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专题九被动语态 动词语态分为两大类:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态:主 语是动作的执行者。被动语态:主语是动作的承受者。动作的执 行者由 by 连接的短语表示,常译为“ 被、由” 。 对于英语的被动语态,我们可以以下五个方面来掌握。 一、主语与谓语动词的逻辑关系被动语态表示句子的主语是 谓语动词动作的承受者或对象。如:Computers are widely used in our work and daily life. 电脑在我们的工作和日常生活中广泛 应用。 (computers 就是 use 的对象或承受者 ) 二、表示被动语态的形式(1) 基本形式:主语+ be + vt. 的 过去分词+ (by + sb.) This song is often sung by children at school. 这首歌经常在学校被孩子们唱。 常见被动语态的时态: 一般现在时: am/is/are+ vt.的过去分词; 一般过去时: was / were + vt.的过去分词; 一般将来时: will / shall / be going to + be + vt.的过去分词; 现在完成时: have / has + been + vt.的过去分词; 过去完成时: had + been + vt.的过去分词; 现在进行时: am/is/are + being + vt.的过去分词; (2) 其他形式:(选学) 主语+ be + vt. 的过去分词+ (by +. sb.)+宾语/ 介词 + 宾语 A. 主语 + be + vt. 的过去分词+ (by + sb.)+ 宾语/to + 宾语 I was shown his gold medal there. 在那里他给我看了他的金牌。 His gold medal was shown to me. 他的金牌给我看了。能用于 这一句型的常见动词有bring, give,hand, lend,offer,pass, post, send,show,teach,tell,throw ,write 等。 B. 主语 + be + vt. 的过去分词+ (by + sb.)+ 宾语 /for + 宾语 I was bought a new dictionary (by my father). 我父亲给我买了一本 新字典。A new dictionary was bought for me (by my father). 我 父亲给我买了一本新字典。能用于这一句型的常见动词有buy, call,cook,do,get,make,save 等。 主语 + be + vt. 的过去分词+ (by + sb.)+ 主语的补足语 Jim was made chairman at the meeting. Jim 在会上被推选为主席。 Li Lei was seen to break the glass this moming. 李雷今天上午被人 看到打碎了那块玻璃。能用于这一句型的常见动词有feel, hear, make,observe,see,watch 等。特别注意的是,在主动语态中, 不定式做宾语的补足语,不定式前面的小品词to 必须省略,而在被 动语态中,不定式做主语的补足语,不定式的小品词to 必须补上。 主语 +情态动词( can/could/may/might/must/should/ought to) + be + 动词的过去分词+ (by + sb.) Water can be turned into 过去进行时: was / were + being + vt.的过去分词 过去将来时: would + be + vt.的过去分词 注意:被动语态不用于将来进行时及完成进行时。 ice. 水能转变成冰。Your essay should be rewritten again. 你 的论文应该还重新修改一遍。 主语 +be + 短语动词的过去分词+ (by + sb.) His words should be paid much attention to. 应该多注意他的话。The children in China are taken good care of now. 现在中国的孩子被照 料得很好。注意:动词后面的介词或副词不能省略。 形式主语 (It) +be + vt.的过去分词+主语从句It is reported that our team has won the game again. 据报道,我们队又赢了比赛。 能用于这一句型的常见动词有believe, expect,know, report ,say, suppose,think 等。这一句型也可变为:主语 + be + vt. 的过 去分词 +不定式短语The Mars is believed to have no life on it. 火星被确认无生命迹象。Our team is reported to have won the game again. 据报道,我们队又赢了比赛。 三、被动语态的用法 被动语态往往表示一种客观的事实,有时语气比较生硬, 没有商量的 余地,从而令人难以接受,因此,切不可随便使用。在能用主动语态 表示时,尽量使用主动语态,只有在下面的情况中才使用被动语态。 说不出动作的执行者或没有必要说出动作的执行者;如:The classroom had been cleaned when I got there. 当我到达教室的时候,教室已经被人打扫过了。 (教室究竟是谁打扫的,说话者并不知道) 为了突出或强调动作的承受者或对象;如:Homework must be finished before school is over. 作业必须在放学之前做完。(强调 Homework) 为了修辞的需要,使句子间的联系更紧密。如: I have a new motorbike. It was given to me by my father yesterday as my birthday present. 我有一台新摩托车。 它是昨天我父亲买给我作为生 日礼物的。(显然,It 指代 the new bike 就与上文的 a new motorbike 紧密相连 ) 四、不能使用被动语态的情况 (1)不及物动词没有被动形式。特别要注意汉语中带名词或代词 做宾语的动词,如belong,die,happen,occur,take place 等不及 物动词。如:A terrible traffic accident happened on the road yesterday. ( 昨天在公路上发生了一起可怕的交通事故。)就不能改写 为:A terrible traffic accident is happened on the road yesterday. (2)一些静态的及物动词也不能用于被动语态。如 agree with , fit, have,hold,own,suit 等。如:I don t agree with Jack. (我不 同意 Jack 的观点。 )就不能改写为: Jack isn t agreed with. 五、主动形式表被动意义如:The pen writes well. 这支笔很好写。 The food tastes good. 这些食物尝起来味道很好。 His house is comfortable to live in. 他的房子住起来很舒服。 实战演练 (2 50) 计分: 1._ a new library _ in our school last year? A. Did ; build B. Was ; built C. Is; built 2.An accident _ on this road last week. A. was happened B. has happened C.happened 3. - This kind of rice tastes nice. Do you know where it is grown? - Yes, it _ in Southeast China. A. was grew B. is grown C. is growing 4.So far, the moon _ by man already. A. is visited B. has been visited C. was visited 5.A talk on Chinese history _ in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given 6.A lot of things _ by people to save the little girl now. A. are doing B. are being done C. will be done 7.The doctor _ for yet. A. isnt sent B. wasnt sent C. hasnt been sent 8. -When _ this kind of computer _? -Last year. A. was; made B. did; make C .are; made 9.Who _ this book _? A. did; write B. was; written by C. is; written 10.Mary _ show me her new dictionary. A. has asked to B. was asked to C. is asked 11.A story _ by Granny yesterday. A. was told to us B. was told us C. is told us 12.The monkey was seen _ off the tree. A. jumped B. jumps C. to jump 13.Older people _ well. A. must be looked after B. looks after C. must look after 14.Our teacher _ carefully. A. should be listened B. should be listened to C. are listened 15. In some part of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar. A. is served B. serves C. served 16. - Did you win the basketball game? - Bad luck. Our team _ in the final one. A. won B. was won C. was beaten 17. Do you think that the bridge _ in a year? A. would be completed B. will be completed C. is completed 18. Great changes _ in China since 1949. A. have taken place B. have been taken place C. took place 19. -Why
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