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1,第13章 金融证券,Chapter 13 Finance and Securities,2,第十三章 金融证券 (Finance and Securities ),Financial resources are in a real sense allocated on a worldwide scale. Because:1)With the help of modern transport and telecommunication technologies, almost every aspect of human activity is getting globalized. companies may get listed in stock exchanges abroad to raise funds and investors may invest directly and indirectly in properties and securities of foreign countries. Increasing variety of financial instruments are available for the purpose of financing and investment .,3,第十三章 金融证券 (Finance and Securities ),2)Moreover,countries are highly interdependent on each other in terms of economy and finance. The influence of one financial event may quickly spread from one country to the international financial market. Interpretation in this field poses greater challenges to interpreters due to: 1)constantly changing market situations; 2)the specialized knowledge required.,4,第十三章 金融证券 (Finance and Securities ),To function as a competent messenger, the interpreter needs to 1)remain sensitive to what is happening in the financial world; 2)keep track of the current financial events so as to be sufficiently informed when interpreting ; 3)possess an adequate vocabulary of the technical terms to avoid misinterpretating .,5,Vocabulary Work,market regulation: 市场管理 brokers and dealers:经纪人和经销商 securities exchanges:证券交易所 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission:证券交易委员会 从紧的货币政策:tight monetary policy 结构性上涨:structural rise 中国银监会:China Banking Regulatory Commission 商业性住房贷款:commercial housing loans,6,Vocabulary Work,self-regulatory organizations:自律组织 macroeconomic outlook:宏观经济展望 financial market disruption:金融市场混乱 alleviate the adverse impact:缓解不利影响 资本项目可兑换:capital account convertibility 优化贷款结构:optimize loan structure 转按揭贷款:mortgage loans 住房公积金:Housing Provident Fund,7,Sight Interpretation (1),the World Bank: 世界银行 the Board of Governors:理事会成员 ministers of finance/development:财政/发展部长 the World Bank Group:世界银行集团 the International Monetary Fund:国际货币基金组织 work on-site:现场工作 the executive director: 执行董事,8,Sight Interpretation (2),国际复兴开发银行(IBRD): international bank for reconstruction and development 国际开发协会( IDA ):International Development Association 全球减贫使命:the mission of global poverty reduction 社会事业:social undertakings 建议:平时应多积累与商务知识有关的专业术语。,9,Note-taking (1),open market operations:公开市场操作 the U.S. Treasury:美国财政部 the Federal Open Market Committee(FOMC): 联邦公开市场操作委员会 the federal funds rate:联邦基金利率 the Federal Reserve: 美联储,10,Note-taking (2),investment loans:投资贷款 development policy loans=adjustment loans:发展政策贷款=调整贷款 quick-disbursing financing:快速支付型融资,11,Sentences in Focus (E-C),the analysis of exchange rate issues:汇率问题的分析 remain vigilant:保持警惕 international financial flows:国际资本流动 approve an increase in the quotas:批准增加配额 SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission ):美国证券交易委员会,12,Sentences in Focus (C-E),金融衍生品交易:financial derivatives trading 在衍生品市场中担任交易商与做市商的角色: play the roles of brokers and market makers in derivatives market 规避市场风险:hedge market risks 一把“双刃剑”:a double-edged sword 中国银行业协会: China Banking Association(CBA) 中国银监会:China Banking Regulatory Commission(CBRC) 以客户为中心:customer-centeredness 建议:对于有关金融机构的专有名词要多积累。,13,Text Interpreting (Passage 1),facilitate capital formation:促进资本形成 compelling:迫切的 infraction:违规,违法 insider trading:内幕交易 accounting fraud:财务欺诈 the Chairman of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission:商品期货交易委员会主席,14,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),As our nations securities exchanges mature into global for-profit competitors, there is even greater need for sound market regulation. 由as和with引导的从句或状语结构不一定要千篇一律地译成汉语“随着”,如本句中即可将从句译成原因 ,主句由“使得”引出,译成结果。主句中greater need 可由名词译为形容词“越显重要。 建议:此句译文可使用词性转换技巧,并注意同一单词在不同语境中的不同含义。,15,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),In particular,the Chairman of the SEC, together with the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Chairman of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, serves as a member of the Presidents Working Group on Financial Markets. the Secretary of the Treasury为“美国财长” the Commodities Futures Trading Commission为“商品期货交易委员会” the Presidents Working Group on Financial Markets为“美国总统金融市场工作小组” 建议:关键要知晓涉及到的这些职位和国际机构的中文名称。,16,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),rationale: 基本原理 proceed: 开始,继续进行 deterioration:恶化 macroeconomy:宏观经济 dual mandate: 双重使命 preemptive:先发制人的 inertia: 惰性 liquidity provision:流动性供给 duration:持续 The FOMC 全称为Federal Open Market Committee: 联邦公开市场操作委员会,17,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),Rather,our policy approach has reflected the rapid deterioration of financial market conditions, which has contributed to a worsening of the economic outlook and the emergence of pronounced downside risks to economic growth and employment. 此句定语从句结构较复杂,翻译时需补充主语“这种恶化”,译成独立的句子。定语从句中emergence如果译成“的出现”,则不通顺,因此可以不译。而后面介词“to”译为动词“面对”。 建议:翻译时要注意句子成分的增补和介词含义的灵活变化。,18,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),Because longer-run inflation expectations appear to have remained reasonably well anchored, in my view, the e
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