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,上海牛津版四年级上册英语全套优质课件,教育部审定教材,牛津英语,Module 2,Unit 4,Unit 5,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,目 录,Unit 6,Revision,Project,Unit 4 Do you have any cousins?,沪教牛津四年级上册,Lead-in,Family photos,Family members,grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,New words,any,任何的,cousin,表兄弟;表姐妹;堂兄弟;堂姐妹,family,家庭,parent,父亲;母亲,grandparent,(外)祖父;(外)祖母,grandfather,(外)祖父;爷爷;外公,grandmother,(外祖母);奶奶;外婆,uncle,叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父;姨父,aunt,姑妈;姨妈;伯母;婶婶;舅妈,Listen and say,1,2,Hello, Im Jill. I have a big family.,Theyre my parents and my grandparents.,3,4,This is my cousin. His names Dan. Hes Uncle Johns son.,What about you? Do you have any cousins?,Language points,1. Do you have any cousins? 你有任何的堂表亲吗? Yes, I have one cousin. 是的,我有一个堂哥。 用来询问对方是否拥有某物,其句子结构是“Do you have any + 可数名词的复数/不可数名词?(你有任何的吗?) 肯定回答是“Yes, I have +(数词)+ ”,2. Hes Uncle Johns son. 他是约翰叔叔的儿子。 Johns意思是“约翰的”,其中s是名词的所有格形式,常用于有生命的人或物. 例句:迈克的书 Mikes book,3. What about you?你呢? 这句话是在叙述完自己的情况之后,询问他人的句型,为了避免重复,常用“What/How about you?”来代替问句。 How/ what about .?的意思是“怎么样?” 后常接名词、代词、动词的ing形式。,Look and learn,grandparents,外祖父母,grandfather,(外)祖父;爷爷;外公,grandmother,(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆,parents,父母,father,父亲,mother,母亲,uncle,叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父;姨父,aunt,姑妈;姨妈;伯母;婶婶;舅妈,Do a survey,S1: Do you have any aunts? S2: Yes, I haveaunt(s). No, I dont have any aunts.,Do you have any cousins?,Yes, I have two cousins.,Do a survey,Do you have any aunts?,No, I dont have any aunts.,Say and act,Hi, Kitty. Welcome to my home.,Is this your brother?,No. This is my cousin. His names Dan. He can swim.,How old is he?,Hes 11 years old. Do you have any cousins, Kitty?,Yes, I have two cousins.,Who is this?,This is my uncle. Hes Dans father. Hes a teacher.,Who is that, Jill?,Thats me!,1. Is this your brother?这是你弟弟吗? 这是含有be动词的一般疑问句,其结构是“Be动词 + 主语 + 表语(名词/形容词/数词)?” this指距离说话人近的人或物。 肯定回答:Yes, is/am. Yes, are. 否定回答:No, isnt/am not. No, arent.,Language points,2. How old is he?他几岁? 当你想知道对方的年龄时,可以问“How old be动词 + 某人?”意思是“某人多大?”或“某人几岁?”,其答句是“某人 + be动词 + 数词.”。 例句:How old are they? 他们几岁? They are ten. 他们10岁。,Learn the sounds,Ken and Ben have ten red pens. Ten red pens from their friends. One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.,Culture corner,This is James. Hes my cousin.,This is Linda. Shes my cousin too.,同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!,Unit 5 My friends,沪教牛津四年级上册,New words,T-shirt,T恤衫,brown,棕色的;棕色,shorts,短裤,skirt,短裙,dress,连衣裙,shirt,(男式)衬衫,help,帮助,Listen and say,This is Tom. He is my friend. He is tall and thin. He has a green T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts. He can skate. by Joe,Tom,I have two friends. They are Peter and his sister Sally. Peter has an orange T-shirt. He can ride a bike. Sally has a red skirt. She can fly a kite. by Alice,Peter,Sally,Language points,He has a green T-shirt. 他有一件绿色的T恤衫。 has是动词have的第三人称单数形式。在一般现在时态中,当主语是第三人称单数时,后面的动词要变成相应的第三人称单数形式,其方法就是在词尾加“s”;当动词结尾的字母是“s, x, ch, sh”时,要加“es”。 例句:她打开门。 She opens the door.,Look and learn,dress,连衣裙,shirt,(男式)衬衫,shorts,短裤,skirt,短裙,T-shirt,T恤衫,Play a game,She has a dress. Its red and white. Who is she?,Shes Alice.,Tom Kitty Alice Ben,He has a shirt. Its blue. Who is he?,Hes Ben.,Tom Kitty Alice Ben,He has a T-shirt. Its green. Who is he?,Hes Tom.,Tom Kitty Alice Ben,Enjoy a story,The lion is big and strong. He has big teeth. 狮子高大而强壮。他长着大牙齿。,The mouse is small. He has small teeth. 老鼠很小。他长着小牙齿。,The lion cannot get out. He is afraid. 狮子不能出去。他很害怕。,Look at the mouse. His small teeth are sharp. He can help the lion! 看这只老鼠。他的小牙齿很锋利。他可以帮助狮子!,The lion and the mouse are friends now. 狮子和老鼠现在成了朋友了。,Think and write,_(name) is my friend. He/ She is _(short/tall/fat/thin). He/ She is _(eight/nine/ten). He/ She has a /an_. He/ She can _.,Learn the sounds,I like my bike. Mike likes his kite. My bike is nice. Mikes kite is high.,kite,bike,同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!,Unit 6 My parents,沪教牛津四年级上册,Lead-in,Who is he?,He is my father.,What does your father do?,He is a doctor.,Who is she?,She is my mother.,What does your mother do?,She is a teacher.,Who is she?,She is my sister.,What does your sister do?,She is a student.,New words,nurse,护士,fireman,消防员,teacher,老师,doctor,医生,bus driver,公共汽车司机,kid,小孩,people,人;人们,Listen and say,What does your mother do? Shes a nurse.,What does your mother do, Jill?,Shes a nurse.,What does your father do?,Hes a fireman.,3,4,What do your parents do, Peter?,My father is a teacher.,Is your mother a teacher too?,No, she isnt. Shes a doctor.,Read and fill in the blank.,nurse,fireman,teacher,doctor,Play roles,What does your mother do?,She is a teacher.,What does your father do?,He is a bus driver.,What do your parents do?,My father is a doctor.,Is your mother a doctor too?,No, she isnt. She is a nurse.,Language points,1. What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的? Shes a nurse. 她是一名护士。 询问某人职业的句型是“What do/does + 某人+ do?”,其回答是“某人(常用人称代词)+ be动词 +职业的名称. (某人从事某种职业。)”,Look and Learn,bus driver,doctor,fireman,公共汽车司机,医生,消防员,nurse,teacher,护士,老师,Play a game,What does
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