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1,Unit Nine,Text A How to Cope with Stress,2,1. experience stress经历紧张 经历恐怖 terror 2. stay up late to finish an assignment熬夜完成作业 熬夜备课 late to prepare lessons 3. a part of everyday life日常生活的一部分 学生生活的一部分 students life 4. have trouble dealing with难以应付 难以入睡 sleeping 5. a troubling situation麻烦的处境 爱惹麻烦的小孩 the child,3,6. have much time to relax有许多时间放松 有许多时间阅读 read 7. lose appetite没有胃口 失去信心 heart 8. avoid serious consequences避免严重的后果 避免严重的交通事故 serious traffic accident 9. maintain a positive attitude towards life保持积极的生活态度 保持乐观的生活态度 an optimistic attitude towards life 10. see problems as challenges将问题视作挑战 把考试当成练习 examinations exercises,4,Main ideas Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions according to the above reading passage Stress is a feeling of worry about your work or personal life. It is caused by a _ situation and often goes _with the end of the situation. When we experience stress, our heart _faster or we may have _ trouble. Since it can cause _ problems, we should know how to _with it. To have nutritious _, to get lots of sleep and to take time to relax are all very _when we are faced with _ situations. Whats more , to hold a positive _towards life is also very effective in _ our levels of stress.,troubling,away,beats,serious,sleeping,cope,meals,essential/important,stressful,attitude,reducing,5,Detailed Understanding,Complete each of the following sentences according to the text.,1. From the passage, we may say that stress is a natural _ . 2. Stress causes problems when normal worries become continuous _. 3. Terrible stomach pains,sleeping troubles and depression are all _. 4. To aviod serious consequences of stress, it is recommended to _ ,to _ and to _. 5. Its essential to hold a _ life.,consequence of life,feelings of anxiety,signs of stress,eat nutritious meals,get lots of sleep,take time to relax,positive attitude towards,6,1. But why do some people become ill because of it others do not? A. when B. while C. where D. when 2. Stress is a physical or emotional reaction situations that have tuouble with. A. to, deal B. for, dealing C. to, dealing D. on, deal 3. Sometimes, however, so many stressful situations come into our lives we dont have much time to relax in them. A. that, to B. what, between C. what, with D. that, between 4. Some experience the terrible stomach pains come with having an ulcer. A. that B. what C. when D. where,B,C,D,A,7,5. Doctors say that we should look at these symptoms as warnings from our bodies we are not taking proper care of ourselves. A. what B. which C. that D. where 6. Sevious consequences, they say, it is essential that we should nutritious meals and get lots of sleep. A. To avoid, eat B. Avoid, eating C. Avoid, eaten D. Avoiding, eat 7. They recommend time to relax, especially when we face situations like examinations, that we know are going to be stressful. A. take B. takes C. taken D. taking 8. Experts have found that people who learn to see problems . challenges or opportunities instead of as obstacles are able to reduce their levels of stress. A. of B. as C. to D. in,C,A,D,B,8,Unit Nine,Text B What Is Happiness,9,1. in search of happiness寻找幸福 寻找食物 food 2. a variety of sources各种各样的源泉 各种水果 fruits 3. put their heart and effort into their work全身心的投入到工作中 全身心地投入到教学中 teaching 4. a lasting source of happiness一种永久的幸福源泉 永久的收入来源 income 5. the list goes on and on (这样的例子)举不胜举他的演讲没完没了his speech .,10,6. a response of having something对拥有某物的反应 对我们求助的反应 a to our call for help 7. prepare to run 准备跑开 准备唱歌 sing 8. have more success in work工作更有成就 生活有更多乐趣 fun in ones life 9. enjoy loving relationships相互关爱 享受生活 life 10. take better care of ones health更好地照料自己的身体 再仔细地看这张照片 a better/closer look at this photo,11,Main Ideas,Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions according to the above reading passage Most people want to be happy but not everybody can get happiness. Different people _happiness in different ways. _work hard while others want to _ happiness with money. But _are actually following a _ journey of finding happiness. They believe that happiness _from drugs, alcohol, or _cars. Or in other words, they think that it comes from _you get. But actually, happiness is not a _but rather a stimulus. _we are happy, we can often do our work better, have more friends and enjoy better health,seek,Some,buy,they,wrong,comes,expensive,what,response,When,12,Detailed Understanding,1. One misunderstanding is that the sources for happy feelings are a._; b._; c._; 2. Its wrong for most people to think they can have happiness once they a. get _; b. lose _
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