.6. How old was Howard Carter when he found the King Tuts tomb?A. 17.B
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