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精品文档欢迎下载 1 Lesson 4 Who Is Hungry? 一、教学目标: 1. 要求学生掌握下列单词: water, tea, candy. 2. 能理解并能口头运用句子: Would you like some _? Yes, please. (肯定回答 ) No, thanks.(否定回答 ) 3. 运用常见实物进行简单会话。 二、学情分析 : 五年级学生经过两年的英语学习,认识很多简单的英语单词,能进行基本 的英语交流, 包括日常对话。而大部分学生对英语有一定的兴趣,有一定的语感和语音、语 调、书写基础,培养了一定的学习习惯。经过英语学习,学生对中西方文化也有了一定的 了解。 但也有部分学生由于平时学习态度不认真,学习习惯差,对英语学习失去了信心, 成绩也不太理想。爱玩是孩子的天性。我在课堂教学中经常把游戏和教学结合起来,采用 TPR活动使教学游戏化, 采用 What s missing? Bingo. Guessing game. Find the position. Pass the word等游戏让学生在情趣盎然的游戏中练习所学的知识,学生不再觉得学习内容 枯燥,乐于参与,自然也乐于学习。有时我还把一些单词串起来,编成儿歌来教他们,效果 比这样干巴巴地教他们好多了。 三、教学重点和难点: 教学重点:本课的三个单词的听说读写。 教学难点:本课的句子及运用实物进行简单会话。 四、教具、学具: 教具: computer, PPT, pictures, word cards, real objects: water, tea, candy 学具:图片,水,糖果,鸡蛋,果汁,牛奶,苹果,桔子,香蕉等。 情境教学法,多媒体教学法,视听法与交际法结合,实物教学法,模拟情境表演法 五、课时安排:一课时 六、教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up /Revision 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Zhang. T: Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. 精品文档欢迎下载 2 T: I m happy to stand here and today.Ill give you a new lesson. 2. Let s chant. Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Dumplings and noodles. Yum! Yum! Yum! Are you thirty? Yes, I am. Tea and juice. Please! Please! Please! ( 设计意图:本环节学生站起来并拍手做chant, 起到了热身的作用,并复习了实物单词 dumplings, noodles 和 juice,进而复习句子Are you hungry?和 Are you thirty?,在欢 快的节拍声中扫清本节课的障碍,为下文做好铺垫。) 3. Sing a song: Delicious Food ( 设计意图:本环节通过关于食物的英文儿歌复习一些实物单词,使学生更快进入英语的 氛围并导入本课课题Who is hungry?。) 4. Topic: Who Is Hungry? 5. Revision: Show the pictures: some fruit, noodles, dumplings, eggs, rice, chicken, meat, fish, soup, juice and milk. ( 设计意图:本环节通过图片重点复习水果,食物和饮料的单词,为下文新单词的呈现做好 铺垫; 单词分了三大类, 从单数到可数名词的复数再到不可数名词,强调 an apple, an orange 和 some+可数名词的复数/ 不可数名词的表达;在复习单词的过程中,用升降掉练习some _, 为下文的句型Would you like some _?的升调读法提前练习。本环节中,用-What would you like? I d like some _.进行问答练习。) Step 2 Presentation 1. Teach new words: (1)Real objects: water and tea. (2)A riddle: Teach the word: candy. ( 设计意图:本环节首先通过单词卡片和实物一瓶水,一杯茶呈现新单词water 和 tea ,在 教授 water and tea 的过程中,将本课的新句型 -Would you like some water/tea? Yes, please. / No, thanks.引出来,并通过师生问答,开火车等方式练习本课重点句型,突破 本课难点。接着,通过一则谜语(riddle)引出单词candy, 运用卡片和实物进行Pair work 练习 -Would you like some candy? Yes, please. / No, thanks.最后,板书Would you 精品文档欢迎下载 3 like some _? Yes, please. / No, thanks.) 2. Teach and practice the sentences: Would you like some _? (1) Using the four pictures. (2) Pair work: Practice: -Would you like some _? -Yes, please. / No, thanks. ( 设计意图:本环节首先通过四幅图片让学生练习课本新句子-Would you like some fruit/water/tea/candy? 接着,幻灯片出示多幅图片,让学生进行拓展性练习:-Would you like some _? -Yes, please. / No, thanks.进而巩固本课难点。) 3. Learn the dialogue: Who is hungry? (1)Listening and reading a. Listen and answer: Who is hungry? b. Listen and answer: 1. Danny would like _. a. water b. an apple and an orange c. tea 2. Li Ming is _. a. hungry b. thirsty 3. Li Ming would like some_. a. water b. candy c. tea 4. Jenny would like some_. a. water b. candy c. tea c. Listen and read ( 设计意图:本环节首先通过第一次听课文对话回答问题Who is hungry?,接着让学生带 着问题边看书边听边圈出答案,解决问题之后,让学生一句一句的跟读录音进行练习。) 4. Reading All the pupils read the dialogue. ( 设计意图:本环节全班通读对话,使学生熟练朗读课文对话,为下文的小组活动做好准 备。 ) Step 3 Practice 1. Role-playing game: Practice the dialogue in four and make a new dialogue using the real objects they have: (1) Group work: E.g: 精品文档欢迎下载 4 (This is my house.) T: Hello, girls. S1, S2, S3: Hello, Miss Zhang. T: Welcome. Nice to meet you. S1, S2, S3: Nice to meet you, too. T: Would you like some water? S1: No, thanks. T: What would you like? S1:I d like an apple. T: Here you are. S1:Thanks. T: You re welcome. . . . (2) Act it out. Give them some stickers. ( 设计意图:本环节通过老师做示范,学生四人一组运用实物编新对话,然后抽查四个小 组进行展示。学生自由创作,发挥他们的想象力,运用学过的句型表演新的对话,既锻炼了 他们的口语又提高了他们的学习英语的兴趣。) Step 4 Expanding knowledge 1. 对话一 : A: Who is _? B: Im _. A: Would you like some_? B: Yes, please. / No, thanks. I d like some _. 对话二 : A: Are you _? B: Yes, I am. A: Would you like some_? B: Yes, please. / No, thanks. I d like some _. A: Here you are. B: Thanks. 2.Enjoy a story: Please don t waste food! 精品文档欢迎下载 5 ( 请不要浪费食物!) ( 设计意图:本环节通过一段小视频,是学生意识到珍惜粮食,反对浪费。) Step 5 Homework C: 听录音读Part1 B: 背诵 Part1 A: 写自己的对话 ( 运用重点句型Would you like some _?自编小对话 ) ( 设计意图:本环节我运用分层作业让学生能自由选择去做,提高不同层次学生的英语 能力。 ) 七、板书 Lesson4 Who is hungry? water Would you like sometea ? candy Yes, please. No, thanks. 八 课后作业 一、选择正确的答案。 1. I d like _ orange. A an B the C a 2. Would you like some _ ? A waters B water C Water 3. - Would you like some milk? - _. A No, thanks. B Yes, thanks. C Thank you. 二、翻译句子。 1. 你想要一些水果吗? 2. I d like some candy. 3. Here you are. 4. 谁饿了?
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