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沪教版英语二年级上册Going about教案教学目标:Using adjectives to describe objects; e.g. The car is fast.Using nouns to identify things; e.g. pavement, crossroad;Locate specific information in response to simple instructions;Helping students to Expend their horizon and develop their daily English;重点难点:Using adjectives to describe objects; e.g. The car is fast.教学准备:A computer, a TV set, PPT教学过程:Pre-task: Sing a song walking walking Quick response: red light, stop!Yellow light, wait!Green light, go!While-task:1. T: How do you go to school?Ss:T: Jerry and Tom also go to school on foot. Look! There are many lanes, which lane should they walk on? A? B? C? D?Ss:T: It is called pavement.l Practice the pronunciationl Guessing game: Teacher does some actions, Students guess and say jump, crawl, run, skate on the pavement2. T: On their way to school, Jerry and Tom saw something. What do they see?Ss: a car and a bicycle.T: What the difference between the car and the bicycle?Bigsmall newoldFast-slow (PPT showed )3. Practice the pronunciation while teacher mimes running fast and slow.4. Lets have a competitionT: Pass the book to the end, please. Let us see which group is fast. Other students all together say: fast, fast, fast.Group _ is fast!Ask 2 volunteers to compete to see who hops slow. Other students all together say: slow, slow, slow._ is slow.5. PPT shows groups of things: Students tell_ is fast/ slow.6. Make a new rhyme (group work)Tom made a rhyme: Fast, fast. The car is fast. Drive on the road.Can you make a rhyme with these wordsl slow, Jerry, pavementl slow, the ant, pavementlLiu Xiang, fast, pavementlfast, the motorcycle, road7. T: Tom and Jerry keep walking on the pavement. They see traffic lights. Where can you see traffic lights?l Explain crossroads ( cross)l Practice the pronunciationPost-task:l ConversationT: School is over.Jerry and Tom are going home together. Lets see what they are talking.I am Jerry. Who wants to be Tom?T- individualT- whole classS- S (pair work)A: School is over. Lets go home!B: OK! Lets walk on the pavement.A: Look! The _ is fast!B: Look! The _ is slow.A: here is the crossroad. Look at the light.B: Its _. _!2 Role- playBe a kangaroo and a driverWe see many bicycles on the road in China. But in Australia, we often can see kangaroos and koalas. The road sign tells you to drive carefully. Students act as two persons in a car and a kangaroo or koala.A: What do you think of Australia ?B: I think Australia is_!A: Look! The _ is _!B: Please drive carefully!Assignment:Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.
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