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1,商务英语翻译(笔译与口译)Business English Translation(Written Translation & Interpretation)主讲教师:张家瑞,2,Significance of this Course,Improve business English translation skills Improve business English interpretation skills Form a solid basis on future work,3,Two Misconceptions of Translation,The only way to improve ones translation is to do as much practice as possible.(empiricism) The only way to improve ones translation is to learn various useful translation skills.(dogmatism),4,Appropriate Attitudes Toward Translation,One should improve his translation on both sides: Translation Skills Translation Practice,5,Case Study 1,My work, my family, my friends were more than enough to fill my time. 译文:我干工作,我做家务,我有朋友往来,这些足够占去了我全部的时间。 方法:增词法,6,Case Study 2,All the wit and learning in the economic circle will be present at the seminar. 译文:经济界的所有专家学者将出席这次研讨会。(wit and learning 由“智慧与学识”具体引申为“专家学者”) 方法:词义的引申,7,Case Study 3,Email is a fairly recent development. 译文:电子邮件是近年来才发展起来的。 方法:词性的转化,8,Case Study 4,The financing of the sale often involves bills of exchange and documentary credits. 译文:商品买卖的货款收付情况体现在汇票或跟单信用证中。 方法:英汉翻译中“虚”与“实”的转化,9,Case Study 5,Four major stages in the product life cycle have been identified: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. 译文:已经确认,产品的生命周期可以划分为四个主要阶段:引进市场阶段、 成长阶段、 成熟阶段和衰退阶段。 方法:英语被动语态句的翻译技巧,10,Case Study 6,It does not alter the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay. 译文:延迟应由他负责,这个事实是改变不了的。 方法:从句翻译的技巧(同位语从句提前),11,Brief Introduction of the Course Plan to Students,12,Assignment: translate the material of WTO,
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