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初二英语选择填空练习Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the box in their proper forms Name_ Class_ _Mistakesshow walk go get have1. He usually _ to school at seven.2. We shall stay here for a day if it _ tomorrow.3. A: Where are the students of Class Four? B: They _ things ready downstairs. They _ an English party this coming Sunday.4. While the students were having their pair work, their teacher _ round the classroom.leave not hurry have arrive rain5. Please write to us as soon as you _ in Australia.6. Dont make any noise. The students _ a maths test.7. It _ heavily when I left the supermarket.8. The train _ in a quarter. If you _, you will miss it.wait rain be make write9. When and where _ you born?10. Hurry, your mother _ for you at the gate.11. He _ back to you as soon as he gets your letter.12. _ it often _ in winter?13. Mr Smith came to China a year ago. I _ friends with him.take come lend be carry14. Summer _ after spring.15. Would you please _ me your magazine?16. There _ a talk on modern science tomorrow afternoon.17. I cant find my key. I think somebody _ it by mistake.18. He cant walk fast because he _ a heavy box now.wait tell get answer go19. When Alice _ home yesterday afternoon, Mary _ for her. Mary asked Alice _ her call and _ her whether she _ to the library with her next Sunday.live be not get have come20. You must take the underground, or you _ to the meeting on time.21. While we _ the English lesson, someone was knocking at the door.22. If Mr White _ to our office tomorrow, Ill let him do it again.23. A: _ your uncle _ in Pudong? B: Yes, but now he is not here. He _ away for two months.ring study take reach come24. Ill let his mother know if Jack _ Beijing tomorrow.25. Mr Smith, with his family, _ to visit Shanghai once a year.26. As soon the bell _, all the students _ their seats and waited for the teacher.27. Neither Betty nor Tim speaks Chinese well, because they _ it for only two months.not throw work catch finish read28. The policemen _ the thieves two days ago.29. _ the waste paper on the ground, please.30. I _ an interesting book when mother came home yesterday evening.31. If your deskmate _ harder, she will learn English better.32. A: _ you _ your homework? B: No, not yet.wear say be feel (already) prepare33. One _ happy when others flatter him in his face. It is said that the best way of flattering someone is to give him a “top hat” _. A student was going to leave the capital to become an official in a city far away. Before he started, he came to say good-bye to his teacher. “It is not an easy job to be a good official,” his teacher warned. “You must _ strict with yourself.” “Dont worry about me, sir,” the student answered. “I _ one hundred top haps, which will make those people quite happy.” While the student _ these words, his teacher got very angry. He told his student never to do such a thing in his official life.visit not want walk be ask34. One day when I _ in the street, I met a friend of mine. She _ me, “_ you _ the Summer Palace with me?” I said, “I _ there, so I _ to go there again.”be climb make practice wait35. The boy fell off the tree when he _ it.36. Dont worry. We _ for you at the gate of the cinema.37. How many exciting films _ they _ since then?38. His father _ a famous actor at the time.39. Listen! Kate _ reading next door.do frighten come be show40. I _ two foreigners around our school last Friday.41. What _ you _ this time yesterday?42. You _ the boy if you look at him like that.43. My brother _ a doctor for two years.44. The meeting must be over. Look, they _ out of the meeting room.
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