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Lesson 5 单元测试 一、根据汉语补全下列单词。 1.双肩背包 kn_ps_ck 2.生日 b_ _th _ay 3.腰带 b_lt 4. 礼物 pr_s_nt 5. 购物中心sh_pping m_ll 6.九月 S_pt_mber 7. 五月 M_y 8. 今天 t_day 9. 日期 d_te 10. 礼服 s_it 二、连线。 Mother s Day September 10 Children s Day May 8 Teacher s Day January 1 New Year s Day December 25 Chrimtams Day June 1 三、选择。 ( )1. Where _ you going? A . are B . is C . am ( )2. _buy a present for my father. A. For B. To C. At ( )3. His birthday is on _ 15. A. may B. mey C. May ( ) 4. What s_ date today? It s May 6. A. the B. a C. an ( )5. When s_birthday, Dongdong? A. you B. your C. yours ( )6. Let_go to the shopping mall. A. us B. is C. we ( )7. A: Is it your _ birthday? No, it s not. A. father B. father s C. father ( )8. A: What_Tino want to buy for Sandy? B: A belt. A. is B. do C. does ( )9. A: What do you want to buy? B:_ A. Yes, I am B. Let s go shopping. C. Well, I m not sure. ( )10. _is on Jun 1 st. A. Child s B. Children C. Children s Day 四、选词填空。 (一)What When Where How Why 1. _is Cody s birthday? 2. _is the date today? 3. _long does it take to go to school? 4. _are you going? 5. _did you do after school? 6. _don t you ride a bike? 7. _is Children s Day? 8. _does Billy go to school? 9. _was your day? 10. _time do you get up? (二)join about present for Anyway A: Where are you going? B: I m going to buy some_for my teacher. A: Why? B: Tomorrow is Teacher s Day. It s September 10. We want to buy her some presents. Can you_us? A: Sure! What do you want to buy? B: I want to buy some flowers_her. How_you? A: Well, I m not sure. A car or a book? B: _, let s go to the supermarket. 六、阅读理解。 Dongdong: Where are you going? Sandy: To buy a present for my father. Dongdong: Is it your father s birthday? Sandy: Yes, His birthday is on May 5. I want to buy a shirt for him. 1. Sandy wants to buy a shirt for her father.( ) 2. Dongdong will play the game.( ) 3. Billy s father s birthday is on May 5. ( ) 4. Billy wants to buy a shirt.( ) 5. Sandy s father s birthday is in March.( )
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