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外研社三年级英语下册Its very long.教案设计外研社三年级英语下册Its very long.教案设计【导学 目标】1、知识与能力目标重点学习一些形容词,如wide, old, new, round.学习用这些形容词来描述一些景物或场景如描述River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等。2、情感态度目标通过让学生使用形容词描述国外景物,学生不仅学习了如何使用形容词,更开阔了眼界,增长了知 识。同时通 过介绍英国重要景点如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等,让同学们对国外景物形成一个初步的认识,调动同学们的学习兴趣和热情,达到良好的学习效果。【导学重点 】重点单词:wide, old, new, round重点句型:This river is very wide. And its very long. This is Big Ben. Its very tall.【导学难点】难点:有关英国重要景点如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等知识的了解。【课前自学】1. 听录音跟读Module 2 Unit 12. 通过参考页66页第二模块单词,理解Unit 1课文内容。3. 读句子:Its about London.This river is very wide.And its very long.And look at this big wheel.This is Big Ben. Its very tall.【预习检测】朗读下列单 词,并且翻译 下列单词或者短语:1.wide 2.old 3.new 4.round 5.River Thames 6.Big Ben 7. London Eye_ _ _ _ _ _ _【合作探究】1、Lets watch the video again and answer the questions.(1)What is Big Ben like?(2)What is London Eye like?(3)What is River Thames like?2、 Act out3、Talk about t he city, London.4、口语练习总结本课自己的 收获,小组内交流。_【达标小检测】翻译下列句子:1.This river is very wide. And its very long.2.This is Bi g Ben.3.Its very tall.参考答案1.这条河很宽。而且很长。2.这是大本钟。3.它非常高。
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