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1,Unit 2,2,Warming up,3,4,What is the difference between a navigator and an explorer?,5,Navigator,sea,nautical instruments,find new islands or continents,Navigator is somebody who finds the position and plots the course of a ship using maps and instruments.,6,Explorer,land,use of compass and landmarks,find new places within an already identified island or continent,Explorer is somebody who travels into or through a place in order to learn about it. Very often navigators are also explorers.,7,8,In the year between 1405 and 1433, seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration. Under the command of Zheng He, the fleets set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea, and then traveled further south, discovering the eastern coast of Africa.,9,He renewed relations with the Kingdoms of the East African coast. One African king sent the Ming emperor a royal present: two giraffes.,10,11,About 700 years ago a young trader from Italy took a long trip to Cathay. Cathay is known as China today. He went with his father and uncle, who had traveled there once before. They stayed in China for about two decades. The young mans name was Marco Polo. He was liked by the leader in China at the time.,12,He knew four languages and traveled around the kingdom for the leader. When Marco Polo returned to Italy, he dictated his story to a writer. He told of the Chinese postal system, paper money, and the use of coal as fuel.,13,James Cook,14,James Cook (1728-1779) was the greatest Britain navigator. Cook enlisted in the Royal Navy in 1755. In 1768 he was promoted and sent to the Pacific where he surveyed Tahiti, New Zealand, and Australia. On his famous second expedition (1772-1775) he explored Antarctica. In 1776 he undertook his third and final voyage in which he explored,15,the West Coast of North America and tried to locate a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. On this voyage he discovered the Hawaiian Islands, and sailed up the coast of North America through the Bering Straits to the Arctic Ocean. On his return he was killed by Hawaiian islanders.,16,Explanation,1.navigator n. 导航者,领航员 navigate vi. 航行, 航海, 航空 vt. 航行于, 驾驶, 操纵, 使通过 They navigated with difficulty through the crowd. 他们在人群中坚难行进。 navigation n. 航海,航行 navigational adj. 航海的,航行的,17,Reading,Listen to the tape,18,compass,19,astrolabe,20,The astrolabe measures the height and position of the sun. If you can measure this accurately, a sailor can tell how many degrees the boat is from the North Pole. From this he can tell where the boat is in the ocean.,21,sextant,22,The sextant is a navigational instrument for measuring the angle between the horizon and some object in the sky.,23,quadrant,24,nautical chart,25,Nautical charts are maps of the depth of the sea and the currents of the oceans. They provide modern sailors with routes through the seas, rather like roads through the countryside. The information began to be collected in the nineteenth century and has continued to be updated ever since.,26,Reading,Comprehension,27,Comprehending,1. Read the passage and answer the following questions. What is the use of a bearing circle, astrolabe, quadrant or sextant? ( ) What is the use of a compass? ( ) A. To set the course of the ship B. To measure the position of the ship C. To measure the speed of the ship D. To tell the time,A,B,28,4. Read the passage again and use the information to analyse the navigational skills.,29,1. To find the ships position at sea a sailor used the North Star and the sun. 2. A sailor knew that land was nearby if he saw _ _. 3. Sailors used _ _to increase their speed.,fresh seaweed, nesting birds returning home in the evening or fog,sea currents or tides and winds,30,Sextant:,an updated version of the quadrant and so it was more accurate, to measure the angle between two fixed points outside the ship (using two mirrors to find the ships position).,31,1. How do you think seamen found their way before modern accurate methods of navigation were invented? 在现代精确的导航法尚未发明之前, 你认为航海员是怎样探路的?,Explanation on P11,32,这是一个“特殊疑问词+do you think” 的双重疑问句结构。除think以外believe,guess, suppose等词也可以用于此结构。 What do you suppose has happened to him? 在I thinkbelieveguesssuppose/ imagine等词的句式中,如果从句有否定,否定词应该前移,即否定转移。 I dont think he will come I think he will not come,正,误,33,1. I believe he is an honest man,_ 2. We dont think Tom has broken the regulations,_ 3. Mary guessed his father must have bought her a beautiful shirt,_,Isnt he?,has he?,didnt she,34, invent vt发明,创作;虚构,杜撰 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 1876年阿历山大格雷厄姆贝尔发明了电话。 The whole story was invented. 整个故事是虚构的。 inventor n发明者,发明家,创造者 invention n发明,创造;发明物,35,discover: invent: Gilbert _electricity, but Edison _the electric light bulb. Who _America? Who _
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