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1,Hello!,Hello!,2,Good morning!,Starter Unit One,3,Now, lets meet some new frieds.现在我们来认识几位新朋友。,4,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen,This is 这位是,5,is this?,Dale,Grace,Cindy,Frank,Bob,Eric,Helen,Alice,Who,这位是谁?,This is,6,This is ,7,注意:This is没有缩写形式,,这 (位) 是.,This is.,这句型用于:,介绍他人或某物,Thiss,Is this 是疑问句形式,Note:,8,Write down the name in a special order,Name list _,9,Cindy,Bob,Helen,Eric,Frank,Dale,Alice,Grace,10,11,CD,HB,BBC,Do you know what these letters mean?,你知道这些字母是什么意思吗?,12,Do you know anything else?(你还知道别的吗?),美国或澳大利亚广播公司,加拿大广播公司,公元,商务英语证书,文学学士,中国民航,公元前,中国篮球协会,13,7:00 am,19:00,15:00,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,Good evening!,When you meet your friend in, you can say,Good night!,22:00,14,Good morning, Helen !,Hi, Bob!,15,Good morning, Alice!,Good morning, Cindy !,16,Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!,Good morning, Dale!,17,Good morning,Good afternoon,Good evening,正式客气的场合打招呼语 / 问候语.,用原句回答,也可用hello/hi.,熟人问候时,其后可接 “ ,人名”,hello / hi,非正式场合,语气比较随便打招呼语.,熟人之间也有问好的意思.,用原句回答,有时可用hi代替hello.,打电话时都可说hello,Note:,18,Exercises :,1.- _, Eric! -Hello, Helen! 2.- Good morning, Bob. - Good _, Helen. 3. -_ , Frank. - Good evening,Dale. 4. -Good afternoon, Eric. -_, Grace.,Hello,morning,Good evening,Good afternoon,19,【及时小练】,晚饭后你去散步,遇到了你的英语老师,你应该说_。 A. Good morning! B. Good evening! C. Good afternoon! D. Goodbye!,【及时小练】 晚饭后你去散步,遇到了你的英语老师,你应该说_。 A. Good morning! B. Good evening! C. Good afternoon! D. Goodbye!,B,20,【及时小练】,请用good, fine, OK完成对话 A: _ (1) afternoon, Cindy! B: _ (2) afternoon, Eric! How are you? A: Im _ (3), thanks. How are you? B: Im _ (4), too.,Good,Good,fine,OK,21,【及时小练】,句型转换 Please come here. (改为同义句) thank, I, fine, am, you (连词成句) _,Come here, please.,I am fine, thank you.,22,【及时小练】,根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子(每空一词) Mike is a _ (好的) boy. How are you? Fine, _ (谢谢).,good,thanks,23,【及时小练】,改错 Im fine, thanks you. Im ok, Mom.,Im fine, thanks.,Im fine, thank you.,Im OK, Mom.,24,选择适当的单词填空 Its; Hi; are; Whats ; I m A: Hi, Grace! B: _ (1), Bob! A: How _ (2) you? A: _ (3) fine, thanks. And you? B: Im OK. A: _ (4) this? B: _ (5) a pen.,Hi,are,Im,Whats,Its,25,根据汉语提示,完成英语句子 1. 戴尔,上午好! _ _, Dale! 2. 我很好,谢谢。 Im fine, _ _. 3. 用英语说这是什么? 是一个橙子。 Whats this _ _? Its _ _.,Good morning,thank you,in English,an orange,26,根据问句写出答语, 或根据答语写出问句 1. How do you do? _ 2. Nice to meet you. _ 3. Good morning! _ 4. _ Im OK, thank you. 5. _ Good evening!,How do you do?,Good evening!,Good morning!,How are you?,Nice to meet you too!,27,汉译英: 1. 嗨,艾丽斯! 2.早上好,戴尔。 3.晚上好,埃里克。,Hi , Alice!,Good morning, Dale.,Good evening, Eric.,28,bed,bee,egg,29,Bb,Hh,Aa,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,
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